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Why S7 really hurts: No more synergies



  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm not at all in favor of the changes. Hell I am still trying to get into S7 without it crashing...

    Here's the only bit of advice I can give right now.

    Don't look at the greater picture because, let's admit - its overwhelming.

    The key to it, and in the long run may actually contribute to "something new to do", is to define a long term strategy for yourself.

    For one week choose to only do Romulan...
    The next week focus only on the Omega...
    The next week focus only on the SB...
    and so on...

    Right now that's the only thing I can offer which will be manageable.

    Focused bite-size chunks of dedicated content per week.

    On the weekend, set aside some quality time for PvP, your favorite episode or Foundry mission.
  • raythilo2345raythilo2345 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Season 7 is a bunch of fail

    Season 7 Dev Blog 17 was a bunch of EPIC fail.

    apparently lvl 50s are grinding less dilithum then expected...I call not true on that

    especially if you say in the very next paragraph that some missions are dropping TOO much dilithium

    not to mention you take dilitium out of content which further gives LESS places to grind to your said limit of dilitium

    im fed up with Cryptic and PWE ruining STO.
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Trying to "Make Dilithium more available to all level 50 players" *removes Di from direct STF loot and removes the B'Tran's 2880 Di (the single best Di reward in the game), then forces players to queue with 19 strangers for the best Di rewards* Cryptic... did you take stupid pills this morning? Or are you ALWAYS hypocrites?

    Hurt them where they feel the most...LEAVE STO...I wont be the first one in this long train of exiled players

  • echodarksidedechodarksided Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree with the OP.

    What Season 7 did is sacrifice an enjoyable gameplay experience for a philosophy of systems. Instead of maximizing my time, I've been forced to divide it into multiple parts that isn't as enjoyable as the whole it replaced.

    It's the old rule, less can often be so much more.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    S8: You can now purchase items with real, live Ferengi.

  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's not just dilithium. I used to get a nice income of EC from running elite STF missions. Random engines and deflectors sold for 50K, you could turn chips into borg set items and sell those (effectively 20K per chip), and if you got lucky with loot drops you could get an item that would sell for millions on the exchange.

    Where does the EC come from now? None of the episodes give worthwhile amounts. Doff jobs? No. TRIBBLE loot from general combat and episodes? It's all white and sells for peanuts. The only thing that gives useful amounts of EC is Tour, which is boring and only available during certain times of day. The only currency we have that's actually tradeable and it's basically been shot in the head and left for dead.
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have a lifetime sub, soo i'll be hanging around.
    The good part about S7; More to do in STO.
    The bad parts have been, and are being commented on by people every second. I won't add any more to that.
    Personally, I believe I will play this game less than before, becasue even if I was a really hardcore player, the time-management to progress somewhat is quite daunting. -And I am for the time being unemployed, so I have had the opportunity to log 1700+ hours of gameplay since march(!)
    I guess the best part of S7 is, combined with Cryptics last crazypush of lockboxes, has made me wanting to open any more of those = 0.

    I will still be logging hours to this game, but the will to spend any more money in C-store disappeared abruptly with S7. What is the point anyway. With S7, there is no real reason to believe in 'P2W' either... ...there is nothing to win any longer. I don't need a Vesta-bundle to grind a mere couple of thousand dils a day. Keep it. :(
  • killjack0killjack0 Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    105 Romulan marks and counting.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Last night I thought I was making progress when a Fleet member posted his disappointment with the lack of members contributing Fleet Marks that night.
    How's that for a wake up call.

    The OP is correct.

    I can't and won't dedicate more time (and money) to a game I can't progress in.
    Its an easy fix, really...combine different types/amounts of Marks/Loot/Dil as prize packs.

    If the changes aren't made then I think this could be the beginning of the end.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • willy01pwewilly01pwe Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree with OP 100%

    The situation is worsened if you enjoy playing alt characters, or Heaven forbid, take a walk on the wild side and play your KDF officer(s). Since they charge for extra character slots, maybe they'll see a direct impact in their profits from limiting or killing the progression of alts.

    I had sick feelings that S7 was going to be a big mess and it has pretty much come to pass. The developers/management just didn't seem to care about what their players thought and there was basically no response to numerous posts on the forums.

    After taking a look around Season 7 and letting a lot of what the OP listed sink in, I decided to cancel my gold subscription (subscriber since day 1 of launch, 33+ months uninterrupted, 1015+ days the old fashioned way, I wasn't grandfathered in during the $200 LTS money grab promo).

    Irony alert -- Sony released the infamous Star Wars Galaxy "NGE" (New Game Experience) patch on November 15th seven years ago, so Cryptic missed the good fortune of releasing their biggest mistake by only two days -- the fact that they moved their usual patching back from Thursdays because Star Wars: The Old Republic went free to play that day. Hmmm.
    No Star Trek Series went past Season 7.

    Will Star Trek Online survive Season 7?
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    if dil is a time based currency, they just should add it to every content on a fixed base! actually: starbase 24 fleetaction gives 960-1440 in about 5-10 min (takes that long?) with a 30min cd. it does that also based on every single players performance (if you get more or less). add this mechanics to any missionis and we're all fine!

    10 e-stfs / up to 3 hours for 1000 dil. (aka "timed-based-currency") is just a sick logic...
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Ok, no one is forced to participate in all of those activities. One can decide simply not to bother with STFs or a fleet. One can also decide to be happy with 1000 dil a day. But considering how content starved this game was and to some degree still is, do you really want to make players chose between which content they want to play to this degree?

    Actually, Stahl said level 50 players spend on average 3.5 hours a day. On average. I also did not get that Cryptic wants players to play up to four hours per day, only that there are ways to make 8K Dil within 4 hours if the player is dedicated to that endevour.

    They just want people to play more in the long run. Based on the OP, they are achieving that goal in spades now and the entire system is 1 day old!

    So, is it that the frustration is that people basically *want it all now* versus Cryptics vision: oh, you'll get it, but you have to play the game ... more.

    Also keep in mind that Stahl said if a player wants the best, then they are guaranteed - GUARANTEED - to get it ... through (more) time and effort ... whic is exactly what the STO Team wants players to do.

    So, yes, they DO want players to choose what they will achieve with the time they devote to the game.
  • pywakett351pywakett351 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    That's the point. they want to mostly break up where the currency/rewards are so players have to play all the content to get what they want. i found myself doing it already.

    i needed romulan marks - off to new romulus, then i needed some omega marks, off to do the stf's, then i wanted some dilithium, off to do pvp, and fleet actions.

    for better or for worse, depending on your point of view, to get all the rewards you need to spend a much greater amount of time in game and over a greater variety of activities than before.

    now this all has benefits and disadvantages. if you are restricted in time then you want to progress as quickly as you can and now it will feel slower. also progressing down one course does nothing for the others.

    if you spend a lot of time in game because you want to be here, you might actually enjoy being pushed to play a variety of content rather than just grinding stf's over and over. having a solid reason to pvp, and do fleet actions again was a nice break from my usually gameplay.

    I agree, it was a good idea in theory, but I think if they allowed the regular drops so we can make ec on any mission this wouldn't have been such a disaster.
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Okay, so I should get 8000 dilithium in 4 hours? In other words, Dstahl thinks I should be playing 16 hours a day to use all my character slots.

    And that's for dilithium, not fleet marks or reputation marks or the futile attempt to find EC.

    Let's see where this experiment goes shall we....
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