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Actual Klingon content?

dwadsdwaddwadsdwad Member Posts: 63 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Out of curiosity how many people on KDF would prefer to wait till the next season for a KDF fleshed version of the content rather than a copy/paste job?

Im getting a bit bored of doing missions for reasons that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. While I understand this is mostly due to time constraints I would much rather have KDF missions actually made from a KDF point of view rather than the typical Federation point of view which is very different.

Its either that or merge the two factions because there is really little difference between the two other than aesthetics. Sure the KDF get far less content (not going into that one) but the stuff they do have is essentially copy/paste. In fact it isn't even in doubt. It truely is copy/paste.

Now Mr. Stahl always goes on about doing things for the KDF but frankly we havn't seen much of an indication that he truely means this. Since he has been back he has talked about it and still we have nothing. Its always 'next update will be for KDF'. Then when people ask about the Romulan faction they are greeted with 'not until we flesh out KDF'. Looks like the only time Romulans will be playable is when STO dies off and someone half decent picks up the IP.

I guess perhaps im being a bit harsh however. Its fairly easy to fall into the rage fueled posts amongst these threads.

If any of you devs are actually reading this however I would like to know what your stance on the KDF content currently is?

Why are the Feds and KDF at war if both are working for exactly the same things in every mission we complete?

Has this all been over Chancellor M'Pok receiving dodgy bloodwine from the annual Federation ball?

Please let us know...
Post edited by dwadsdwad on


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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    / signed. I would find KDF faction content instead of copy/paste enjoyable.

    As well I would enjoy a war that made sense before it was taken away in a manner that does not.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I commented on this in another thread long ago, but it is worth repeating, especially since we seem to be moving to an actual end of the war.

    My understanding of the backstory of all this is. Klingons discovered the Undine had infiltrated the alpha quadrant. They decided to protect their home and the galaxy at large. This included a joint Klingon and Orion blockade of the Gorn Homeworld and eventual expunging of all Undine infiltrators on said homeworld.

    The federation, not realizing the extent of the infiltration, if they believed it at all, condemned the Empires actions. J'mpok in response to this withdrew from the Khitomer accords and In this we have our war.

    Here is the problem. From the Fed side, we are discovering and (at least internally) that the Klingons were right all along. So now the war and its disagreements are pretty much irrelevant. Peace is the logical next step.

    That said, I agree with the general consensus, I would hate for peace to just happen. Klingon honor was insulted, and before the Empire even considers returning to peace with the Federation, Honor must be satisfied. Now, if that happens, I say end the war, the two sides have been allies for far too long for either to hold a grudge for grudges sack.
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    That said, I agree with the general consensus, I would hate for peace to just happen. Klingon honor was insulted, and before the Empire even considers returning to peace with the Federation, Honor must be satisfied. Now, if that happens, I say end the war, the two sides have been allies for far too long for either to hold a grudge for grudges sack.

    I think the best way for the war to end would be to have the Iconians launch a massive invasion of the Galaxy, something on the scale of the Destiny novels' "Borg Invasion of 2381". Some massive, immediate threat that forces the factions to come together to save themselves.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    branmakmorrnbranmakmorrn Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You'll Get Nothing and Like It ;)
    I kid, I kid . . .
    I too support a full-blown KDF levelling experience. Complete with KDF-exclusive FE-quality storylines and missions. And also, more anything KDF-related really.
    I already have 14 Lt Gen's, but I could use a good reason to level my Caitian and a Lethean.
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    danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Klingon Content is all good for me. I like it a lot :D
    I'm so happy :D
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    vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2012

    No you don't, thats Cryptic's attitude towards delivering proper exploration, PvP, Ground, KDF, and pretty much customers in general! :p
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    NO !
    No peace in our time.

    A war without end is all I've ever known between humans and Klingons. I will never accept a combined faction, and I will wait for the real KDF content before accepting the reskinned fed content that could come much sooner.

    "To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee."
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We really only have one choice.
    Continue to express our desires and wait to see if they happen or leave and let them put the final shovel of dirt on the KDF while they claim its our fault.

    Frankly, I say fight till the end.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I?d truly love to see the war between the KDF and Federation come to an end; however, it would need to be done though story content that is tailored to both Factions and portrays both Factions reasons for ending the war.

    Though the story that we?ve been given so far it seems very clear that the KDF was 100% correct about the Undine infiltrating the Alpha Quadrant; however, I believe that it was in fact the Undine themselves that fed the KDF the information about where to find their planted spy?s.

    I could see the Undine sacrificing a few of their people to make the Federation look like cowards that failed to honor their alliance with the KDF (which they are) and giving the KDF all the justification in the galaxy to feel that they were disrespected by their blind peace loving allies, hence the war we now fight.

    It was also revealed about 2 years ago that the Undine were being manipulated by the Iconians into infiltrating the Alpha Quadrant and both factions know this has fact and still the war continues.

    The KDF faction needs new story driven content that shows how they choose to deal with the fact that the Iconians have been pulling the strings of the Empire the Federation and the Undine.

    There?s plenty of story that Cryptic could build KDF only content around and plugin to the KDF leveling track so that we can role a KDF Warrior from level 1- max without any leveling gaps.

    Put in the KDF tutorial and create 5-10 early missions that deal with the KDF hunting Undine.

    They could later add some KDF missions that deal with a potential KDF civil war over the current state of the KDF/Federation war and then a resolution mission arc that either leads to the end of the war or give us all a reason to continue fighting it.

    The problem is that Cryptic has shown time after time that the KDF and for the most part the progression of established STO story lines are not something that they are willing to invest resources into.
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    mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Copy and pasted from the fed side

    BoP's - i just bought a bop to try one out they are nothing like the feds have. They are a true glass cannon mad dps but without miracle worker and other neat engineering tricks are sphere one shot meal... all the fed ships are not as soft and will never be able to turn/fly like one

    Battlecuisers - owning a neghvar and mirror BC, galaxy-r, galaxy - x, regent and odyssey, they are in no way the same fed cruisers couldn't even turn as-well or do as much dps even in a wet wet feddy dream again nothing like the fed side

    Carriers - The atrox is a joke i spent 2500 zen on it before i joined the red side and when i flew the voquv and the karfi realized that i had been ripped off big style they are nothing alike

    and please don't talk about fed/klink bonding that TRIBBLE would just be wrong
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
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    dwadsdwaddwadsdwad Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My whole point was that instead of pushing out copy/paste content to have us wait a few weeks after the feds get theirs for us to get the same mission from a different point of view.

    The Klingons and Federation are two completely different organisations but from how Cryptic have portrayed them they both think and act exactly the same, thus making the whole war situation a bit... pants.

    I understand that they have time constraints and even financial constraints and that is why we get these copy/paste situations but honestly it would be far more rewarding for the community and Cryptic if they just delayed KDF content for the month/season after its Federation release so that it can get a true KDF feel to it.

    It would also bolster the numbers of KDF players as Feds would be curious to what the missions were like and thus boost sales for KDF content in the store.

    My biggest issue with STO has always been the way the whole setting does not make sense because both factions are identical in what content they share other than simple aesthetics.
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    dwadsdwaddwadsdwad Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Copy and pasted from the fed side

    BoP's - i just bought a bop to try one out they are nothing like the feds have. They are a true glass cannon mad dps but without miracle worker and other neat engineering tricks are sphere one shot meal... all the fed ships are not as soft and will never be able to turn/fly like one

    Battlecuisers - owning a neghvar and mirror BC, galaxy-r, galaxy - x, regent and odyssey, they are in no way the same fed cruisers couldn't even turn as-well or do as much dps even in a wet wet feddy dream again nothing like the fed side

    Carriers - The atrox is a joke i spent 2500 zen on it before i joined the red side and when i flew the voquv and the karfi realized that i had been ripped off big style they are nothing alike

    and please don't talk about fed/klink bonding that TRIBBLE would just be wrong

    If that is meant to be an argument on the factions being different it is pretty poor.

    Sure we may have differently handling ships but does that equate to anything substantial within the game?

    While a BoP may have the edge in one circumstance an Escort will have it in another. Its all situational.

    Also noone plays the game to buy a ship just to fly it around. The ship is just a means to an end. Its like comparing Targs to Hortas. Essentially its meaningless in the grand scheme of the game.
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    dwadsdwaddwadsdwad Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    We really only have one choice.
    Continue to express our desires and wait to see if they happen or leave and let them put the final shovel of dirt on the KDF while they claim its our fault.

    Frankly, I say fight till the end.

    I have often found it amusing and somewhat insulting/disgraceful that whenever people ask the devs about KDF content (which is every bloody question time!) it somehow ends up being the playerbase fault.

    If there truely are so few people playing KDF like the Devs have said then why does the same question crop up every time?

    Out of all the content specific questions asked the KDF related stuff is more common.

    That kinda confuses me if the KDF are really that small community that isn't worth catering for like we are lead to believe.
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    NO !
    No peace in our time.

    A war without end is all I've ever known between humans and Klingons. I will never accept a combined faction, and I will wait for the real KDF content before accepting the reskinned fed content that could come much sooner.

    "To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee."

    A combined faction, definitely not. But I wouldn't mind too much if the war storyline itself ended.
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    We really only have one choice.
    Continue to express our desires and wait to see if they happen or leave and let them put the final shovel of dirt on the KDF while they claim its our fault.

    Frankly, I say fight till the end.

    Indeed, it is the only honorable thing to do!
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think the best way for the war to end would be to have the Iconians launch a massive invasion of the Galaxy, something on the scale of the Destiny novels' "Borg Invasion of 2381". Some massive, immediate threat that forces the factions to come together to save themselves.

    You really don't need to add anything massive to the overall storyline, Like I said before, everything you need is already there, you just need to end it in a satisfactory way. The Feds know the Empire was right, The just need to admit it and make proper restitution for insulting the Empires honor and we can all go back to being friends.

    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    NO !
    No peace in our time.

    A war without end is all I've ever known between humans and Klingons. I will never accept a combined faction, and I will wait for the real KDF content before accepting the reskinned fed content that could come much sooner.

    "To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee."

    No one here is saying they would except a combined faction. In fact I will flat out state that I am 100% against combining the two. The Klingons are a unique culture and must remain unique. But that doesn't mean we have to go around killing each other, we got along separately before, we can do it again.

    errab wrote: »
    I?d truly love to see the war between the KDF and Federation come to an end; however, it would need to be done though story content that is tailored to both Factions and portrays both Factions reasons for ending the war.

    Though the story that we?ve been given so far it seems very clear that the KDF was 100% correct about the Undine infiltrating the Alpha Quadrant; however, I believe that it was in fact the Undine themselves that fed the KDF the information about where to find their planted spy?s.

    I could see the Undine sacrificing a few of their people to make the Federation look like cowards that failed to honor their alliance with the KDF (which they are) and giving the KDF all the justification in the galaxy to feel that they were disrespected by their blind peace loving allies, hence the war we now fight.

    It was also revealed about 2 years ago that the Undine were being manipulated by the Iconians into infiltrating the Alpha Quadrant and both factions know this has fact and still the war continues.

    The KDF faction needs new story driven content that shows how they choose to deal with the fact that the Iconians have been pulling the strings of the Empire the Federation and the Undine.

    The Undine that revealed the Infiltration only did it under torture. It was not a willing reveal. Even then it was the Federations condemnation of the Klingon's actions and the refusal to see the problem before them that set the two sides against each other.
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    dwadsdwaddwadsdwad Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I actually think a combined faction is pretty realistic.


    Because Cryptic acknowledge they have a very poor PvP system that noone partakes in (I blame the messy queue system mainly) and they have openly said they are unsure as to whether they will actually try and implement something half decent or just abandon it.

    With no PvP you have no representation of any conflict whatsoever. How can you be at war with someone without actively combating them?

    Best thing they can do for STO is to continue doing what they are with the Feds, release KDF content from a KDF stand-point (doesn't need to be as much as Feds tbh, just true KDF content), potentially release a third and final faction (any more than 3 is ridiculous, also id probably imagine a 'neutral' faction would be better. Then again Romulans can still be the piggy-in-the-middle I guess) and then add a 'tug-of-war' type contested pvp area (neutral zone) where factions fight over something other than just 'for the sake of it' (id probably suggest some sort of resources to enable the faction to buy awesome gear/consumables).

    Its easier said than done I know but it is what needs to be done.

    Heck if I could id work on STO myself but frankly I lack the skills and ofc don't work for Cryptic... Im always open to offers though if you need a new janitor :P
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dwadsdwad wrote: »
    I actually think a combined faction is pretty realistic.


    Because Cryptic acknowledge they have a very poor PvP system that noone partakes in (I blame the messy queue system mainly) and they have openly said they are unsure as to whether they will actually try and implement something half decent or just abandon it.

    With no PvP you have no representation of any conflict whatsoever. How can you be at war with someone without actively combating them?

    Best thing they can do for STO is to continue doing what they are with the Feds, release KDF content from a KDF stand-point (doesn't need to be as much as Feds tbh, just true KDF content), potentially release a third and final faction (any more than 3 is ridiculous, also id probably imagine a 'neutral' faction would be better. Then again Romulans can still be the piggy-in-the-middle I guess) and then add a 'tug-of-war' type contested pvp area (neutral zone) where factions fight over something other than just 'for the sake of it' (id probably suggest some sort of resources to enable the faction to buy awesome gear/consumables).

    Its easier said than done I know but it is what needs to be done.

    Heck if I could id work on STO myself but frankly I lack the skills and ofc don't work for Cryptic... Im always open to offers though if you need a new janitor :P

    So combining the factions will force me to play a klingon looking toon without any identity whatsoever, and pvp against my own kind.

    Feds will still get more ships, and the grind will have a faction neutral face on it. The game will be more boring than it is now. OOOOOhh, I know- more missions with AI foes (that are already stupid beyond belief).

    Ya, great idea there.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    dwadsdwaddwadsdwad Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    So combining the factions will force me to play a klingon looking toon without any identity whatsoever, and pvp against my own kind.

    Feds will still get more ships, and the grind will have a faction neutral face on it. The game will be more boring than it is now. OOOOOhh, I know- more missions with AI foes (that are already stupid beyond belief).

    Ya, great idea there.

    It wasn't a suggestion, it was foresight.

    I personally think it would be a horrendous day if/when that happens. The KDF need to be exactly what they are, unique.

    The Federation story is told fairly well (if you ignore the fact that it has nothing to do with what starfleet strive for) yet the Klingons always seem to be roped into the same content with the same decisions being made and the same outcomes because of that.

    Essentially there is nothing different from my VA Federation toon to my LG KDF toon. Obviously one is blue and one is red but other than that the story has been the same. Sure there have been slight alterations in dialogue but I have done exactly the same thing as I did on the previous toon.

    My first moment of 'whats going on here?' was the Defera stuff. I really don't understand why the KDF would try and help out a clearly inferior species for little to no gain. The Breen were doing what the KDF would have done, enslave the Deferi and get them mining for the Empire. They would oppress the Defera and basically turn them into a slave nation.

    If that had actually happened it would have made the Federations plight against the Klingons a little better too I feel.

    As it is the KDF rush in to help something meaningless for no gain to the Empire. There is a lot more work involved in cooperating with the Defera than there is in simply overpowering them, especially given that their defensive capabilities are non-existant. Let them contemplate the galaxies balance while they mine out their dilithium veins for the Empire.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    So combining the factions will force me to play a klingon looking toon without any identity whatsoever, and pvp against my own kind.

    Feds will still get more ships, and the grind will have a faction neutral face on it. The game will be more boring than it is now. OOOOOhh, I know- more missions with AI foes (that are already stupid beyond belief).

    Ya, great idea there.

    Welcome to fan Segregation Trek Online it sounds like.
    Where in the spirit ( as far as some have said before) of The Great Bird of the Galaxy ( is that the correct quote?) you too will experience a grand adventure in the humans Only Club as your races monetary resources are confused, social dynamics over written and moral outlook is replaced to suit the united consumption of semi-sporadic releases of new federation aproved content in both random boxed and free .......

    At this point the mind goes numb and mutterings of, "z..en. zen. must buy ..zen" start and the game feels creepy.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    So combining the factions will force me to play a klingon looking toon without any identity whatsoever, and pvp against my own kind.

    Feds will still get more ships, and the grind will have a faction neutral face on it. The game will be more boring than it is now. OOOOOhh, I know- more missions with AI foes (that are already stupid beyond belief).

    Ya, great idea there.

    It might not be what you'd like to see but it is more likely - at this point in time - than true KDF content ( reading Dstahl's blogs shows that they are slowly backing off from KDF entirely ) .Let's face it :chance of them ever expanding KDF into a true faction - on par with FED - is a total of 0 % . Due to dwindling size of KDF population it's even safe to say that with every day passing that chance diminishes as well. They waited too long with the expansion for it to be viable to pour lots of resources in it . It simply isn't profitable anymore .
    ....sad and I wish it wasn't so , but it is.
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    patrickngo wrote: »
    NOW, on the other hand, the Romulans...the pointed eared P'taq Romulans, with their greasy ways and traitor's hearts? our involvement there is truly...sickening. These are the false allies that attacked us, that betrayed us, that sought to overthrow the empire with not one, but TWO traitor houses on two occasions. I am left wondering if Ja'rod isn't vying for a third try in the name of his Disgraced and Discommended ancestor Duras.

    "Ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat." The Klingons have stopped fighting D'Tan's Unificationists because they have a greater battle ahead (the Iconians) and need to throw resources at that rather than the old hostilities.

    That, and D'Tan is trying to make the Romulans honorable. That, surely, must appeal to the Klingons.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    A combined faction, definitely not. But I wouldn't mind too much if the war storyline itself ended.

    Let me settle my viewpoint on the war once and for all.

    I am not against the war ending.

    I am against how Cryptic is forcing the end of the war seemingly to appease the fed fanbase whom do not understand it without ever fleshing the war story out so the player as he/she progresses of the ranks so the discovering of teh Iconian/Undine plot becomes apparent to the player allowing said player to slowly progress from being in a war mindset to a mindset that says this is wrong and I will be the hero that fights the good fight, even against the orders of my superiors becuase honor ( or duty to peace if a fed) demands I protect the Empire - if even from herself.

    We have none of this in STO accept haphazzard attempts that fail to impress the story upon the fed player and nothing that allows any player to progress from Blind Follower to Fore-sighted Hero.

    Instead we have imposed peace becuase of "time issues" or other excuses in endgame missions that push teh peace instead of letting the player find it on their own with no regards to the STO Path to 2409 backstory.

    Right now STO is a Job that one clocks into do get paid so one can buy stuff form the company store. It has littel story that draws one in and gives purpose to ones climb up the ranks before endgame hits and the real jobs begin.

    Thats just not fun. Gimme a game to enjoy instead of a job to dislike overtime becuase nothing changes or matters if I continue to work work work.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dwadsdwad wrote: »

    If there truely are so few people playing KDF like the Devs have said then why does the same question crop up every time?

    As for me, I bought a lifer sub and plan to use that advantage to push the question till the server melts.
    I can not speak for others.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Let me settle my viewpoint on the war once and for all.

    I am not against the war ending.

    I am against how Cryptic is forcing the end of the war seemingly to appease the fed fanbase whom do not understand it without ever fleshing the war story out so the player as he/she progresses of the ranks so the discovering of teh Iconian/Undine plot becomes apparent to the player allowing said player to slowly progress from being in a war mindset to a mindset that says this is wrong and I will be the hero that fights the good fight, even against the orders of my superiors becuase honor ( or duty to peace if a fed) demands I protect the Empire - if even from herself.

    We have none of this in STO accept haphazzard attempts that fail to impress the story upon the fed player and nothing that allows any player to progress from Blind Follower to Fore-sighted Hero.

    Instead we have imposed peace becuase of "time issues" or other excuses in endgame missions that push teh peace instead of letting the player find it on their own with no regards to the STO Path to 2409 backstory.

    Right now STO is a Job that one clocks into do get paid so one can buy stuff form the company store. It has littel story that draws one in and gives purpose to ones climb up the ranks before endgame hits and the real jobs begin.

    Thats just not fun. Gimme a game to enjoy instead of a job to dislike overtime becuase nothing changes or matters if I continue to work work work.

    Well Said!!
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    trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rikwessels wrote: »
    It might not be what you'd like to see but it is more likely - at this point in time - than true KDF content ( reading Dstahl's blogs shows that they are slowly backing off from KDF entirely ) .Let's face it :chance of them ever expanding KDF into a true faction - on par with FED - is a total of 0 % . Due to dwindling size of KDF population it's even safe to say that with every day passing that chance diminishes as well. They waited too long with the expansion for it to be viable to pour lots of resources in it . It simply isn't profitable anymore .
    ....sad and I wish it wasn't so , but it is.

    I don't believe for one moment that the KDF population is dwindling. In fact I would say it's quite the opposite. Of the last 10 STF's I ran (PUGs), 3 of them were 5-men KDF. When was the last time you were on Qo'noS or in space near it? It is always packed with ships. When I did Mine Trap earlier this morning, more than half of us were KDF. Granted you can't estimate a population like that but to me it shows that the actualy percentage of people playing KDF is far higher than what they are claiming.

    And I'm not totalling opposed to an end to the war. In fact you can't even call it a war. And remember that the vor'cha was actually a joint effort between Starfleet and the Empire. Imagine what ships we could invent now?
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rikwessels wrote: »
    It might not be what you'd like to see but it is more likely - at this point in time - than true KDF content ( reading Dstahl's blogs shows that they are slowly backing off from KDF entirely ) .Let's face it :chance of them ever expanding KDF into a true faction - on par with FED - is a total of 0 % . Due to dwindling size of KDF population it's even safe to say that with every day passing that chance diminishes as well. They waited too long with the expansion for it to be viable to pour lots of resources in it . It simply isn't profitable anymore .
    ....sad and I wish it wasn't so , but it is.

    All we know is that it appears Cryptic is prepping for the Crawfish move that we KDF expect. At this point they may be doing it strictly out of habit more than anything else.

    Until Season 8 hits we know nothing for sure.

    As to dwindling.. that doesn't hold much water with me at all. I see more KDF players now when I do log in than I ever have. I see more new names sporting that Trifoil blades logo and asking questions in the KDF forums as well.
    Heck, even Qo'nos is experiencing slow download speeds just like the feds do at ESD becuase of it for me.
    Never experienced that before at Qo'nos.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    "Ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat." The Klingons have stopped fighting D'Tan's Unificationists because they have a greater battle ahead (the Iconians) and need to throw resources at that rather than the old hostilities.

    That, and D'Tan is trying to make the Romulans honorable. That, surely, must appeal to the Klingons.

    Yes, yes, of course! We'll let some weak Romulan colony go so that we can 'prepare ourselves' to fight a rather laughable excuse for Iconians (Iconians that differ quite a bit from how the novelizations depict them. . .which are the only thing that have information about Iconians beyond surface depictions). Oh, the Iconians are returning to subvert and conquer us all! As if we didn't have enough plotlines going on with the effing Borg, Undine, Federation-Klingon war, etc.

    I'm not buying this Iconian-war guff, and I never have tbh. It's always been a unnecessary sideshow in my mind, to make the Romulan story arc a little more 'interesting'.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
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