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FSOG (Fleet Special Operations Group)

mugat0mugat0 Member Posts: 680 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Earth Spacedock
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  • ufpmeshufpmesh Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    join FSOG we are a leet fleet :P, we will train you in stfs, and help you with your build

  • ufpmeshufpmesh Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    fsog is the fleet to be in if you want to be the best, we have a VERY strong NO BS leader that has built great things and has a resumae as long as anyone that has ever created ANY thing in anyfleet, i speak these words true join us and taste the peace that comes with being the best join it and they will tell tails of you battles melenia after you have past
  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mugat0 and his crew are a good bunch to run with. they definitely know their stuff. FSOG has the sharpe powered seal of approval. i wish you guys nothing but the best of luck.

    if you're starting out and want to get better.. or have been around and are looking for a steady group of competent, dedicated players? this is the place for you.
  • ufpmeshufpmesh Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    we are leet, join and icur2b2
  • zboshik84zboshik84 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mugat0 wrote: »
    Dont worry Secret warrior, we know your deep under cover. You will not be exposed. :D

    A intresting choise of words...
  • zboshik84zboshik84 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mugat0 wrote: »
    Into the Hive (Elite) is 2:20 min on Nov 17 2012

    Held by: Nib, Three of Seven, MixxUK, Kostas, Moose


    Hive Onslaught (Elite) is 4:20 min on Nov 18 2012

    Held by: Mugato, Three of Seven, MixxUK, Kostas, Moose


    Tht waz very big of you to be willing to stf with thos from the fleet you were kickd out of 2 dayz b4.
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mugat0 wrote: »

    ============ FSOG Fleet Special Operations Group ============

    == Level 1 ===

    We are a Special Ops TEAM designed for the missions of the Federation and Klingon Empire in the Special Task Forces area of Star Trek Online.

    We are the unknown, the forgotten and maybe just a thought. We are the group of individuals who don't exist. A shadow of a shadow kinda thing. We do all sorts of work behind enemy lines as well on the front lines to defend the Federation and Klingon Empire from its enemies foreign and domestic.We are the mission group who Specializes, Leads and Performs consent special duties in,
    Special Task Force Missions ,Space and Ground.

    We are a team of professionals who are active and are looking for individuals who like to do elite STF's and do them on a regular basis. We are an Elite Unit who performs clandestine operations thru-out sector space. We follow a conduct of respect, order, teamwork, tactics and all military discipline known to any elite entity thru-out the known universe. We have a uniform code of conduct and expect all its members to obey/understand all, prior to joining our unit.

    The Federation has had these special units for centuries and they have been known
    as "MACO".

    These brave warriors of Klingons / Federation have battled enemies thru-out the known universe and protected there sectors from Invasions.

    With the "Joint Operations Pac" and a treaty with The Federation of Planets and The Klingon Empire, these sworn enemies ,can work together for a common goal. To protect from INVASION from the BORG and other invading threats within the known Universe !

    For months, these two factions have been side by side in STF encounters. Klingons and Federation MUST learn to work together as a FSOG Unit. For training purposes PVP,PVE will be as that..trainning. Some Joint missions will be announced within the FSOG threads of the STO forums.

    All Klingons / Federation players interested in joining this combined unit of Human and Klingon, please report to Commander Mugato@wildmugato. He is running the Special UNIT known as FSOG a JOINT Operations unit for Klingons and Federation.


    We are looking for MORE level 50 ranked KLINGONS/ FEDERATION to join up and be part of FSOG.



    We Use TeamSpeak 3

    A microphone is prefered.
    Respect and enforce TeamSpeak rules.
    Must be able to use TeamSpeak and/or talk/listen on TeamSpeak.

    FSOG forums of the STO arena,

    Show activity on the forum within the STF area, give advice on STFs, builds and answer questions raised by other members of the fleet.
    Show activity in the STO recruitment section on a regular basis.
    Willing to do FSOG reports on STF runs on a regular basis.

    Star Trek Online in game Joining for Fleet,

    Open to any level.
    Open to any character type.
    Basic Rules of conduct.
    Open to nationals.
    Must speak/type english.
    Be willing to recruit and help out fleet.
    Give Respect,get Respect.
    Be a team Player.

    General Attitude,

    Be willing to listen to directions.
    Wanting to help others out in the fleet.
    Understand what is FSOG and why we do what we do.
    Wanting to follow team instructions and be part of a team.

    What we can offer you,

    Communication Skills.
    Being part of a group.
    Learning new things.
    Sharing Ideas and stories.
    Bit of Role play and adventure.
    Knowledge and training in STF's tactics.

    To be part the Elite group known as FSOG Black Ops,

    High ingame activity.
    A lvl 50 character.
    Experience in end game STF's.
    Show interests in STF?s and STF events.
    Must have at least 100 or more Space and Ground STF runs.

    If interested in joining this fleet and being something other than a number , please PM Mugato@wildmugato or leave a reply in this thread. Please title your reply "FSOG Interests" and tell me why you want to join FSOG and a little BIO on your self. We are looking for STO players who are end gamers who llike to STF,PvE,PvP and group up activities.

    You can PM, reply or look in game for an invite.

    Thank you..

    ========== END OF TRANSMISSION ==========

    It is good to be a member of FSOG
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    FSOG is an adventure. A name to be proud of. A group of people who play and enjoy the game for what it is. If you wanna be a member and not a number, then go no further. We don't offer the bells and whistles

    like the large fleets do. We do offer teamwork and a group of game players who play a game call Star Trek Online.

    We do not play legos or non trek games nor politics. We are who we are. We are FSOG !
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks Mugato for Welcoming me in! Must say from what i have seen so far this fleet is impressive!

    Makes you feel welcome from the minute you join and offers advice/help whenever it's needed!
  • ghost2884ghost2884 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • alpha710alpha710 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Admiral Dafine Alpha
    U.S.S. Alpha5
  • alpha710alpha710 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes

    Admiral Dafine Alpha
    U.S.S. Alpha5
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    FSOG is an adventure. A name to be proud of. A group of people who play and enjoy the game for what it is. If you wanna be a member and not a number, then go no further. We don't offer the bells and whistles

    like the large fleets do. We do offer teamwork and a group of game players who play a game call Star Trek Online.

    We do not play legos or non trek games nor politics. We are who we are. We are FSOG !
  • alpha710alpha710 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes

    Admiral Dafine Alpha
    U.S.S. Alpha5
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Another Winter Wonderland is coming next week, I did kinda miss racing around that track. I hope that comes back :)
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Looking forward to the winter wonderleand nect week! Must say a big thanks to Mugato and the Team for making me feel so welcome!

    STF Runs have never been as smooth and a fleet that helps out as much as FSOG is extremely rare these days!! :cool:

    FSOG - Something to be Proud of!
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Congrats to our FSOG Black Ops Team - You know who you are!! ;)

    Come Join the FSOG, we can offer help and advice with STF's, PvP and Fleet Actions! We believe that when you join a fleet you should become a member....not a Number! We want you to feel at home and to enjoy your time within STO and we will do our best to help you achieve that!
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    To join us just click the banner below...you will not regret it....

    FSOG forever
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    FSOG is an adventure. A name to be proud of. A group of people who play and enjoy the game for what it is. If you wanna be a member and not a number, then go no further. We don't offer the bells and whistles like the large fleets do. We do offer teamwork and a group of game players who play a game called Star Trek Online.

    We are who we are. We are FSOG !
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    FSOG is an adventure. A name to be proud of. A group of people who play and enjoy the game for what it is. If you wanna be a member and not a number, then go no further. We don't offer the bells and whistles like the large fleets do. We do offer teamwork and a group of game players who play a game called Star Trek Online.

    We are who we are. We are FSOG !
  • silynn1silynn1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Mugato and his team are absolute pros when it comes to STFs. I have the pleasure of knowing them and running many missions with them.

    Though not for the weak stomached, as fighting the Borg and other unknown space monsters is tough business. Business that Mugato and his crew do extremely well.

    It's good to see your high spirits. Definitely kudos to you and your team, Mugato.

  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    mugat0 wrote: »
    The site has been updated..Looking good. Thanks to FSOG LT. HugeRedDog for a great job.

    Take a look and sign up today. Become a ,"Member and NOT a number"

    Click on the banner,

    Proud to Be FSOG
  • zboshik84zboshik84 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    mugat0 wrote: »
    One cries when, one see's such comments. Thank you. :D

    I know I certainly do when they're written as poorly as that...
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Incoming message from FSOG Black Ops deep behind enemy lines,,

    FSOG Commander, our agents have discovered the location of a Borg Unimatrix. We managed to get a probe into the area, and before the Borg destroyed it, the readings indicated that the Queen's vessel was in the area. A small strike team is being assembled because they stand a higher chance of infiltrating the Borg defenses than an attack fleet does.

    This is the best opportunity we're going to have to take the fight directly to the Collective. I want you to infiltrate the Unimatrix with a small team and defeat the Borg Queen!

    Once you have penetrated to the heart of Unimatrix 01, the first thing you will need to do is defeat the drones connected to Central Plexus Node relays that give the Queen unfettered access to the rest of the Borg fleet. Once you have done that, you can upload a fractal virus to the Collective that will disrupt her communications with the rest of the Collective.

    We'll keep the sensors locked onto your position and alert you to hidden dangers, as well as send you more information as it becomes available.
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hey, you!!!!

    Click my Signature and join us...

    If you dare
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • zboshik84zboshik84 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    mugat0 wrote: »
    Keep up the great work there Captain HugeRedDog

    One word says it all.


    Your'e Most Welcome!

    FSOG........'Nuff Said!! :D
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Shameless Bump! :D
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nothing wrong with being shameless
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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