I imagine this is something that's been on people's minds and I wanted to specifically ask those that are playing Klingons what their thoughts and feelings are on this subject and perhaps to stir up some discussion for a possible justification for what we'll be getting with New Romulus.
So far, the information we've gotten in the form of Dev Blogs and what's currently available on the Tribble Test Server all paint a very Federation-centric view on the current state of affairs with New Romulus. Romulan refugees looking to setup shop on a planet to build a colony to live in peace, away from the strife that has grip over places such as Rator III. The colony needs help in order to grow and thrive, a task that the Federation and Starfleet are more than willing to lend a hand on as they're all about humanitarian aid and stretching out the hand of friendship.
What's the Klingon angle though?
My expectation would very much be that the Klingons would see the shattered remains of the Romulan Empire to be an ideal place for expansion. It wasn't that long ago that the Klingons launched an invasion but were stopped by Romulan E. Lee, but the military surely is even more fractured now that it was before.
Could it be perhaps that the High Council has decided to go with a "Hearts and Minds" approach with New Romulus? Perhaps. Having aided Obisek, and Obisek throwing his support behind the colony, it's possible that the High Council doesn't want to lose their friend Obisek and jeopardize their potential opportunity to learn some of the secrets the Vault may have. In that instance, I find it more plausible that the Klingons would just use/threaten force with regards to the Vault rather than attempt to resolve the situation diplomatically.
Any thoughts or insights you Klingon players have with regards to why the Klingons are on New Romulus would be welcome. At the moment, I don't have a strong story justification for it available to me.
My expectation would very much be that the Klingons would see the shattered remains of the Romulan Empire to be an ideal place for expansion. It wasn't that long ago that the Klingons launched an invasion but were stopped by Romulan E. Lee, but the military surely is even more fractured now that it was before.
Could it be perhaps that the High Council has decided to go with a "Hearts and Minds" approach with New Romulus? Perhaps. Having aided Obisek, and Obisek throwing his support behind the colony, it's possible that the High Council doesn't want to lose their friend Obisek and jeopardize their potential opportunity to learn some of the secrets the Vault may have. In that instance, I find it more plausible that the Klingons would just use/threaten force with regards to the Vault rather than attempt to resolve the situation diplomatically.
My thoughts may be a wee bit cynical on the matter.
The problem with this schism with motivation goes back to the Feature Episode portings of the Federation-centric mission schema to the KDF. Friends whom I've run through their own KDF story chains with have had a common complaint: 'Why are we doing this? This doesn't really feel Klingon'. It isn't. It's a side-effect of making a faction-neutral objective when the factions are like oil and water in their drives and goals in favor of development ease or game balance.
It's Starfleet's duty to seek out new life and new civilizations for peace and sharing.
It's the Klingon Defense Force's mandate to subjugate potential threats and expand their territories for the good of the Klingon people and their territories.
The effort of making divergent mission structures for the KDF and the Federation would probably expand the development scope for the season, making two different games at once for the two factions. So better to just copypaste them and bring their ideas in line as close as possible, then tweak the text to give a faction-specific lean in motivation, even though structurally, there is no difference between them.
Amusingly, this is how we as Klingon operatives aided the Federation in the past against the Devidians in that FE mini-arc, something which I've taken to roleplaying with others through and tend to have to bite my tongue when coming up with the stupidest excuses for NOT doing what my faction's members likely should do.
When there is next to no meaningful specialization for either faction the Federation and the Klingon Empire might as well just be Billy Lee and Jimmy Lee of Double Dragon.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] The Artist Formerly Known As Nikotaka ][ Join Date: Jan 2010 "Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers...?"
Seeing the shattered remnants of the RSE the KDF did move to conquer and claim the pnce Romulan held systems, its one of the reasons we went to war with the feds.
This being forced to suddenly help the Romulans is completleg counter to the KDF/STO backstory.
It started with the Reman FE arc. I could get by it as the missions made it a player choice to decide to help as KDF player.
This recent New Romulus expansion while cool and fun makes the whole faction suddenly do a 180 without a choice.
I would have been happier if the Devs had made the feds the happy to help faction and us the more, " Time to conquer" faction amd had us more true to ourselves and the STO backstory.
I'm waiting until it goes live to get my KDF toon over there, but my feeling is that we're supposed to understand (with only a very few, very minor, in game hints being given) that J'mpok no longer enjoys the support he once did in the High Council and the various houses (not to mention all the new alien allies) and that the House of Martok and like minded houses are starting to regain much of the power they lost in the lead-up to J'mpok's killing of Martok and assumption of the mantle of Chancellor.
That said the more "Diplomatic" approach being taken with New Romulus could be seen as a "bone" being thrown to these increasingly restless adversaries in an attempt to stave them off until he can resolidify his powerbase.
Then there is, of course, Obisek. We first meet him when he's preparing to use Thalaron weaponry against the Romulans. We have been given no indications that he isn't still just as willing to use them now as he was then, even if he has thus far refrained. We also know that he wants the Remans to be an independent power, not just slaves under a different set of masters and as such has turned down Klingon "help" in the past. It's quite likely that this diplomatic approach is intended to avoid having Obisek decide that the Klingons are more deserving of his dishonorable weapons than the Tal'Shiar and the remnants of the Romulan Star Empire.
I give it roughly 50/50 odds that one of the above is what the Devs intend for the story to be, but forgot to lay the appropriate groundwork in game.
Going by the story line of Romulans playing KDF. Nothing really. Since there wasn't much a story for it from the start. To give the KDF something to work for. So I expect very little story for the KDF on this as well. IF there is, it won't make much since since what we had was a carry over from Fed. Which will further make no sense when they try to "add" to it.
I rarely read the text for the KDF on story since they are so lacking. I just click and move on quickly as I can.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Essentially what it boils down to. I must learn to be less wordy!
It is easier to do a copypasta job on missions and switch the dialog to 'angry-honor' to make it sound Klingon than it is to design a branch of missions that specifically cater to KDF goals and motivations. It gets the content out faster and gets us to shut up and quit bothering Cryptic about what's next.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] The Artist Formerly Known As Nikotaka ][ Join Date: Jan 2010 "Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers...?"
If they really wanted to do it the Klingon way its rather simple. You have a old enemy, that has tried to destroy your empire via betrayal, and cowardly tactics. Being a Klingon you see your old enemy in a weakened state, the only response is clear all out war to finish them off. Conquer them.
The problem is in todays society conquest, and well finishing off an enemy is considered wrong. More and more I see this attitude translate into mmos via the story line. I cant tell you how many times, as one player said Ive seen a copy and paste job for the KDF point of view, instead of a actual Klingon response. Its like I was defending a Klingon starbase, got to a hostile npcs, who was in fact a Klingon. I was about to kill it, when the so called Klingon said I surrender. Its like really seriously? This type of thing is all throughout star trek online.
Maybe some day that will change but for now we will have to put up with the naive fed position, that everything can be solved with diplomacy, that you take prisoners, that you do not wipe out enemies, and so on and so forth.
The problem with Klingons is that they are just second class black space orcs with bad teeths.
So the only plot element left for Klingons is fighting. And that is why they won't never have much story missions (I really enjoyed the few of them, even if they were a little bit silly). And why Defera, Omega Fleet and now New Romulus content feels forced upon the Klingons.
Klingons only work as cannon fodder for the feds. Like Orcs mostly works as cannon fodder for fantasy heroes. At last they didn't had advanced weapons, ships etc xD
I always wondered what klingon scientist are doing .
"Qappla, my lab rats dyed 5secs faster than in the last weapon test :P"
Or how are they maintaining and overseeing their huge territory. Where is the honor in bookkeeping?
"Qappla, we had 5% more income than last year" ... Or did they really invade the gorn because they are the better administrators :-P
I don't want new klingon missions where we are fightings against badass enemy n?XYZ but missions where we would get more to see of the klingon society.
I don't know the ingame reasons why the klingons are now helping the romulans but perhaps Cryptic will surprise us :-P
On the belief that the Devs are somewhat more TOS setting fans than TNG setting fans, this style of "conquest" - outfederationing the Federation - is something right out of the fallout from the Organian Intervention and subsequent treaty...
Remember, the "augments" as Cryptic tries to describe them weren't all "honor and glory", they were more or less Cold-war Soviets...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
The problem with Klingons is that they are just second class black space orcs with bad teeths.
So the only plot element left for Klingons is fighting. And that is why they won't never have much story missions (I really enjoyed the few of them, even if they were a little bit silly). And why Defera, Omega Fleet and now New Romulus content feels forced upon the Klingons.
Klingons only work as cannon fodder for the feds. Like Orcs mostly works as cannon fodder for fantasy heroes. At last they didn't had advanced weapons, ships etc xD
I disagree. The Devs will not take the chance to write anything else unless its to copy paste us into some new agnostic content.
Plenty of content and ideas for content exist about the KDF, the devs merely have to use it.
Ideas is not content. And bad fanfiction were Riker sleeps trough half the Klingon Empire is not content :-P
Ah, but plenty of soft canon content and other ideas on the Klingons exist in Novels and media. It just needs to be researched to be used to enrich the KDF.
We don't always have to shadow the feds in everything that comes along.
New Romulus should have been made an open-PvP Groundwarzone, where feds start in the romulan colony and can try helping the romulans rebuild their society whereas KDF starts in some camp somewhere in the woods and send out raidingparties to hinder the feds progress.
Both factions should still be able to gain marks. Feds for rebuilding and defending the romulans, KDF for destroying everything. The romulan stuff in the reputation system could then be considered a share of the loot offered to successful warriors of the empire.
Thus, we must make the Romulans our friends, too, so they will remain neutral. This is very important. It might decide the war. The Klingon Empire counts on you
Becuase the RSE would in no way be upset over the KDF invading and capturing thier territories after the supernova or missions like "Removing the Romulan Empire" where we have killed them by the thousands and we KDF players should be quick to trust the RSE after we had to stop them from almost ruining the House of Martok or all the trouble they gave us in the Romulan Mystery mission series.
I find the whole "rush to help the poor RSE" a forced turn of events that goes against the backstory of the the game and the KDF.
Lets not pretend it would be difficult to write a convincing Klingon storyline if unfettered from federation mechanics. They're a fairly deep and complicated culture that go far beyond space orcs. I'd say they are a great deal more intriguing than the federation, and they have not a fraction of the content to pull from. A good writer that wasn't leashed could write some fantastic stuff. If anything, by bouncing Klingon and Federation opposing ideologies and methods off each other, it would improve to content for both sides entirely.
The proper way to have done this seasons content would have been having the Klingons try and subjugate the Romulans, while the federation tried to prevent it. Then maybe we could actually pretend like we're suppose to be at war. I don't even like the notion of pushing it off on the political correctness of not enslaving or subjugating another culture... That's total bullocks! Klingons do slave trade, occupations, and other nastiness in their doff missions!
It's really just a matter of Cryptic wishing they never created the Klingon faction and half assing it because they don't want to invest the time and resources to do it right.
You also forgot to mention that the Path to 2409 painted them as the heroes of the whole Undine thing. They were the only power in the quadrant that not only recognized the threat, but actually did something about it. And hell, despite how they're (usually) portrayed in game they didn't just go off on a crusade, they tried to warn the other powers first and only started up the war machine after they were ignored/told they were chasing ghosts.
I dont think cbs is the problem here, if I had to take a guess id say perfect world.
We should remember that when the KDF began in sto, all it was supposed to be was a pvp faction. You remember the grinds, no episodes, and pvp. Latter on of course the devs realized oh TRIBBLE more fans wanted to be klingons or Romulans then feds. When I got this game I knew there was a slim chance, but I wanted to be a Romulan. As it was the one thing that was vastly unexplored in star trek. Of course I found out you couldn't be a Romulan so I went to the next best thing the Klingons. Only to find out that I needed to create a fed first.
My point is its been a cluster frack up for a long time now, but the KDF is showing signs of becoming a complete faction on ITS OWN. The story bugs me more often then not, because it usually follows fed ideals, but I can live with that if they actually complete the KDF. Once this is done, then latter on they can tweak the stories for a more klingon outcome.
Don't they say keep your enemies closer? This is as close as can be And by doing so, carefully keeping the Romulans away from important info, you learn more about their defenses, and see if their peace drivel is actually true or not.
If they are, we can subdue them without a single blow or effort, and focus resources elsewhere. If not, well, you all know what's next.
My two cents
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
(( Well its settled the KDF will ally with the Romulans, and more then likely it looks like the Romulans will become perfect worlds new cash cow for sto. I hope the TRIBBLE pay for what they have done, and will do to star trek. No conquest here the typical fed ideal bs))
Oh, I agree! It is a good time for it, if you look at them. Let us crush them... but with what ships?
The Federation, The Fehk'Ihri, the Borg, the Tholians, not to mention the True Way, the Gorn rebels, the Orion and Nausicaan pirates that attack our starbases, and the legimate conflicts of rival houses within the Empire that need to be solved the traditional way... we just don't have enough resources to subjugate the Romulans right now.
Then we continue what we started and capture the last of the old systems that where once ours.
Add thier resources to the Empire and stay vigilant.
I have no issue personaly with Obisek and the Remans but I do not trust the Romulans.
My thoughts may be a wee bit cynical on the matter.
The problem with this schism with motivation goes back to the Feature Episode portings of the Federation-centric mission schema to the KDF. Friends whom I've run through their own KDF story chains with have had a common complaint: 'Why are we doing this? This doesn't really feel Klingon'. It isn't. It's a side-effect of making a faction-neutral objective when the factions are like oil and water in their drives and goals in favor of development ease or game balance.
It's Starfleet's duty to seek out new life and new civilizations for peace and sharing.
It's the Klingon Defense Force's mandate to subjugate potential threats and expand their territories for the good of the Klingon people and their territories.
The effort of making divergent mission structures for the KDF and the Federation would probably expand the development scope for the season, making two different games at once for the two factions. So better to just copypaste them and bring their ideas in line as close as possible, then tweak the text to give a faction-specific lean in motivation, even though structurally, there is no difference between them.
Amusingly, this is how we as Klingon operatives aided the Federation in the past against the Devidians in that FE mini-arc, something which I've taken to roleplaying with others through and tend to have to bite my tongue when coming up with the stupidest excuses for NOT doing what my faction's members likely should do.
When there is next to no meaningful specialization for either faction the Federation and the Klingon Empire might as well just be Billy Lee and Jimmy Lee of Double Dragon.
The Artist Formerly Known As Nikotaka ][ Join Date: Jan 2010
"Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers...?"
This being forced to suddenly help the Romulans is completleg counter to the KDF/STO backstory.
It started with the Reman FE arc. I could get by it as the missions made it a player choice to decide to help as KDF player.
This recent New Romulus expansion while cool and fun makes the whole faction suddenly do a 180 without a choice.
I would have been happier if the Devs had made the feds the happy to help faction and us the more, " Time to conquer" faction amd had us more true to ourselves and the STO backstory.
That said the more "Diplomatic" approach being taken with New Romulus could be seen as a "bone" being thrown to these increasingly restless adversaries in an attempt to stave them off until he can resolidify his powerbase.
Then there is, of course, Obisek. We first meet him when he's preparing to use Thalaron weaponry against the Romulans. We have been given no indications that he isn't still just as willing to use them now as he was then, even if he has thus far refrained. We also know that he wants the Remans to be an independent power, not just slaves under a different set of masters and as such has turned down Klingon "help" in the past. It's quite likely that this diplomatic approach is intended to avoid having Obisek decide that the Klingons are more deserving of his dishonorable weapons than the Tal'Shiar and the remnants of the Romulan Star Empire.
I give it roughly 50/50 odds that one of the above is what the Devs intend for the story to be, but forgot to lay the appropriate groundwork in game.
I rarely read the text for the KDF on story since they are so lacking. I just click and move on quickly as I can.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I explained it in one sentence.
So true on this!
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Essentially what it boils down to. I must learn to be less wordy!
It is easier to do a copypasta job on missions and switch the dialog to 'angry-honor' to make it sound Klingon than it is to design a branch of missions that specifically cater to KDF goals and motivations. It gets the content out faster and gets us to shut up and quit bothering Cryptic about what's next.
The Artist Formerly Known As Nikotaka ][ Join Date: Jan 2010
"Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers...?"
The problem is in todays society conquest, and well finishing off an enemy is considered wrong. More and more I see this attitude translate into mmos via the story line. I cant tell you how many times, as one player said Ive seen a copy and paste job for the KDF point of view, instead of a actual Klingon response. Its like I was defending a Klingon starbase, got to a hostile npcs, who was in fact a Klingon. I was about to kill it, when the so called Klingon said I surrender. Its like really seriously? This type of thing is all throughout star trek online.
Maybe some day that will change but for now we will have to put up with the naive fed position, that everything can be solved with diplomacy, that you take prisoners, that you do not wipe out enemies, and so on and so forth.
So the only plot element left for Klingons is fighting. And that is why they won't never have much story missions (I really enjoyed the few of them, even if they were a little bit silly). And why Defera, Omega Fleet and now New Romulus content feels forced upon the Klingons.
Klingons only work as cannon fodder for the feds. Like Orcs mostly works as cannon fodder for fantasy heroes. At last they didn't had advanced weapons, ships etc xD
"Qappla, my lab rats dyed 5secs faster than in the last weapon test :P"
Or how are they maintaining and overseeing their huge territory. Where is the honor in bookkeeping?
"Qappla, we had 5% more income than last year" ... Or did they really invade the gorn because they are the better administrators :-P
I don't want new klingon missions where we are fightings against badass enemy n?XYZ but missions where we would get more to see of the klingon society.
I don't know the ingame reasons why the klingons are now helping the romulans but perhaps Cryptic will surprise us :-P
On the belief that the Devs are somewhat more TOS setting fans than TNG setting fans, this style of "conquest" - outfederationing the Federation - is something right out of the fallout from the Organian Intervention and subsequent treaty...
Remember, the "augments" as Cryptic tries to describe them weren't all "honor and glory", they were more or less Cold-war Soviets...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I disagree. The Devs will not take the chance to write anything else unless its to copy paste us into some new agnostic content.
Plenty of content and ideas for content exist about the KDF, the devs merely have to use it.
Ideas is not content. And bad fanfiction were Riker sleeps trough half the Klingon Empire is not content :-P
Ah, but plenty of soft canon content and other ideas on the Klingons exist in Novels and media. It just needs to be researched to be used to enrich the KDF.
We don't always have to shadow the feds in everything that comes along.
Both factions should still be able to gain marks. Feds for rebuilding and defending the romulans, KDF for destroying everything. The romulan stuff in the reputation system could then be considered a share of the loot offered to successful warriors of the empire.
Becuase the RSE would in no way be upset over the KDF invading and capturing thier territories after the supernova or missions like "Removing the Romulan Empire" where we have killed them by the thousands and we KDF players should be quick to trust the RSE after we had to stop them from almost ruining the House of Martok or all the trouble they gave us in the Romulan Mystery mission series.
I find the whole "rush to help the poor RSE" a forced turn of events that goes against the backstory of the the game and the KDF.
The proper way to have done this seasons content would have been having the Klingons try and subjugate the Romulans, while the federation tried to prevent it. Then maybe we could actually pretend like we're suppose to be at war. I don't even like the notion of pushing it off on the political correctness of not enslaving or subjugating another culture... That's total bullocks! Klingons do slave trade, occupations, and other nastiness in their doff missions!
It's really just a matter of Cryptic wishing they never created the Klingon faction and half assing it because they don't want to invest the time and resources to do it right.
IMHO CBS does not want the Klingons to be more than "Space Orcs"
Although I could be wrong about both of the above statements.
You also forgot to mention that the Path to 2409 painted them as the heroes of the whole Undine thing. They were the only power in the quadrant that not only recognized the threat, but actually did something about it. And hell, despite how they're (usually) portrayed in game they didn't just go off on a crusade, they tried to warn the other powers first and only started up the war machine after they were ignored/told they were chasing ghosts.
We should remember that when the KDF began in sto, all it was supposed to be was a pvp faction. You remember the grinds, no episodes, and pvp. Latter on of course the devs realized oh TRIBBLE more fans wanted to be klingons or Romulans then feds. When I got this game I knew there was a slim chance, but I wanted to be a Romulan. As it was the one thing that was vastly unexplored in star trek. Of course I found out you couldn't be a Romulan so I went to the next best thing the Klingons. Only to find out that I needed to create a fed first.
My point is its been a cluster frack up for a long time now, but the KDF is showing signs of becoming a complete faction on ITS OWN. The story bugs me more often then not, because it usually follows fed ideals, but I can live with that if they actually complete the KDF. Once this is done, then latter on they can tweak the stories for a more klingon outcome.
They are weakened and disorganized. Now is the time to strike and solve the issue permanently.
If they are, we can subdue them without a single blow or effort, and focus resources elsewhere. If not, well, you all know what's next.
My two cents
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Then we continue what we started and capture the last of the old systems that where once ours.
Add thier resources to the Empire and stay vigilant.
I have no issue personaly with Obisek and the Remans but I do not trust the Romulans.