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So should i stop playing?

keysmachinekeysmachine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I'm having a blast in this game. I've not paid for zen yet but i'm really considering it because now i'm starting to get into customizing my characters. and really getting attached to my away team basically generally speaking i really like this game.

but according to the droves of people out there. Season 7 will be the end of all my fun. and either i shell out 150 a month Cash in US dollars or I gimp myself to no end with MASSIVE nerfs coming to Dill. and everything moving into the C-store.

they may as well put this game back on a sub payment plan. and ditch all this cash shop business.

Your thoughts please because i want to know if i need to just ditch this game or not. I'm level 23 so far.
Post edited by keysmachine on


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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm having a blast in this game. I've not paid for zen yet but i'm really considering it because now i'm starting to get into customizing my characters. and really getting attached to my away team basically generally speaking i really like this game.

    but according to the droves of people out there. Season 7 will be the end of all my fun. and either i shell out 150 a month Cash in US dollars or I gimp myself to no end with MASSIVE nerfs coming to Dill. and everything moving into the C-store.

    they may as well put this game back on a sub payment plan. and ditch all this cash shop business.

    Your thoughts please because i want to know if i need to just ditch this game or not. I'm level 23 so far.

    do what you want, why do you need people to tell you...every season it's the same...they are quitting this is the end. then they stay till the next season and repeat the circle.
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    keysmachinekeysmachine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    do what you want, why do you need people to tell you...every season it's the same...they are quitting this is the end. then they stay till the next season and repeat the circle.

    Because a lot of these players seem like vets i've been playing this game for about a month now. i played it at launch hated it. came back recently and i'm in love a lot has changed and this game has really improved A LOT.

    i love the foundry. love the story missions, the grind is the easiest grind i've had to "endure"

    but if they make the grind harder, longer, slower and have EVERYTHING cost real money. to me that destroys what i like about the game. i like the option that i can get ahead FASTER if i pay real money but i don't want it to be the driving force to success.

    maple story is like that which is why i stopped playing.
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    interestedguyinterestedguy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You are having a blast playing this game, and you have not paid anything yet. Why would you stop playing?

    As far as buying Zen, it really depends on what kind of disposable income you have, and what you enjoy doing in the game. Probably the best way to do it is if you see something you really want that costs zen, and spending the money on zen is no big deal for you, you should buy the zen to get it. If you dont see anything you really want, then I would hold off on buying zen until you do see something.

    I wouldnt worry too much about the droves of people complaining about dilithium costs. From what I have seen, it wont really affect game play that much. If it bothers you a lot after season 7 is launched, you can always stop playing then.

    Lastly, there are a lot of things you can do in this game that do not require you to have anything close to the best gear, ship etc. etc.
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    jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2012
    Season seven will hit low level players like you
    The hardest.

    I leveled up and got STF elite space gear I'n a few weeks

    It will take you perhaps 2 or 3 months to equal
    Once all the loot consoles and weapons start drying up
    The edc price for them on the exchange will
    Be out of your reach without spending cash money

    These weapons and consoles are mainly comming
    From elite STF drops and they are being removed.

    I think cryptics plan is to make leveling so hard and long
    That new players like you spend cash to get ahead
    Faster.no other reason for this move they are doing.

    I'n 3 or so months after season 7 is live weapons and consoles
    Will cost 10,000 dilithium each plus some other costs
    Most likely.
    A low-level player like yourself has very few options to get

    Season 7 is the Noob exploiter IMO
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If you're enjoying the story content and tweaking your ship, by all means keep going. Its just if you plan on doing PVP or grinding out The Absolute Best gear from STFs or Fleets that you're going to have to pay real money per piece of equipment. Its just that most of the people on these forums long ago finished all the story stuff, so there's nothing left BUT putting together sets that used to be free a now aren't, hence the frustration. But if you're enjoying the parts you're on now, keep going till it stops being fun. Honestly, you can even run the endgame STFs with the free stuff, its just that equipping the fancy rewards will cost dil, thats all.
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    keysmachinekeysmachine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Season seven will hit low level players like you
    The hardest.

    I leveled up and got STF elite space gear I'n a few weeks

    It will take you perhaps 2 or 3 months to equal
    Once all the loot consoles and weapons start drying up
    The edc price for them on the exchange will
    Be out of your reach without spending cash money

    These weapons and consoles are mainly comming
    From elite STF drops and they are being removed.

    I think cryptics plan is to make leveling so hard and long
    That new players like you spend cash to get ahead
    Faster.no other reason for this move they are doing.

    I'n 3 or so months after season 7 is live weapons and consoles
    Will cost 10,000 dilithium each plus some other costs
    Most likely.
    A low-level player like yourself has very few options to get

    Season 7 is the Noob exploiter IMO

    i played maple story.. i know what its like to level SLOWLY but that doesn't bother me because i really enjoy the unlimited entertainment i get out of the foundry missions. some of them are REALLY good. and the story missions are pretty awesome.

    the only thing i fear. is that they make it. like they did in maple story where you absolutely had to pay cash in order to get ahead.

    and not so much pay to win.. but they made the good stuff so far out of your reach if you didn't pay money that you were better off paying money. so instead of months/years to get to your objective it would take all of 3 minutes to charge your credit card to achieve your objective.
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    interestedguyinterestedguy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    I think cryptics plan is to make leveling so hard and long
    That new players like you spend cash to get ahead
    Faster.no other reason for this move they are doing.

    Honestly, i find this laughable. Leveling in this game is so easy, I actually consciously tried to level as slow as possible so that I could enjoy flying around in the lower level ships as long as possible. I have no idea how anyone could not level a character in this game up from 0 to 60 after about a month or so of play.
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    jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2012
    If your willing to do limited grinding and play
    Pve this will be a good game

    There is no reason why anyone can't compete
    And reach and enjoy end game pve content here
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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    levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Stay - by all means - stay. I am probably one of the most vocal people on these forums and because I am a bit Bi-polar by nature, I sway back and forth in my opinions(there probably is not 1 person at Cryptic who has not heard of Levi3 - "what has he said this time"). But I have logged over 3000 hrs on this game and am in love with it more now than when I started. perhaps not the most healthy relationship - but it is what it is.

    bottom line is that the game is getting better in a lot of ways - and yes it is getting more of a grind - but you just need time to find out what your passion is in the game.

    It took me a few months to find my passion: Doffing - and that's 95% of what I do now in the game.

    The Best gear will cost money - but the best thing is that except for PvP which by most accounts is dead - you don't need the best gear for 100% of the rest of the content. So don't worry about the costs.

    Find your thing - that takes a couple months - then decide.

    Good Luck
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The 'nerfs to Dilithium' are hyperbole.

    The nerfs consist of:

    - Closing a known exploit (that was known for a year AS n exploit) where you could get 1440 dilithium ore in under 30 seconds by doing 3 'foundry 'console clickers' (IE you click one on a console on a social map and the mission is done. Do that 3 times and violla 1440 dilithium. With Season 7 they have now made it so that you need to do a Foundry mission that rewards XP at the end. The result will be that some author will find the 'break point' and I suspect you will be able t get the reward in 10 - 15 minutes of play (5 min. a mission) instead of 30 seconds or less. But again we knew this would be coming someday as no one denied it was an exploit.

    - Yes, they've reduced the Dilithium rewards for STFs by about 200 Dil on average; however, they've raised the dilithium rewards for Starbase Fleet Actions and some other endgame content. But, some players who want to play nothing but STFs are upset. (of course when you get to T5 Omega rep - other way to earn Dilithium become available for doing STFs.)

    -They also removed a 480 Dilithium reward from B'Tran (another end-game area); but as stated abouve in the new endgame sector block being added in S7 (and the Romulan ground zone); there are other mission that reward dilithium.

    And yes, they have added more Dilithium sinks in the game (funny thing is though, there were a number of players stting when Dilithium was introduced, that there weren't a lot of Dil sinks, and not much of a Dil economy; so it wasn't totally out of the blue.)

    DStahl also stted they are considering raising the 8000 a day refining cap; but that's TBD after they have some data from S7 on Live.

    In the end of course it's up to you. If you still ind the game and new additions fun for you (assuming you use them); I'd say keep playing the game.

    If you feel it's too big a change, and Dilithium is your main concern and only reason you play STO and the main way you make/measure progress; stop playing and move on.

    In the end, it's your choice and you should be the one to make it.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
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    keysmachinekeysmachine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    it seems to me that the general consensus is as long as i enjoy PVE then Season 7 will just give me more to do

    which is all good news to me.

    So what if i can't do a Foundry mission daily which in involves me clicking on one object. :D
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    psymantispsymantis Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    -They also removed a 480 Dilithium reward from B'Tran

    1440 Dilithium actually. If you're going to try to defend the nerf then try doing it with accurate information.
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    cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Don't ,if you like the game. Play it.
    Unless you PVP, you can PVE this game in a LV40 ship(last free one)
    You really only need blueXI consoles,and purple XI weapons to play endgame content, and remain competitive enough in fleet actions(PVE).These can be obtained for ECs, or farmed Dil from the Dilithium store. The Jem shield,engines, and deflector are free from doing the Dominion missions, Aegis can be crafted or bought from the exchange.
    You really only need the Purple XII gear for PVP, or an impatient elite STF group,if you communicate with the hardcore STFers, even they are mostly forgiving of less than OP gear, because you care enough to listen to an attack plan, and adhere to it.
    Most important of all, HAVE FUN.:D
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    denizenvidenizenvi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah, keep in mind what the people are exactly complaining about. If you don't already depend on grinding dilithium in those places that are changing (which you obviously don't at level 23), nothing much will be changing for you.

    People have just gotten used to collecting multiples of items from STF's because they've had little else to do for a while. Spending time to get these top-level items shouldn't be hard for upcoming players. And since the dilithium is going away from console clickers and B'tran and going instead to fleet actions (actual content, btw), you'll still be able to afford high-level items and probably have more fun earning your funds.

    There are no sweeping changes to the store. It's just a few expensive end-game items and closed 'mining nodes'. Vets get upset about these things not because they ruin the game, but because they play so much that little details mean a lot to them.
    Take a look at my Foundry missions!

    , Re-emergence, and . . .

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    theroyalfamilytheroyalfamily Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Don't spend money for zen for anything until you get to at least lvl 40, unless you REALLY like stuff, or are playing the exchange or doffing like mad and need to expand your bank and doff slots, since most of the stuff you can get before then isn't worth it at all.
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    disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    denizenvi wrote: »
    Yeah, keep in mind what the people are exactly complaining about. If you don't already depend on grinding dilithium in those places that are changing (which you obviously don't at level 23), nothing much will be changing for you.

    People have just gotten used to collecting multiples of items from STF's because they've had little else to do for a while. Spending time to get these top-level items shouldn't be hard for upcoming players. And since the dilithium is going away from console clickers and B'tran and going instead to fleet actions (actual content, btw), you'll still be able to afford high-level items and probably have more fun earning your funds.

    There are no sweeping changes to the store. It's just a few expensive end-game items and closed 'mining nodes'. Vets get upset about these things not because they ruin the game, but because they play so much that little details mean a lot to them.

    As a vet I take offence to this. I haven't been in btran since f2p launched. I also rarely do the foundry daily.:P

    In all honesty people are generaly right about the mkXII purple stuff. It isn't necessary, in fact as i recall most of it isn't that much better than the mk xi gear. Oh sure dilithium is becoming a much more needed/used currency but really I barely buy anything from the dilithium store and I don't really get much off the fleet stores either so I tend to have more than I need and just convert it to zen. As far as leveling goes. I recently leveld a character using only the mirror event, Thats playing 1 hour a day and I maxed out in 2 weeks.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
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    atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    psymantis wrote: »
    1440 Dilithium actually. If you're going to try to defend the nerf then try doing it with accurate information.

    fanbois are never honest when they defend the indefensible.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Your thoughts please because i want to know if i need to just ditch this game or not. I'm level 23 so far.

    play the game your way and make a decision if and when you need to make it. if you are having fun then keep having fun till the point where it stops being fun. that is the only time you need to consider staying or leaving. it does not matter if a player has been here for 3 days or 3 years. everyone will give you different advice but it does not mean it will be relevant to you.

    you can continue to play the game for free, and never need to spend a penny. you wont be at that much of a disadvantage as the ships and toys people buy are only slightly better. you can trade dilithium for zen, which is currently at a very good conversion rate if you want to start using the c-store in the future.

    the dilithium nerfs are a pain and people are unhappy and probably rightfully so, but its not quite as horrific as it sounds just by reading the forums.
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    misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm having a blast in this game. I've not paid for zen yet but i'm really considering it because now i'm starting to get into customizing my characters. and really getting attached to my away team basically generally speaking i really like this game.

    but according to the droves of people out there. Season 7 will be the end of all my fun. and either i shell out 150 a month Cash in US dollars or I gimp myself to no end with MASSIVE nerfs coming to Dill. and everything moving into the C-store.

    they may as well put this game back on a sub payment plan. and ditch all this cash shop business.

    Your thoughts please because i want to know if i need to just ditch this game or not. I'm level 23 so far.

    No one can and should tell you what to do.
    So all I can do is give you my personal recommendation:

    Give the game a chance under the new system.
    Compare how the game is now in Season 6 to the way it is after Season 7 launches...for you personally and what you like to do in this game.
    See what's fun and what isn't.
    If there's still enough for you in it to play once in a while, there's no need to uninstall.:)
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,541 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am a lifelong Star Trek fan at 50 years old. Play the game the way you want, as much as you want. When the game stops being fun, stop playing. If the devs decide to take the game in a direction you do not think it should go, or you feel you are being asked by them to do something you do not want to, then go and do something else.

    A great many people post comments and threads here displaying their unhappiness with how things are in STO. Some of these are whining, yes. But a lot of the posts state things the way they do because people see the potential of how good things could be and want this for STO instead of what normally amounts to a half baked answer put together slap dash and then foisted off as, "Well, we decided and that's just how it's gonna be. Why did we decide the way we did? Easy. We're smarter than you."

    OP, if you are not satisfied with the product(as so many who post here seem to be), then go and play something else. It isn't personal, it's business. We're speaking about your money and your free time. Lord knows none of us ever have enough of either. PWE/Cryptic is a business. If they want a legit shot at your discretionary income, then they have to do things they way you want them done. Even if they don't like them. Many businesses fail because they forget the following:
    Even when the customer is not correct, the customer is still the customer.

    Fleet Starbases are mere clubhouses which cost around fifty million dilithium. They are chock full of eye candy, unrealized promises and little else. Season Seven promises more of the same. The first was an epic fail as soon as people figured it out. The second will probably be a fail of equal proportions prior to launch. For each of us who posts here with our dissatisfaction about the direction the game has taken, how many more are there who agree with our viewpoint yet post nothing at all? Further, how many people has anyone encouraged to try this game out lately?

    This post is already far too long. But one more thing. The only way PWE/Cryptic will listen to the fanbase is when the fanbase turns off the revenue streams. Both actual and potential. Only way I know to get a business' undivided attention is to stop giving them money. One of the CEOs of Nissan Motor Corporation once said, "There is no problem we face as a company which good product cannot solve." Season Six isn't good product. Nor does it look like Season Seven will be either. But, OP, you'll need to decide for yourself whether or not the product is good enough for you to spend free time and money on.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The reson i play now is cuz of all the new gameply and that then there used to be.
    I'm so happy :D
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    oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm having a blast in this game. I've not paid for zen yet but i'm really considering it because now i'm starting to get into customizing my characters. and really getting attached to my away team basically generally speaking i really like this game.

    but according to the droves of people out there. Season 7 will be the end of all my fun. and either i shell out 150 a month Cash in US dollars or I gimp myself to no end with MASSIVE nerfs coming to Dill. and everything moving into the C-store.

    they may as well put this game back on a sub payment plan. and ditch all this cash shop business.

    Your thoughts please because i want to know if i need to just ditch this game or not. I'm level 23 so far.

    No body knows for sure what going to happen.. but really.. it's still going to be free to play. And if you want to spend a few buck to get some zen to get something you like or want, do it.
    Dude, don't take this game seriously.. I've been here 3 years...Trust me, the exec's at cryptic studio's don't take it seriously, its just a paycheck to them. so why should you?
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
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    rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Why would you stop playing if you're having fun? I read all this threads as well - and have even offered my opinion on the general direction of the game - but have a "wait and see " attitude . Forum-posters are always the most vocal of players ( and usually the most seasoned as well ) but the majority of players in an MMO never even check forums.

    There's one defining variable that decides - for me- if a game is worth playing : the attitude of devs and CM's towards the playerbase . Do they listen ? Do they adjust certain things when they see massive resistance from the players ? In short: does the studio respect the playerbase ? Sofar I have seen no evidence to the contrary . Devs even post regularly on these forums ( that's more than for most other MMO's ) and they do listen to the players . It's when a company completely loses touch with its playerbase when a game is on the decline
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, you're welcome to come play warband or killing floor if you do stop playing. I have a friendly clan I belong to in M&B Warband that is looking for recruits. In Killing floor, I help admin an rpg server that has 10 times the amount of weapons and monsters as the vanilla game. We have a lot of fun killing zombies and such.
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    cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I want to chime in to add that not every player visits the forums. Reading this forum, it does look like the sky will fall and this game will get worse not better ... but that is said by whomever makes the time to post their opinion (just like me, right now).

    Its a fair question though because its not about the money you might spend - its about the TIME you are going to spend. If the game might be TRIBBLE in the future then why devote any more time to it, right?

    As others have suggested, play the game for you. If you like it now, then keep enjoying it. If you learn later its no longer fun, then stop. Do not think of it as wasted time, because you DID have fun ... up to a point. Its only wasted, because you let it become wasted. :)

    Good luck!
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    commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm having a blast in this game. I've not paid for zen yet but i'm really considering it because now i'm starting to get into customizing my characters. and really getting attached to my away team basically generally speaking i really like this game.

    but according to the droves of people out there. Season 7 will be the end of all my fun.
    and either i shell out 150 a month Cash in US dollars or I gimp myself to no end with MASSIVE nerfs coming to Dill. and everything moving into the C-store.

    they may as well put this game back on a sub payment plan. and ditch all this cash shop business.

    Your thoughts please because i want to know if i need to just ditch this game or not. I'm level 23 so far.

    This is the STO community. Every change that happens in the game, good or bad, makes them freak out and cry doom. Adding anything to this game is like kicking a hornet's nest.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
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    kurtzroykurtzroy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    OP like many have said if you enjoy the game continue to play.

    I enjoy the game ever since I first played, I don't agree with alot of short sighted decisions cryptic/PWE has made it will only back fire on them sooner or later. I will most likely still play after the S7 train wreck hits, but I decided that my wallet is closed to this game. I will not spend another dime until either the game shapes up in a direction I like or they release a Akira +2 ship (my favorite ship lol).

    Like it was stated a few posts back only way to get Cryptic to change their mind is to cut off their ability to make income.
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    collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You know, the whole premise of the OP reminds me of the time my brother asked me if he should divorce his wife. How should I know? I didn't live with her! That was brutal walking someone who doesn't take care of their business through a divorce. I felt like I was the one getting divorced.

    Anyway, I guess all that to say that you're the only one who can say if you should keep playing. Everyone gets something different out of the game. If you don't like what you get, then stop playing. If you like playing, then keep doing it.

    /rant over.

    Porthos is not amused.
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm one of those who have been playing the game since the beginning...

    I'm not happy with several of the current changes, but on-the-other-hand,

    I do like a lot of the new stuff about to be added.

    I've managed to find a way to play through everything that has been done to the game since its launch, so I'll muddle through all this also.

    Having bought a LTS is another reason I'll be here till either the game dies or I do.

    Kinda hoping I'm still able to click the mouse and blow-up Klingons when I'm 80.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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