I have a friend in my fleet who hops on Teamspeak with me. Hes getting most of his supplies from the Replicator at 90 EC while mine are at 150EC? Hes Vulcan if that helps. Not sure if there was missions to lower this or what it is. Anyone have any suggestions?
Medical - Antigens are at 90EC for him
Medical - Shield Arrays are at 150EC for me
I guess I understand that but like right now we are both in game and his are 90 mine are 150 which is weird to me I guess. Thanks
You also seem to be comparing Shield Generators (as there are no Shield Array commodities) and Antigens... and those are different prices in the first place.
Prices vary, but you pay inflated prices when you get commodities straight from your replicator.
You also seem to be comparing Shield Generators (as there are no Shield Array commodities) and Antigens... and those are different prices in the first place.
Also, I know you posted your friend is Vulcan, but Ferengi do get discounts as well.