After all its a gated currecy with a refining cap. You could add just small amouts to every quest that would give palyers choices. As of now players have to do certain quest to recieve dilithium. Not all palyers like 20 man raids eerrr fleet actions, especially since most are buggy and are just a pew pew race. Give your player base some choices of how to play
People spend to speed up the process, plan and simple. The new steramrunner is the only thing in game which you cannot earn in game, everything else you could get by saving a grinding. However people buy zen to get there shinnies right now, no waiting. Giving players a choice of what to play will increase palyers happiness and the likelyhood said player would spend real money on the game. What's the point of buying 30 ships if you just use them in the same missions over and over? The reason dilituim is piling up is cause there is nothing else to do end game, well now there is kinda with reputation.
Giving you choice will not force you to spend.