What good is the [DMG] modifier on something that has the power of a turret, even if its kinetic damage.....[DMG] has always been TRIBBLE for anything
When i was thinking about the stats of this item, i thought it would be something like a photon torpedo in reload speed and maybe 1/2 the damage, but with the style of a beam, with 360 degree arc.
i get it to find out that it is, for all intents and purposes, a glorified turret/beam/torp hybrid.
also, what does it mean on the 2-pc bonus about weapon resistance?
and now that using the borg tractor beam is VIABLE to an extent with the ability to combine it with the cutting beam to add a huge amt of damage to the hull after shields are down, the 4m CD is WAY too long...drop it to a minute CD or AT MOST 2 minutes
Though I'm curious about the 2.5% chance... it doesn't specify exactly when it tries to apply that chance; when under attack, every sec in combat, or other situations
And while I'm here: does anyone know if you can do two of the exact same missions in one faction? Like if I focus solely on Omega Force, could I do two 'File Situation Report on Status of the Borg Threat' missions at once?
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
I also believe this is correct. For the 3 second period your weapons power cannot be drained. I've seen a few threads like this and no developer confirmation/explanation yet though.
You can't. Like Starbase projects, the game will not let you take 2 of the same project at the same time, nor will it allow you to queue them up in such a way that it could happen.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
rats lol...that would have been cool to use a cutting beam boat....the beams look really cool.