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how morality impacts our PVP, by horizon

thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
edited November 2012 in PvP Gameplay
hey all, your old friend horizon here with another topic to discuss.....

what is it that defines what we want to do in battle? i like to do the damage, hopefully you guys see that.... but rarely do i get the rage pm's, or the "how the f did you do that" pm's when my healing is off the charts in my engie sci ship thats in a no name fleet......(and im keeping that a secret) vs Damian, my tac in the Critz...... who REALLY likes to have fun and kill bad guys.... right?

so, what is it that drives you?

for me, i am thinking very internally, what is my captain, and ship supposed to do in battle? and secondly, how can i best maximize that with my current team?

for me, and some of you may want to call bs on this, but those of you who know me know i fly very defensively. full shields and aux on my tac bug about 80% of the time.....

but why? why would CaptainHorizon as Damian fly fully defensively in most matches?

because i want my team to succeed!

if my engie cruiser is dead in the water... who is gonna heal me? *here goes a full aux tss2 and tac team from my tac bug*

if my sci sci is dead in the water......who is going to nuke the target i want to kill? how about a full aux hazzards 1 and a delta for you......


so, what drives you morally in this game? personal fame? notariety? the highest damage or kill count? best healing even?


for me, its the bond we form as teammates. pug or premade the same. the willingness, and drive to achieve what we are capable of.

win or lose.

where are you at? morally in this game?

have fun, kill bad guys

Post edited by thishorizon on


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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I avoid teams. I do not want to let anybody down nor feel that somebody let me down. I prefer PUGland. I suppose you could say I'm a PvPslut - I'll play with and against* anybody.

    *Though I'm unlikely to respawn in C&H against an AA/AMS/ASD/Theta camp - I'll be thinking about the rest of my PUG while out having a smoke.

    edit: Avoiding teams does not equate to being something other than a team player. It's just the long term commitment that I avoid.
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    upyournacelles2upyournacelles2 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I take great pride in keeping my team alive. If I'm dps'ing, whether I'm calling the shots, or I'm support dps, I listen to what my team is telling me, listen to what my eyes are telling me, listen to what my gut tells me, and then proceed forward with as much info as possible. Always put my team first. I've died many times because I've given my heals to a team mate and came up short for myself. In a good premade with someone like horizon on it, I usually get enough cross healing support for this not to happen, but if it doesnt, I know I've died doing my best to help my team.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i am kaptain kirk
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    gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hey all, your old friend horizon here with another topic to discuss.....

    what is it that defines what we want to do in battle? i like to do the damage, hopefully you guys see that.... but rarely do i get the rage pm's, or the "how the f did you do that" pm's when my healing is off the charts in my engie sci ship thats in a no name fleet......(and im keeping that a secret) vs Damian, my tac in the Critz...... who REALLY likes to have fun and kill bad guys.... right?

    so, what is it that drives you?

    for me, i am thinking very internally, what is my captain, and ship supposed to do in battle? and secondly, how can i best maximize that with my current team?

    for me, and some of you may want to call bs on this, but those of you who know me know i fly very defensively. full shields and aux on my tac bug about 80% of the time.....

    but why? why would CaptainHorizon as Damian fly fully defensively in most matches?

    because i want my team to succeed!

    if my engie cruiser is dead in the water... who is gonna heal me? *here goes a full aux tss2 and tac team from my tac bug*

    if my sci sci is dead in the water......who is going to nuke the target i want to kill? how about a full aux hazzards 1 and a delta for you......


    so, what drives you morally in this game? personal fame? notariety? the highest damage or kill count? best healing even?


    for me, its the bond we form as teammates. pug or premade the same. the willingness, and drive to achieve what we are capable of.

    win or lose.

    where are you at? morally in this game?

    have fun, kill bad guys


    I play a healing role, as a science and engineer. For me, the most enjoyable parts of PvP play are as follows:

    - The delight of teamwork
    - Cleverness and strategy: I love science esp. because I like being a chess player not a bulldozer operator.
    - Healing: Again, I enjoy supporting the dmg dealers. Plus, healing requires strategy and timing as well, characteristics of the game which are enjoyable to me.

    Regarding your initial question about how morality affects gameplay, there are a number of items (P2W consoles, danubes/siphons, etc.) that i choose not to use. Plus, I think it is very important to honor and respect opponents, even if they are not the best players.
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    drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The morality of PvP is based on three fundamental laws.

    ... in a good premade everyone shines.
    ... in a bad pug even a "premade"-veteran folds.
    ... premades gank better than pugs.
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    caffran607caffran607 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have become less and less inclined to share heals and skills because of the number of players simply won't return them. In an escort I'm more willing to share tac teams or a HE because its much easier to get out of trouble if the enemy suddenly focus you.
    However in a cruiser, to often (and i'm sure others have experienced it) you can send out multiple heals to different players helping them stay alive, and then you get targeted, subnuked, VMed and tractored, and you sit there with everything on cooldown and nobody on your team is even thinking of sharing their heals with you, often a Tac Team would be enough. Plus being less maneuverable, when you do get focused, its not often you can get out of trouble, plus all dem damn tractor beamzes on dem Danooobs holding everyone up.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i am kaptain kirk

    Kirk1 > Picard > KirkSr > Pike2 > Kirk2 > Pike > Archer > Janeway > Sisko
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, for me, it's a bit of TRIBBLE for tat. I will certainly attempt to toss heals onto my teammates if possible (I always PuG anyway). However, historically, as an escort, my heals were generally on cooldown, and anything I had left would have a very long cooldown, such as Science Fleet or Team Fortress. However, given that my main is a science captain that simply cannot keep up in terms of damage, I've switched to Sci debuffing and some healing on the side. However, if I'm not getting any crosshealing, I'm going to start hoarding. It's not me being vindictive. It's just a matter of survival.

    I PvP because it's fun and challenging to pit myself against others. To be frank, I am somewhat burnt out on PvE, except for the regular ISE once in a while, because it's very formulaic - standard enemies with supercrits and super HP. In PvP, at least, there are counters and strategies that people use, and that's what I find fun. However, having a reputation (if I had one) for fairness and skill would be nice.

    In terms of broken stuff, especially Voldy, I might break out some P2W - Iso charge and grav pulse are my favourite TRIBBLE-for-tat items. Also, anyone using the bug will find me making them a priority target.
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    erkyss2erkyss2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I like pew pew, but if i`m flying my sci recluse, then i love FBP3 -.-, and orb weaver on KDF is whole different story that no1 would understood :P
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm a team player. I was a team player in other games and try to maximize that approach in this game. I have fun in heal builds, but I also like to blow stuff up.

    I won't use exploits. I could outfit several ships with snb doffs, but would never do that even if the community turned to doing it. At that point the game would be dead to me. I'd just play Black Ops 2 or Halo 4.
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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I like to have a tough little ship that blows people up..

    Sisko was my STO hero. He was so bad TRIBBLE he punched Q and got a way with it.

    He even became a God like being and transended..

    So there. :D
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm an afker in pug/premade PvP matches.

    When I'm under attack at my spawn, I suddenly come out from being AFK not wanting to die. Only to annoy people with maximum amounts of spam, trics, sn doffs, and voldemort. When I respawn at another location, I go back to being afk. -_-

    Don't hate me.

    I love Borticus and hate PvP.

    PvE For Lyfe!

    Turkish RP Heroes
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited November 2012
    i was hoping someone would bring up borked gear and powers.......

    which is kinda why i asked how morality impacts you in PVP.... and since its thanksgiving, i thought it might bring out the best in us.

    unfortunately, this game still has lots of balance issues. there are 8 million things going on, and sometimes its hard to even know where to begin to tackle the list of: this is really messed up....

    last night while pugging it and raging in OPVP with maverick and lantern about politics, in several matches i found myself recieving a combo that looked like this:

    you have now been:
    grav pulsed
    time bubble thingied
    caught in a tykens (btw, who the f is running tykens right now anyways?)
    being hit with that vesta def dish beam
    slammed by tric mines
    slowed by chron mines
    grav pulsed again
    did that guy just use jam sensors?

    and the thing was..... i was still alive.

    it was just 45 seconds of me staring at the screen and smiling while hitting distribute shields. and this happend twice, maybe 3 times last night.... in Solar Wind.....idunno, i was a little drunk.

    so when it all comes down to it, they are all just little toys that really do not mean TRIBBLE unless you put them in the hands of a team that can coordinate and make the best of them.

    thats why everyone says: man, i was just cheesed to death, because eventually, there will be a hole in that cheese, and you will either get out, or die. leaving no actual GAMING SKILL being lent to the kill.

    which is WAY UBER LAME!!!!!!!

    how can this be what we want from our matches? all i want to do is have fun kill bad guys.
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    beary666stobeary666sto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well Tyken's + the Tyken's Doff can be nasty.
    Join Date: Sep 2009
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I absolutely love having a good healer that's got my back as I fly a tac escort. It's really something else. Because of how awesome I think it is to play with a good healer on my team I decided to make a heal boat myself and return the favor. Unfortunately, it gets very little use. I'm not in any premades but do fly some pugmades from time to time, which is quite enjoyable, except for one little thing: the competition, or lack thereof. I team with some really good players in my pugmades like Hei Qin and dontdrunk, and over 90% of the time there is no reason to run a healer unless we're fighting another pugmade or premade, which rarely happens even though I post requests/challenges in opvp.

    I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say other than I wish I could fly my healer more and there was some sort of infrastructure that put teams up against teams and solo pugs up against other solo pugs. That would really add a lot to the experience imo for both sides. If I use my healer as a solo pug, it's a complete crapshoot as to whether there will be any DPS on the pug team, which is why I usually fly an escort when I'm soloing it. I'm just a little sad at the current state of pvp because it has so much potential, but I'll get over it.

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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah, there's so much that's a complete mess in STO I wouldn't know where to start were I asked to help clean it up. I mean, chain nukes are legit, don't get me wrong, and so are trikes... sorta...

    Well, I'm just a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes the state of the game bums me out but I get over it pretty pronto.

    I've also seen a Crits team field five (?) Tyken'ses at once and, yeah... it gets pretty nasty. lol
    vids and guides and stuff

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    devorasxdevorasx Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012
    I PVP because of Minmax! See my sig :D
    Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!

    PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
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    brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited November 2012
    devorasx wrote: »
    I PVP because of Minmax! See my sig :D

    Hehe, you'd have a lot more luck running into him if you logged into a certain other game... I'll stop there to prevent the derailment of Horizon's thread.

    On topic: P2W is a part of the game now. There is more of it available to use than not (or close to). Honestly the overwhelming number of abilities that can be thrown at you, many with no counters, is why I stopped pewing in this game. It became a spamfest... one that frequently bottlenecks my internet connection during primetime hours (my isp oversold bandwidth in my area and there are no alternatives), causing me to ping spike well into the several second range (I had the same connection before the addition of Danubes and Uni Consoles, but never noticed I was having bandwidth issues until the spam levels went off the charts).

    My primary hope is that Cryptic and PWE will wake up, see the potential of STO space Pew, and fix it. Because I really, really want to play (even if only between midnight and 6 pm, thanks Windstream), 3 years of trying should testify to that. I just stopped having fun, and the availability of "free" extra abilities went a long way in contributing to that feeling (see Horizon's list above). When you combine them with the fact that Consoles were doing better CC than my Sci Boff abilities my role felt diluted as a Sci/Sci captain. Useful still? Yes, but very diluted.

    Anyway, keep up the good fight, kill those bad guys, and don't let them take your fun away too.
This discussion has been closed.