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Task Force Argo Is Recruiting! - Medium to Heavy RP Fleet

quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2015 in Earth Spacedock

Task Force Argo (previously known as Sector Command) is a casual medium-to-heavy RP fleet that's been active for many years currently looking to bolster its numbers with creative minds!

Fun and respect is our OOC directive, with casual playtimes and a serious dedication to a no-stress no-drama environment.

We host weekly in-game events involving straight RP, foundry events, PvE content, or a mix, and have a strong forum activity as well. Forum contribution is not required, but we do use it heavily to convey information and host fleet contests.

Our vision of Star Trek RP involves a few key aspects:

1. All our members are captains, the civilian equiv, or below, with our fleet leader being a commodore. Joining members will be a captain or below, or of civilian rank equivalent to captain or below.

2. We value unique characters and stories, and do not accept characters from borrowed IP.

3. We emphasize quality RP. To this end, we don't accept Mary Sues or overpowered characters, and we appreciate the English language. If you know the difference between alot and a lot, and use roughly proper grammar in your roleplay, we're interested!

IC Premise:
TFA's operations are based on Outpost Argo, an in-construction starbase, with a number of Federation ships answering to that command. This allows us to have a variety of roleplay opportunities, from starbase counselors, doctors, to bartenders, research facilities postings, to captains, commanders, and other junior officer positions on other players' ships. So if you already have a position in mind, it's likely we'll have a place for you!

Recently, Task Force Argo sustained heavy losses in an ambush by Klingon fleet Strike Force Kargas, a longstanding enemy. In an effort to replace the catastrophic loss of life, Task Force Argo is going through a massive recruitment drive, seeking the best, the brightest, the most reckless and interesting officers out there.

If this all sounds ossum an' golden to you, drop by our forums at http://taskforceargo.enjin.com/ for more information! If it still looks like the place for you, the first step to joining is the 'recruitment' option on the top of that menu. Happy hunting!
Post edited by quaenorde on


  • maarkeanmaarkean Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Greetings! I run a fleet, Task Force Delta, that's has a similar set up to yours. All of our players main character is a ship CO of some sort (some RP alts as other things for diversity).

    We do medium RP, mainly while engaged in game play (ie playing in character while running missions). We have a tier 3 starbase and looking for another like minded fleet that might be interested in a merger to help both parties advance the starbase, enjoy good RP and good game play.

    You can contact me here or in game @Maarkean if you're at all interested in discussing this prospect.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thank you very much for the offer, Maarkean!

    We're not really keen on a merger (our Starbase is quite near T3, itself), but we might be interested in some fleet intermingling for RP and PVE purposes. If this is still of interest to Task Force Delta, feel free to shoot me a note here or in game @Quaen!

    Thanks, and have a good'n'!
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Task Force Argo is looking for only a few more recruits before our recruitment drive ends!~
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    EDIT: Changing recruitment status.

    If you have an interest in arranging RP, please contact an officer in game.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Task Force Argo is undergoing its January recruitment drive!

    We're aiming for 4-6 quality RPers to join us, share their stories, and create new ones either in free-form mission or via Foundry! Don't be scared just because we have XR-377!
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I love the people at Task Force Argo. Quality all around
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Aww, thank you! :3 The 26th is a blast as well!
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    For this month's arc, Task Force Argo is investigating the surge of defectors from the Breen Confederacy and their unconditional surrender of knowledge and technology.

    The Federation has authorized many of their Chel Grett cruisers for use in the ranks, but there's still a large amount of suspicion among Starfleet.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oh goodness, what a find! In searching for my own thread, I found a recruitment thread from a few years ago, when the fleet changed its name from Sector Command. The new Task Force Argo advert is now in Archived Limbo! How fun!
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Putting our members' talents to use:

    We love people to host their own events, get other members involved in their personal miniplots, build foundry missions, or contribute in whatever other creative ways they feel like! For example, two of our members are working on a CSS/jQuery based roster to embed on our enjin site, to display our standing orders using a LCARS layout! It's pretty cool!
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    With the mass exodus of Breen from the Breen Confederacy to the sanctuary of either Starfleet or the Klingon Empire, Outpost Argo is set to investigate the cause of this revolution among a species where defection is worse than death.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    A PvE fleet with an interest in expanding its horizons into RP has invited all RPers to an RP event on DS9, Quark's, on February 8th at 8pm EST!

    Task Force Argo will be there!
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Tossing this up on our calender as well. They'll have the 26th's support! =-) Is there an IC reasoning in place for the convergence of these fleets? Or shall we come up with ideas on our own?
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    From what I understand, it's an OOCly organized meetup, so IC reason is on your own head!
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The RP event in Quark's has been moved to the following day, same time! The host got called in for extra work on the originally scheduled date.

    RPers are invited to Quark's on Saturday the 9th, at 8pm EST. Task Force Argo and the 26th both intend to show!
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    An all systems bulletin has been put out on one R'zo-vek 'Razor', previously Commodore of Task Force Argo.

    The Iskeran was last seen in a type 10 shuttle using Outpost Argo's starbase transwarp, after issuing an evacuation drill in order to dismantle and steal the starbase's dilithium crystal chamber.

    A small team interrupted the Iskeran mid-theft, but were unsuccessful in stopping him or recovering the chamber-- in part for the interference by one Chassy S. Quaen, Department Head and top researcher for the stations' science facility, AG-21-8.

    She is currently in custody aboard Outpost Argo.

    Command currently lies on the shoulders of Captain Ryan Noah, XO, but an official from Starfleet Command in en route to head the investigation.

  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Chassy S. Quaen has been put under Starbase arrest and is awaiting her hearing on Friday, the 15th. How will her peers judge her actions?~
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Chassy S. Quaen was not found guilty of treason, or even of aiding and abetting the criminal ex-commodore, but rather her actions were filed under 'negligence, inexperience, and a bad judgment call'.

    She has been docked two ranks for 90 days, serving as an LTC for the duration, and will be retaking her command track examinations.

    The fugitive Razor, on the other hand, has been sighted twice, once via eye-witness and later escaped capture from a Starfleet vessel. No injuries or casualties reported as of yet, but he holds a rank of #18 on Starfleet's 'Most Wanted' list given the sensitive nature of information the ex-commodore holds.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    "Have you mentioned that the guild leader loves cookies?" -- Worfgagnon
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Following the devastation dealt to the 26th fleet's (a fellow RP fleet) Starbase Praetorian, Outpost Argo is in the process of routing supplies and assigning a few vessels for support.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Task Force Argo has been invited to partake in a Borg infiltration operation guided by a MACO team from the 26th fleet as a courtesy, since the targeted outpost is within Task Force Argo's jurisdiction.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The joint TFA-26th mission went without a hitch, both parties (the space-oriented team sent to jam the listening post and the ground team assigned to clearing out borg drones from the landing site) performed their duties with excellence.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    TFA has hit its Tier 3 starbase construction~! Wheee~~
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Task Force Argo members were recently invited on a 48-hour meditative retreat on Vulcan.

    Unsurprisingly, not many took up the offer, but those that did found the experience..noteworthy.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Following a freighter's accidental 'first contact' with the Waydi species, Task Force Argo scrambles to collect intel on the species and their system to prepare for the diplomatic negotiations of this pre-warp culture.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Negotiations with the Waydi went nightmarishly poor - the Klingons, having been the true 'First Contact' used them as bait for the Federation! The U.S.S. Brunton was lost in the resulting skirmish.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Elsewhere, Task Force Argo, in joint with MACO's team 34 assigned to the 26th fleet, successfully reclaimed their listening outpost infiltrators...despite trap-laid efforts to the contrary.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    An unexpected Class IV probe arrived at the starbase two days ago; a modified device from the ship lost in the Klingon ambush on Waydi Prime...
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Following instructions relayed telepathically to one Doctor Katriel Sedai from a Waydi crystal stowed within the probe, Starfleet met up with the Waydi in a meeting kept secret from the Klingons.

    Along with their apologies for the first meeting and a plea in freeing their planet from the Klingon 'invaders', the Waydi representative presented Starfleet with three rescued survivors from the U.S.S. Brunton and five caskets of others who had passed in the conflict.
  • quaenordequaenorde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    TFA OOCLy welcomes Romulan players with its TFA/Romulan Starfleet uniform contest!

    ICly, there's a differing of opinions as SF Command negotiates with New Romulus.
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