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Season 7 Sets Space/ Ground Window Shopping

quickdraw74quickdraw74 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
Is there a place to actually "window shop" the items before you get to the next tier or any tier for that matter. Some of us like to have plans and goals :D . I know you can look at the sets in the tier you are at, but didn't see where you could at higher tiers. It was always motivating that you could go to the vendor on DS9 and look at what you could earn.

The main reason:

I was pondering on doing my Romulan passive skill and wanted to know if the NEW MACO XII deflector is going to be like the old one and have Shield Systems +17.5 . If so I may choose the other skill. Just don't like upgrading just to be upgrading. I won't be too happy finding out after all this upgrading and waiting, that it is either A) Nerfed or B) the same as what I have.
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  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Only place to window shop is if a dev has released info about it or someone has unlocked the appropriate tier. If you are talking about the Adapted MACO Mk XII deflector, then it has the same stats as the Honor Guard Mk XII deflector. There is no information that I have heard that the MACO Mk XII deflector has changed stats.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Heh, it's actually a huge problem for me I am not allowed to read the stats off the items before committing.

    I am not going to throw 90 marks and 2 days of leveling away just to get a look at the numbers
  • quickdraw74quickdraw74 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    Only place to window shop is if a dev has released info about it or someone has unlocked the appropriate tier. If you are talking about the Adapted MACO Mk XII deflector, then it has the same stats as the Honor Guard Mk XII deflector. There is no information that I have heard that the MACO Mk XII deflector has changed stats.

    Thank you for the info. It would be nice if they let us look at all the tier sets so we can decide ahead of time what we want so we can plan and make any changes to our toon as needed.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Only Store Unlocks I am getting is the Mk XII ones and the Tier 2 Anti-Borg Consumables unlock. Of course, there are the various equipment available like the Cutting Beam Array and Zero-Point Energy Console that I will delay levelling. I will get the console this weekend. The 400 Romulan Marks from trading in the Elder Epohh certainly goes far and is repeatable. Would take a few days to get enough Romulan Marks if I didn't have that.
  • quickdraw74quickdraw74 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Honor guard deflector doesn't have Shield Systems as a stat now - so there again it would be nice to know this kind of stuff if we are suppose to be picking out captain abilities. I am an Engineer running a Fleet Patrol escort. The structural integrity and shield systems are what I thrive on. The Shield Emitters on the MACO are nice to have also. Both are listed below.........

    So if what you say is true, I will keep what I got. No reason for me to do tons of Elite STFs for the Borg Neural Processors if the gear isn't an upgrade for me. It would be nice to have a look on the rest of the stuff so everyone can decide if the time/cost is worth the reward. That way everyone can set up a plan on how they want to do this thing.

    M.A.C.O. Graviton Deflector Array Mk XII
    Very Rare Ship Deflector Dish
    Bind On Pickup
    Vice Admiral
    Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
    +17.5 Starship Shield Emitters
    +26.2 Starship Structural Integrity
    +17.5 Starship Shield System
    +8.8 Starship Electro-Plasma System
    +17.5 Starship Inertial Dampers
    +17.5 Starship Graviton Generators

    Klingon Honor Guard Positron Deflector Array Mk XII
    Very Rare Ship Deflector Dish
    Bind On Pickup
    Lieutenant General
    Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
    +18 Starship Structural Integrity
    +8.8 Starship Electro-Plasma System
    +18 Starship Flow Capacitors
    +18 Starship Graviton Generators
    +8.8 Starship Stealth
    +18 Starship Particle Generator
    +18 Subspace Decompiler
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