ok now i could be very wrong and just misread something but as i recall season 7 was gonna focus on the lobi store as well as new romulous and the rep system now few things first when we got the rep system it seem as if they took a simple way to get the maco/omega/anti borg items and made it harder and i'm sure alot of you agree on this I don't mind it i just wish it didn't really do that it isn't too bad but i dygress. On to the point Season 7 lobi store focus i believe we were suppost to beable to get lobi crystals more easily what did we get?.... We got a reinforcement pack that would give us ten and we had to spend our money to buy it.... Ok not bad but what would also been nice is to include more Like Lobi crystal missions, missions that give you a set amount of lobi crystals daily. As i know alot of people want these new ships the temporal ships and the lock boxes tend to not give them easily but we notice that one of the ships some of us want badly even ones we failed to get are on the lobi store so for those of us we spend days getting lobi boxes and opening them gathering thousands of lobi crystals manage to get these ships but what about the people who couldn't afford to? I am one of them I had a small change to get a master key a few times i couldn't spend money willy nilly. When i saw season 7 come up and see that the lobi store would be focused and we'd get an easier way to get more lock boxes i was hoping for lobi crystal missions and such not just a reinforcement box that just gives you a chance to get ten lobi crystals for those who agree with me leave a comment, for those who believe i misread tell me if i have but reguardless if i misread or not you should agree with this as well.
well if there wasn't oh well my point still stands i think there was some metion of it being easier to get lobi crystals and there really should be easier ways missions and such
Only thing I have heard about Lobi Store and Season 7 is the 29th Century Uniform. The Featured Episodes Rerun should have 20 Lobi Crystals in total for those that haven't already obtained them.
Only thing I have heard about Lobi Store and Season 7 is the 29th Century Uniform. The Featured Episodes Rerun should have 20 Lobi Crystals in total for those that haven't already obtained them.
are they doing rerun for the episodes cause i can't tell
Icell, not being mean, but please use periods. I had to reread your post a couple of times as things were just running together.
As far as the Lobi store, I too did not see anything about there being any sort of focus on lobi. I did save a lot of lobi on the off chance that they might add something new to the store, but it does not appear they did.
As far as the rep, I agree it's very annoying to have to now wait and pay mass amounts of dilithium for gear when I found it more enjoyable to just run the STFs. Even if you didn't get the drop you wanted, you were at least given some good dil and sometimes something you could sell or pass to a BOFF. Now I have to wait weeks to get the one piece i need to complete my MACO XII set. Annoying. I know why they did it though. They want to slow progression so we don't blaze through it so fast. They do the same thing in WoW.
No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
First off, let me say that I as well saw nothing mentioned about the Lobi store in S7 update news. However, I will say that I am very displeased at the fact that it even exists. Having been on STO since Beta, I have seen many things come and go. For you vets out there, you will recall a time where the higher ups of the game felt that there were too many forms of currency in the game. It was congested and hard to manage. They wanted to reduce the overall numbers of types of currency to simplify the game and how things were earned, bought and sold. Ok, this is a bunch of garbage. Since S7, which I must say is a lot of fun to play so far with the changes (fixes) to the issues of the rep system cost and time length. At any rate, we are back to the old days of too many currencies and too many stores, vendor types and almost unacheivable teasers, unless of course you have a readily open wallet and bank account. Which most people do not, esp. these days. We have Dilith, EC, Flt mrks, Rom mrks, Om mrks, Lobi and zen. Seven types in all. The fact that only some of these can be earned instead of purchased is B.S. The only currency that one should have to pay out of pocket for is Zen, period. The rest should be able to be earned through gameplay period. That aside, there really only needs to be 1 or 2 types perhaps 3 at the most. The plan of K.I.S.S. has been cast aside in an effort to make more money from the community, period. If you have a Fleet that is above a certain LvL, why buy DO packs? You don't need them. Just go to the Star base spend some fleet credits (btw, 8th type of currency) and get what you need. If you need a rare console, save up EC and buy it or get the right DO's and craft it, period. Lobi items are the only items that are not readily accessable to the community. After spending $50 to finally get the Temp. Destroyer, it would be nice to be able to get the weapons set that goes with it. It would be nice to be able to earn the set for the Dekora as well. But I do not know anyone out there who would spend $100 to $200 dollars to get them. The stuff is nice but it's not that nice. There needs to be a better way of obtaining these items made avai. Even if it's a grind and save type senario. I know many players out there that would do the grind to get the gear. Just as we did with the original STF's (3) missions, not 8, that could take up to 4 to 6 hrs to complete one. They were hard, fun and not for everyone. But when you finally got one done, wow did you feel a serious sense of accomplishment. Devs, please hear our cries for the Lobi......:cool:
First off, let me say that I as well saw nothing mentioned about the Lobi store in S7 update news. However, I will say that I am very displeased at the fact that it even exists. Having been on STO since Beta, I have seen many things come and go. For you vets out there, you will recall a time where the higher ups of the game felt that there were too many forms of currency in the game. It was congested and hard to manage. They wanted to reduce the overall numbers of types of currency to simplify the game and how things were earned, bought and sold. Ok, this is a bunch of garbage. Since S7, which I must say is a lot of fun to play so far with the changes (fixes) to the issues of the rep system cost and time length. At any rate, we are back to the old days of too many currencies and too many stores, vendor types and almost unacheivable teasers, unless of course you have a readily open wallet and bank account. Which most people do not, esp. these days. We have Dilith, EC, Flt mrks, Rom mrks, Om mrks, Lobi and zen. Seven types in all. The fact that only some of these can be earned instead of purchased is B.S. The only currency that one should have to pay out of pocket for is Zen, period. The rest should be able to be earned through gameplay period. That aside, there really only needs to be 1 or 2 types perhaps 3 at the most. The plan of K.I.S.S. has been cast aside in an effort to make more money from the community, period. If you have a Fleet that is above a certain LvL, why buy DO packs? You don't need them. Just go to the Star base spend some fleet credits (btw, 8th type of currency) and get what you need. If you need a rare console, save up EC and buy it or get the right DO's and craft it, period. Lobi items are the only items that are not readily accessable to the community. After spending $50 to finally get the Temp. Destroyer, it would be nice to be able to get the weapons set that goes with it. It would be nice to be able to earn the set for the Dekora as well. But I do not know anyone out there who would spend $100 to $200 dollars to get them. The stuff is nice but it's not that nice. There needs to be a better way of obtaining these items made avai. Even if it's a grind and save type senario. I know many players out there that would do the grind to get the gear. Just as we did with the original STF's (3) missions, not 8, that could take up to 4 to 6 hrs to complete one. They were hard, fun and not for everyone. But when you finally got one done, wow did you feel a serious sense of accomplishment. Devs, please hear our cries for the Lobi......:cool:
this guy gets the idea keep on trucking for lobi crytstals to be made alot easier and if possible have the reputation system changed to something else. I'm sure alot of us prefered grinding on the STF's to get borg salavage and prototype equipment to get the powerful mark 12 items for our ships, and to get a hold of Borg Doffs for ECD. Lets get the Dev's to bring this back because we don't want to wait hours days or weeks for **** we had an easier time getting just by playing winning and going back through after the cool down. If you ever see this Dev's change it back to the way it was and make the Rep system into something else that didn't take away what was never an issue
Did he mention Gold Pressed Latinum? A currency that is mostly pointless.... I know it goes with Dabo, but at the very least give us something worth buying. To me, trophies aren't worth anything. Even a small pet...like a gold pressed latinum bar that follows you around and asks you for money would be good.
No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
Did he mention Gold Pressed Latinum? A currency that is mostly pointless.... I know it goes with Dabo, but at the very least give us something worth buying. To me, trophies aren't worth anything. Even a small pet...like a gold pressed latinum bar that follows you around and asks you for money would be good.
HAHAHA i could see that...both on the ground and in space
I see you are all showing what should be made differently that's good keep it up spread the word of this direct others to this the more people respond the more likely we will get a responds from the devs
for those of you whom would agree to this then it's recommend you ask for it. Who agree's that when they made the rep system instead of taking the easy way to get mark 12 weaponary for ground and space as well as removeing the dil boxes and the boffs that they should of done this. Borg distruptors/plasma beam arrays X -XII Borg Plasma Torpedos X-XII those would of been great to get Borg space weaponary along with the Borg ground weaponary like the prothetic arms that we were given in the system, Maybe once getting to the final tier we can buy ****ing Borg ships that'd be amazing right? In all they should of never taken away the borg salavage EDC and prototype items They had the right idea but they went about it completely wrong. What was right us able to get the infamus Beam cutter that alot of us hate when the borg used on us and just destroyed our sheilds and ship. Mark Level Borg Ship parts was another thing they got right I'm not sure how the normal ones we got that matched our level worked and they didn't look like they changed I think the mark level ones will show a differences. Borg prothetics That was a right move making it easier to get those instead of waiting hours for the Defira invasion and hoping you get one. If you think something else should be added quote to this. They got a few right but they ****ed up with the Maco and Omega, This is all with the Omega Rep They didn't TRIBBLE up with the roms thankfully.
I would love to see some more ships on the lobi store! Maybe a romulan warbird or maybe even a scimitar! Or release some other ships from other races like breen and cardassian or even another Jem'Hadar! I already have the Tholian Carrier and love it just would love more options!
Only thing I may have seen about the Lobi store is that there could be changes coming. There was, however, no mention of any season it was associated with. They did make Lobi easier to obtain by putting more in the lockboxes.
As for GPL, what better use for a cosmetic currency than the cosmetic special projaects on our starbases. Yes, I am refering to the special projects that add not a single bit of functionality to our bases. Instead of 200k dilithium, it could be 400k GPL or some such. That way, it still takes time to earn enough GPL to complete but, it does not handicap the smaller fleets.
I hope the Lobi Store stays like it is. I don't want it going back to changing stock with every new lockbox, and then having to wait all year long to buy a lobi item you missed 2 or 3 lockboxes back.
You get like 4 lobi crystals per box right? So to get a 200 lobi crystal item you have to buy like 50 master keys. That's horrible. I barely got enough to get the rule 62 console, and would have to spend like 60 or 70 more dollars just to get the new temporal console with the critical hit bonus on it. Eek!
There is no way I'm getting enough Lobi to get the temporal console before the next lockbox comes out, so I really hope the Lobi Store stays permanent. Every new lockbox should add new stock, rather than replacing previous stock.
Me neither.
well if there wasn't oh well my point still stands i think there was some metion of it being easier to get lobi crystals and there really should be easier ways missions and such
are they doing rerun for the episodes cause i can't tell
As far as the Lobi store, I too did not see anything about there being any sort of focus on lobi. I did save a lot of lobi on the off chance that they might add something new to the store, but it does not appear they did.
As far as the rep, I agree it's very annoying to have to now wait and pay mass amounts of dilithium for gear when I found it more enjoyable to just run the STFs. Even if you didn't get the drop you wanted, you were at least given some good dil and sometimes something you could sell or pass to a BOFF. Now I have to wait weeks to get the one piece i need to complete my MACO XII set. Annoying. I know why they did it though. They want to slow progression so we don't blaze through it so fast. They do the same thing in WoW.
First off, let me say that I as well saw nothing mentioned about the Lobi store in S7 update news. However, I will say that I am very displeased at the fact that it even exists. Having been on STO since Beta, I have seen many things come and go. For you vets out there, you will recall a time where the higher ups of the game felt that there were too many forms of currency in the game. It was congested and hard to manage. They wanted to reduce the overall numbers of types of currency to simplify the game and how things were earned, bought and sold. Ok, this is a bunch of garbage. Since S7, which I must say is a lot of fun to play so far with the changes (fixes) to the issues of the rep system cost and time length. At any rate, we are back to the old days of too many currencies and too many stores, vendor types and almost unacheivable teasers, unless of course you have a readily open wallet and bank account. Which most people do not, esp. these days. We have Dilith, EC, Flt mrks, Rom mrks, Om mrks, Lobi and zen. Seven types in all. The fact that only some of these can be earned instead of purchased is B.S. The only currency that one should have to pay out of pocket for is Zen, period. The rest should be able to be earned through gameplay period. That aside, there really only needs to be 1 or 2 types perhaps 3 at the most. The plan of K.I.S.S. has been cast aside in an effort to make more money from the community, period. If you have a Fleet that is above a certain LvL, why buy DO packs? You don't need them. Just go to the Star base spend some fleet credits (btw, 8th type of currency) and get what you need. If you need a rare console, save up EC and buy it or get the right DO's and craft it, period. Lobi items are the only items that are not readily accessable to the community. After spending $50 to finally get the Temp. Destroyer, it would be nice to be able to get the weapons set that goes with it. It would be nice to be able to earn the set for the Dekora as well. But I do not know anyone out there who would spend $100 to $200 dollars to get them. The stuff is nice but it's not that nice. There needs to be a better way of obtaining these items made avai. Even if it's a grind and save type senario. I know many players out there that would do the grind to get the gear. Just as we did with the original STF's (3) missions, not 8, that could take up to 4 to 6 hrs to complete one. They were hard, fun and not for everyone. But when you finally got one done, wow did you feel a serious sense of accomplishment. Devs, please hear our cries for the Lobi......:cool:
this guy gets the idea keep on trucking for lobi crytstals to be made alot easier and if possible have the reputation system changed to something else. I'm sure alot of us prefered grinding on the STF's to get borg salavage and prototype equipment to get the powerful mark 12 items for our ships, and to get a hold of Borg Doffs for ECD. Lets get the Dev's to bring this back because we don't want to wait hours days or weeks for **** we had an easier time getting just by playing winning and going back through after the cool down. If you ever see this Dev's change it back to the way it was and make the Rep system into something else that didn't take away what was never an issue
HAHAHA i could see that...both on the ground and in space
I get that latinum is cosmetic but I could see where it could be coupled with other items to Ferengi-ize them.
All the better if it would provide boosts to trade CXP, seeing as how that will be my last CXP category to max out.
As for GPL, what better use for a cosmetic currency than the cosmetic special projaects on our starbases. Yes, I am refering to the special projects that add not a single bit of functionality to our bases. Instead of 200k dilithium, it could be 400k GPL or some such. That way, it still takes time to earn enough GPL to complete but, it does not handicap the smaller fleets.
You get like 4 lobi crystals per box right? So to get a 200 lobi crystal item you have to buy like 50 master keys. That's horrible. I barely got enough to get the rule 62 console, and would have to spend like 60 or 70 more dollars just to get the new temporal console with the critical hit bonus on it. Eek!
There is no way I'm getting enough Lobi to get the temporal console before the next lockbox comes out, so I really hope the Lobi Store stays permanent. Every new lockbox should add new stock, rather than replacing previous stock.