I've worked out a small proposal for how to update the "Bridge Officer"' system to offer a bit more "realism" to how our crew is handled.
1. Change the "Bridge Officers" page to "Ship's Crew". It would include "Bridge Officers" as a subsection but also include the department head positions such as "Chief Medical" for sick bay, "Chief Engineer" for engineering, "Chief of Ops" for... transporter room? Also include positions for "Counselor", "Helm", etc. so our characters would be where they're supposed to be on the ship and "do their jobs" and for example I can put my step son in the "Wesley Crusher" role where he just sits at the helm lol. This would mean your department heads would differ per-ship if your crew is set up differently, but that makes sense I think. Maybe we could even have slots for bartenders and stuff, but I realize that's a bit extravagant.
What about bridge layouts with extra seating in the "captain's pit" ? Many players have first officers who are also filling other roles. So... if my chief med is also first officer, how would he/she be on the bridge AND sick bay? Maybe the first officer needs to be more of a Riker position, meaning they don't fill any other "chief of..." positions and have could have special duties besides just advising on Doff missions. I heard there was a "first officer" system somewhere in the thought process of the devs, so maybe this would tie in well.
2. Create some consistency as to where bridge officers appear between bridge designs. Just changing the color scheme of my bridge shuffles the officers around and many times puts them where it doesn't seem to make sense. I assume it would be pretty simple to assign labels to positions (in code) so it picks the "right officer for the job".
3. This one is a bit nit-picky, but I'm throwing it out there just to see what others think. I'm constantly having situations where I'm on an away mission and medical/science comments are all handled by one officer. I usually fix this by saying "well this is a medical situation, so I'll put my med officer before the sci on the team so she will respond" but I think it would be better if there were an extra check in the code to see which officers are assigned as Chief med and Chief sci in the "Ship's Crew" and obviously default to another officer if neither were present on the mission.
Just my thoughts and I realize allot of work is involved but I'm sure it never hurts to have suggestions on the table. I'm working on a proposal (in my head) for a "personal fleet" system, based on the already proposed idea of being able to promote officers to captain and give them ships and such. I'll share that at a later time.
Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts!
I think it would also be cool to choose wether or not to fly from the bridge view to places or not.
I think that would be real cool.