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suggestion for consideration : mining

qgbnormanqgbnorman Member Posts: 5 Arc User
may i suggjest a new mining feture

asteroid mining:
minable asteroids in systems that have asteroids (repetable)

rewards :
minded ore

minded ore refines:

ec or dillithum

more ec than dillithum , per unit

thank you for your consideration

Post edited by qgbnorman on


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    dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
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    qgbnormanqgbnorman Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    not exactly..

    the idea i have is for your ship , maybe with a special modual that only targets asteroids,
    as you may have noticed they are abundant in most systems, and you would be able to mine from your ship or use special shuttles to mine the asteroids.

    this would not be in a surtan system but would you would be able to mine any asteroid in systems that have them

    kind of like belt mining in eve , if you ever played that game :)

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