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Okay... It's done...

sirsitsalotsirsitsalot Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
Alright everyone... Season 7 is here, and we all have an opinion of it, for good or ill.

Now we just have to decide on an individual basis what we are going to do about it. Are we going to whine about it perpetually as if our whining will make any difference? Are we going to quit playing over it as if quitting will make a difference? Or are we going to just accept things as they are, learn to adapt our playstyle to it and move forward together as a community?

From my chair, behind my computer, in my entertainment room which has become more of my catch-all for my junk, these are really the only choices we have. 2/3 of those choices will not make a difference in the slightest. Cryptic will do what they will do regardless.

I made my position clear durring Season 7's development. Nevertheless, Season 7 is what it is. My choice is that I am going to just play the game, doing whatever am in the mood to do, and not worry about racing to get as much Dilithium or as many marks as I can. Periodically, I'll check and see if what I have accumulated is enough to obtain something that interests me. But for the most part, I am going to just play the game.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Make no mistake, Cryptic, if you are monitoring... I have not changed my perception of your practices, and until you guys do something to change that perception, you will receive no money from me. But as long as this game remains live, it retains the potential to be something I would be willing to pay for. So I will keep playing casually, and observing. Give me something I consider worth paying for and I will give you money. I know many others are beginning to share this sentiment, that did not share it before, especially after Season 7. But I only speak for myself.

You have me as a player. But you do not have my money. If you want it, you must earn it.

Good day.
"There can be no meeting of the minds between two parties
if both parties are not willing to meet in the middle."
-Ambassador Samuel J. Stone
Post edited by sirsitsalot on


  • lobsterhands19lobsterhands19 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ......what we are going to do about it.

    Well i'm playing Rift instead now, and you? :D
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Make no mistake, Cryptic, if you are monitoring... I have not changed my perception of your practices, and until you guys do something to change that perception, you will receive no money from me. But as long as this game remains live, it retains the potential to be something I would be willing to pay for. So I will keep playing casually, and observing. Give me something I consider worth paying for and I will give you money. I know many others are beginning to share this sentiment, that did not share it before, especially after Season 7. But I only speak for myself.

    You have me as a player. But you do not have my money. If you want it, you must earn it.

    Good day.

    Pretty much sums up how I see it. I've spent my share of money on this game buying c-points, probably not as much as some, but it is what it is. I will not be spending any more of my money on what I see as a game that may well turn into something that will be 0 fun and all grind, in which case I'd no longer be playing. Of course, even now it's borderline, I'm a casual player and before it was fairly easy to get my daily dilithium cap on my main character and 2-3k on a couple alts but now it's a chore to even cap on my main character. So much for season 7 making it easier for people to reach refinement cap.

    Doing stuff that's fun for me (replaying episodes, doing random patrols, etc.) gets me precisely nothing besides the fun of it and I'd save that until my daily dil grind was done but now I'm not even motivated to do that much. I'm not a hardcore trek fan, and the game itself is no longer fun like it was when I started playing, the only thing that keeps me here is that I've invested money in this game and I don't want to feel that it was wasted, but I'm certainly not going to be investing any more money on something that's no longer fun and has become a chore.

    Hopefully the devs at cryptic listen to all the people who've suggested it and do the intelligent thing, add a small amount of dilithium to mission replays, patrols, and whatever else there is to do in STO. Even if each one is on a 24 hour cooldown it would be a major incentive for casual people like me to stick around and spend money.
  • lobsterhands19lobsterhands19 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Read the rest of my post...

    Yeah sorry about that, i hit the "wall of text" buffer 1/2 through. :o
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I pretty much gave my opinion on things here:


    As for what i'll actually do?

    I might just maybe play the odd week evry few months now. Or maybe i'll just come on once every couple of weekends to run the rep stuff. Not sure tbh. I play all MMO's by alting, i play a character hardcore for a week or three, (more if i'm leveling but once at cap i don't stick to one for long periods), then switch. You make it effectivlly impossibble for me to progress my alts, and i'll only play a few weeks before i get bored. AT which point i put the game down for several months.

    I've currentlly got MWO, (assuming they got a working installer by now), LOTRO:RoR, ME1 & 2, and Fallout:NV sitting around waiting to be played. I have other options of what to do with my gaming time. If i can't enjoy STO for very long, it won't get a lot fo my playing tme. Nothing more, nothing less. If i feel sufficently fed up i may just walk away despite my investment in this game and my love of the ST IP.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    After this last debacle , someone in my fleet put it this way :

    "The more you love something the more you're hurt by it .
    The more you're hurt , the easier it is to walk away in the end . "

    To me at first that sounded too ... "relationship-y" , but then again ... :(
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Alright everyone... Season 7 is here, and we all have an opinion of it, for good or ill.

    Now we just have to decide on an individual basis what we are going to do about it. Are we going to whine about it perpetually as if our whining will make any difference? Are we going to quit playing over it as if quitting will make a difference? Or are we going to just accept things as they are, learn to adapt our playstyle to it and move forward together as a community?

    At the moment I can't do anything about it. I have yet to successfully load the game before my display drivers crash. Something which has not happened in 2 years of playing STO.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I'm going to do about it? More complaining and going back to TOR to play the storyline content. :rolleyes:

    Season 7 is just overgrind and the Dilithium nerfs made the game completely not worth playing anymore. Especially the joke called the Embassy system that's nothing but a even greater major Dilithium sink than Starbases.
  • kobayashlmarukobayashlmaru Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I went from playing at least 4 hours every day (every day since beta), to 1 hour once a week the day they announced the dilithium changes. I have to say the S7 changes have been very good for me, and liberating. Now that I'm not as committed, there are so many games I missed because I devoted so much time to STO, I'm having a great time getting caught up on some other awesome titles.

    I don't like grinding for no reason, so there is no reason to play as much as I used to anymore. When they start adding stuff I'll come back to do more than just chat with fleetmates (which is all I can do now it seems).
    Kobayashi Maru
    Join Date: Sept 2008

    "Holographic tissue paper for the holographic runny nose. Don't give them to patients." - The Doctor
  • avarseiravarseir Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I went from playing at least 4 hours every day (every day since beta), to 1 hour once a week the day they announced the dilithium changes. I have to say the S7 changes have been very good for me, and liberating. Now that I'm not as committed, there are so many games I missed because I devoted so much time to STO, I'm having a great time getting caught up on some other awesome titles.

    I don't like grinding for no reason, so there is no reason to play as much as I used to anymore. When they start adding stuff I'll come back to do more than just chat with fleetmates (which is all I can do now it seems).

    Same here. I used to spend a lot of time in this game especially in STFs trying to get prototype techs. It was in the impossibility of the drops that kept me playing so much..

    Now i just log in once in a while and play a bit here and there.

    In a sense, thx Cryptic :)
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I'm going to do about it? More complaining and going back to TOR to play the storyline content. :rolleyes:

    Season 7 is just overgrind and the Dilithium nerfs made the game completely not worth playing anymore. Especially the joke called the Embassy system that's nothing but a even greater major Dilithium sink than Starbases.

    this^^^^^^ season 7 is all about the limits limit this limit that limits for every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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