sounds like pvp rep is next, with defera, cardasian and tholian later. tholian? you don't really interact with them, you shoot them. reputation as a menis to them?
i am glad to hear about the other reputation missions arent going to charge dil, that dil nickle and dimming that we were facing with that was bad.
the new passives for the current rep are a scary thing for pvp, i don't want to know what they will come up with for focus on pvp.
But can't you picture the following down the line?
The group of five that has T5'd their reps with 5-6 groups - where they're flying a Drek'Hi, a Warbarge, a Balaur, and two Ravagers...
...and seeing the guy show up in his brand new Sovereign ready to rock and roll.
Can you imagine the forum posts?
Yes, ohh yes.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] @Aquitaine985 Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre. 2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
If there is anything history has taught us about Cryptic and PvP, it's that you can't expect... anything. All they said is that they could do a PvP Rep system and they might, but there are too many other things they said they will do and haven't.
Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
Well all things considered, with a huge bulk of PvP players gone to Mech Warrior Online and Guild Wars these guys may have got the message. Then again, I could be wrong.
I think they thought we were bluffing.
Let's take a simple calculator to the test, tachyoknetic converter is being bought a lot by PvPers to my knowledge as a replacement to the Borg console. That's a $50.00 console easily.
Let's say there's 200 PvPers, and say 75 of them are gone to Mech Warrior, that's $3750.00 per character right off the bat in loss of revenue! Although this number is deflated a lot, it just shows how high that dollar number can get with inclusion to respec tokens, more players, and other releases. Vesta for instance is probably going to be another $50.00 package that will have a lack of consumers due to their neglect to PvP.
This is my assessment to Cryptic/PWE's losses for this month. Then again, they could deem it all as a write off and intended for it all to happen. I can bet their value as a 50 million dollar company has been depreciated since PWE bought them.
Every penny counts Crytpic/PWE. This business relationship between pvper and developer has become more a long the lines of investor and corporation. And the investors are pulling out, one by one.
-PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes (this fleet lost 20+ players to your competitors over the past few months).
I think you are completely off mark tbh. We (PvPers) want a ferrari, cryptic sells trucks, we all bought one and are now complaining. Would they love to sell us ferrari-like sports vehicle: of course! Can they make one: Hell no.
Leaderboards, Fixing cloak, fleetbase PvP content, fixing Kerrat, fixing F@W all were in testing internally going out soon, and we are still waiting. This pvp rep talk is not even a good installment of a much repeated episode. Guess that is progress, the sales pitch has toned down.
There won't be a pvp rep system, it would need pvp content, and Devs to make it. It is not going to happen.
"No, there is no real problem with P2W in STO. Obviously, if you fight against someone with an equal level of skill in the game, better equipment will give you an edge. But usually, it is the skill level that determines the outcome, not the P2W." -Logimo
I think you are completely off mark tbh. We (PvPers) want a ferrari, cryptic sells trucks, we all bought one and are now complaining. Would they love to sell us ferrari-like sports vehicle: of course! Can they make one: Hell no.
Leaderboards, Fixing cloak, fleetbase PvP content, fixing Kerrat, fixing F@W all were in testing internally going out soon, and we are still waiting. This pvp rep talk is not even a good installment of a much repeated episode. Guess that is progress, the sales pitch has toned down.
There won't be a pvp rep system, it would need pvp content, and Devs to make it. It is not going to happen.
To entertain your analogy:
I don't know about you, but I like my Tonka Trucks. All I want is a tune up. However, that 'mechanic shop' cannot sustain itself without clients is what I am saying and I think and hope they're getting the message.
Well all things considered, with a huge bulk of PvP players gone to Mech Warrior Online and Guild Wars these guys may have got the message. Then again, I could be wrong.
I think they thought we were bluffing.
Let's take a simple calculator to the test, tachyoknetic converter is being bought a lot by PvPers to my knowledge as a replacement to the Borg console. That's a $50.00 console easily.
Let's say there's 200 PvPers, and say 75 of them are gone to Mech Warrior, that's $3750.00 per character right off the bat in loss of revenue! Although this number is deflated a lot, it just shows how high that dollar number can get with inclusion to respec tokens, more players, and other releases. Vesta for instance is probably going to be another $50.00 package that will have a lack of consumers due to their neglect to PvP.
This is my assessment to Cryptic/PWE's losses for this month. Then again, they could deem it all as a write off and intended for it all to happen. I can bet their value as a 50 million dollar company has been depreciated since PWE bought them.
Every penny counts Crytpic/PWE. This business relationship between pvper and developer has become more a long the lines of investor and corporation. And the investors are pulling out, one by one.
-PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes (this fleet lost 20+ players to your competitors over the past few months).
You got a point here, and yes sad to say at this very moment we have more fun in MWO then in STO, and yes, I've always spend money in this game as a PvPer, respecs, lockbox ships, etc. Lobi stuff.
I will be back when there is something interesting going on again, for now I feel like I have nothing much to do anymore in this game.
You got a point here, and yes sad to say at this very moment we have more fun in MWO then in STO, and yes, I've always spend money in this game as a PvPer, respecs, lockbox ships, etc. Lobi stuff.
I will be back when there is something interesting going on again, for now I feel like I have nothing much to do anymore in this game.
Oh well,
See you guys soon Im still on Pidgin
Snip! More fun in MWO right now.
Sad to say, but the PVP shine has disappeared for most of us in STO at this point in time. MWO is pure PVP. All the complexity of STO and more. It has stirred up the fun we used to get during season 2 pvp where hours would disappear in front of the screen with pure fun and enjoyment. The balance seems to be such that the little mechs you can start off with are just as important in a team environment as the big ones. Can you say the same for tier 4, 5 & 6 ships in STO?
Now, all it feels like is you have to spend X amount of time to unlock this to get that. Grind this mission to unlock that.
Wait, more grind? The rep system. More "Fun"?!?! How is grinding fun PWE? Why is it so difficult to incorporate the grind into the enjoyable parts?
Over the last few weeks I assessed the amount of time i had spent obtaining good stuff to actually function in PVP and that hit home for me. 10% pvp vs. 90% grinding. Way out of wack. (I also consider exchange watching a major necessity - part of 90%)
Due to the power creep kicking in way too quickly with the release of new ships month in, month out, there will be no balance as it will always be catch up for the devs.
Remember how long the MVAM took to come out post initial release of game? It should have remained that way. Look at how quickly the tholian ships have become obsolete. When were they released?
I'll see what happens in Season 8 or log in here and there to see whats happening whilst MWO patches
No Grind for Best Gear****************Grind for Best Gear Excluding EC to get best Weapons
Individual Parts Damage System*********Shield/Hull System
Mech's are equally important***********Ships totally outbalanced, you need a lockbox ship.
Weapons are fairly balanced***********Weapons/Skills totally out of whack
Awesome PvP existent***************Hardly any decent PvP
Very nice tweaking system************Unbalanced Skill Tree which requires Money (Respec)
Queuing up = Instant game***********Wait 5/10 minutes, KDF 30+ often.
MWO Skill based, Aiming, Teamplay.*****Less Skill based, you get 'better' with better gear/lockbox/lobi ****.
For the most matches, you really need to get your self skills up in means of aiming your weapons properly, trying to avoid attacks, Long range missiles, and team play is a very important aspect. Even a reasonable decent team of friends versus a pug is not always a guarantee for a win, thats the nice thing about it.
For now the only game mode is assault and you can either kill all your opponents, or capture their base faster then they do, or do both. lol You can actually choose. Its like Arena + CnH from STO combined.
This is just the tip of the iceberg though :O
I see so much aspects which STO could be just as good at it is really unfortunate it isn't
Point Blank STO pvp is not living up to what it should be....Cryptic has taken my favorite franchise tv show/ movies and completely made a fool of it, with its non realistic, horribly unbalanced, and pay 2 win game engine. How can i play PVP in a game that completely neglect pvp all together.
Season 8 will be another p2w grind fest with horribly unbalanced abilities nothing will be fixed and the only contribution to pvp that will occur will be 1 new map to ground pvp.
Unless something EPIC occurs during season 8 this life time account holder will not return and will not spend anymore money on this game.
I will remain in MWO with their Epic and totally balanced PVP cause its just that much more well built sorry Cryptic......
Indeed, even PvP'ers like to pay for stuff, even if they can just fly their favorite ship in PvP and NOT even for the reason because it would/should be more powerful, thats the stupid thing cryptic will never understand. I would pay 20 bucks for a Jemmy even if it was just as bad as the fleet or defiant or mvam escort simply because i like its appearance. Cryptic is just dumb.
In mechwarrior like i said before every mech is quite equal and you choose a mech not just because its good but because you like its appearance, and if you really want to get it fast (you can always get it for free) you can still spend money on it.
STO = free reloads of torpedoes.
MWO = Nvidia fairy or coconut bobblehead on your mech.
STO = so many costumes for your captain AND your entire crew.
MWO = No Bieber
STO = Bieber is here!
MWO = you can only fly your mech while you have jumpjets.
STO = you zoom through space at 14 times the speed of LIGHT!
MWO = new pvp maps
STO = so many maps randomly generated in exploration missions
MWO = you can't spam spacebar unless you keybind it
MWO = No OPVP chat
STO = OPVP chat AND zone chat
MWO = no heals
STO = Can i haz sci team? Yes, I can haz sci team
"No, there is no real problem with P2W in STO. Obviously, if you fight against someone with an equal level of skill in the game, better equipment will give you an edge. But usually, it is the skill level that determines the outcome, not the P2W." -Logimo
You know that's what I used to think too. Until I tried it. I was hooked within a few days. In fact the other day Jorf specifically mentioned how great it would be to try to get you in there playing.
No Grind for Best Gear****************Grind for Best Gear Excluding EC to get best Weapons
Individual Parts Damage System*********Shield/Hull System
Mech's are equally important***********Ships totally outbalanced, you need a lockbox ship.
Weapons are fairly balanced***********Weapons/Skills totally out of whack
Awesome PvP existent***************Hardly any decent PvP
Very nice tweaking system************Unbalanced Skill Tree which requires Money (Respec)
Queuing up = Instant game***********Wait 5/10 minutes, KDF 30+ often.
MWO Skill based, Aiming, Teamplay.*****Less Skill based, you get 'better' with better gear/lockbox/lobi ****.
For the most matches, you really need to get your self skills up in means of aiming your weapons properly, trying to avoid attacks, Long range missiles, and team play is a very important aspect. Even a reasonable decent team of friends versus a pug is not always a guarantee for a win, thats the nice thing about it.
For now the only game mode is assault and you can either kill all your opponents, or capture their base faster then they do, or do both. lol You can actually choose. Its like Arena + CnH from STO combined.
This is just the tip of the iceberg though :O
I see so much aspects which STO could be just as good at it is really unfortunate it isn't
no star trek space battles***********star trek space battles
at the very least a PVP rep system wouldn't be a grind to us, unless you consider pvp a grind. i don't think any of us do.
Its not the grind. Ive merely found my passion for STO has waned greatly of late.
Where I onced looked forward to playing I now find it too easy to find something else to do.
I might get on to DOff real quick but a quick kleenex to my keyboard later and Im feeling dirty but still leaving to do somethong else.
No Grind for Best Gear****************Grind for Best Gear Excluding EC to get best Weapons
Individual Parts Damage System*********Shield/Hull System
Mech's are equally important***********Ships totally outbalanced, you need a lockbox ship.
Weapons are fairly balanced***********Weapons/Skills totally out of whack
Awesome PvP existent***************Hardly any decent PvP
Very nice tweaking system************Unbalanced Skill Tree which requires Money (Respec)
Queuing up = Instant game***********Wait 5/10 minutes, KDF 30+ often.
MWO Skill based, Aiming, Teamplay.*****Less Skill based, you get 'better' with better gear/lockbox/lobi ****.
For the most matches, you really need to get your self skills up in means of aiming your weapons properly, trying to avoid attacks, Long range missiles, and team play is a very important aspect. Even a reasonable decent team of friends versus a pug is not always a guarantee for a win, thats the nice thing about it.
For now the only game mode is assault and you can either kill all your opponents, or capture their base faster then they do, or do both. lol You can actually choose. Its like Arena + CnH from STO combined.
This is just the tip of the iceberg though :O
I see so much aspects which STO could be just as good at it is really unfortunate it isn't
Well No offense to you but... If you think it is better, go play it and leave STO. Honestly we are on these forums for STO. MWO Forums is somewhere else where people who plays Mech cares about it...
I will stay to the bitter end for STO but talking about how better another game is better wont get things fixed. I really dont wana hear the "been here for 3 years" speech either. I have faith in Bran and the Dev team. They will get something done in 2013 I'm sure of it. But if you dont, MWO is waiting for ya bud.
This is aimed at all those who talk about MWO or GWO2 or whatever other game you think is better. go play it and stop talking about how it is better. It would be better obviously if you are still on these forums.
The Average PvP player
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up
Its not the grind. Ive merely found my passion for STO has waned greatly of late.
Where I onced looked forward to playing I now find it too easy to find something else to do.
I might get on to DOff real quick but a quick kleenex to my keyboard later and Im feeling dirty but still leaving to do somethong else.
Come join us roach. MWO's actually very casual, and it's not like we can't play both games.
"No, there is no real problem with P2W in STO. Obviously, if you fight against someone with an equal level of skill in the game, better equipment will give you an edge. But usually, it is the skill level that determines the outcome, not the P2W." -Logimo
Well No offense to you but... If you think it is better, go play it and leave STO. Honestly we are on these forums for STO. MWO Forums is somewhere else where people who plays Mech cares about it...
I will stay to the bitter end for STO but talking about how better another game is better wont get things fixed. I really dont wana hear the "been here for 3 years" speech either. I have faith in Bran and the Dev team. They will get something done in 2013 I'm sure of it. But if you dont, MWO is waiting for ya bud.
This is aimed at all those who talk about MWO or GWO2 or whatever other game you think is better. go play it and stop talking about how it is better. It would be better obviously if you are still on these forums.
Yes, I agree. It's bad to compare different products with other people so that maybe the inferior product can incorporate some of its competition's concepts.
Doing that can... gasp... lead to the product becoming better.
"No, there is no real problem with P2W in STO. Obviously, if you fight against someone with an equal level of skill in the game, better equipment will give you an edge. But usually, it is the skill level that determines the outcome, not the P2W." -Logimo
Take back your home,end the grind!
Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
Since June of 2010.
i am glad to hear about the other reputation missions arent going to charge dil, that dil nickle and dimming that we were facing with that was bad.
the new passives for the current rep are a scary thing for pvp, i don't want to know what they will come up with for focus on pvp.
10000x this ^^
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
But can't you picture the following down the line?
The group of five that has T5'd their reps with 5-6 groups - where they're flying a Drek'Hi, a Warbarge, a Balaur, and two Ravagers...
...and seeing the guy show up in his brand new Sovereign ready to rock and roll.
Can you imagine the forum posts?
Yes, ohh yes.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
He said that the Reputation system is where they COULD put a PVP reputation, same with Tholians, or others.. Not that they WOULD..
Learn to read between the lines. :cool:
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Even Bort said he and the Devs were Developing a PvP Rep system.
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up
If there is anything history has taught us about Cryptic and PvP, it's that you can't expect... anything. All they said is that they could do a PvP Rep system and they might, but there are too many other things they said they will do and haven't.
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
drunken old guy ranting too much.
I think they thought we were bluffing.
Let's take a simple calculator to the test, tachyoknetic converter is being bought a lot by PvPers to my knowledge as a replacement to the Borg console. That's a $50.00 console easily.
Let's say there's 200 PvPers, and say 75 of them are gone to Mech Warrior, that's $3750.00 per character right off the bat in loss of revenue! Although this number is deflated a lot, it just shows how high that dollar number can get with inclusion to respec tokens, more players, and other releases. Vesta for instance is probably going to be another $50.00 package that will have a lack of consumers due to their neglect to PvP.
This is my assessment to Cryptic/PWE's losses for this month. Then again, they could deem it all as a write off and intended for it all to happen. I can bet their value as a 50 million dollar company has been depreciated since PWE bought them.
Every penny counts Crytpic/PWE. This business relationship between pvper and developer has become more a long the lines of investor and corporation. And the investors are pulling out, one by one.
-PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes (this fleet lost 20+ players to your competitors over the past few months).
I think you are completely off mark tbh. We (PvPers) want a ferrari, cryptic sells trucks, we all bought one and are now complaining. Would they love to sell us ferrari-like sports vehicle: of course! Can they make one: Hell no.
Leaderboards, Fixing cloak, fleetbase PvP content, fixing Kerrat, fixing F@W all were in testing internally going out soon, and we are still waiting. This pvp rep talk is not even a good installment of a much repeated episode. Guess that is progress, the sales pitch has toned down.
There won't be a pvp rep system, it would need pvp content, and Devs to make it. It is not going to happen.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
To entertain your analogy:
I don't know about you, but I like my Tonka Trucks. All I want is a tune up. However, that 'mechanic shop' cannot sustain itself without clients is what I am saying and I think and hope they're getting the message.
-PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes
You got a point here, and yes sad to say at this very moment we have more fun in MWO then in STO, and yes, I've always spend money in this game as a PvPer, respecs, lockbox ships, etc. Lobi stuff.
I will be back when there is something interesting going on again, for now I feel like I have nothing much to do anymore in this game.
Oh well,
See you guys soon
Snip! More fun in MWO right now.
Sad to say, but the PVP shine has disappeared for most of us in STO at this point in time. MWO is pure PVP. All the complexity of STO and more. It has stirred up the fun we used to get during season 2 pvp where hours would disappear in front of the screen with pure fun and enjoyment. The balance seems to be such that the little mechs you can start off with are just as important in a team environment as the big ones. Can you say the same for tier 4, 5 & 6 ships in STO?
Now, all it feels like is you have to spend X amount of time to unlock this to get that. Grind this mission to unlock that.
Wait, more grind? The rep system. More "Fun"?!?! How is grinding fun PWE? Why is it so difficult to incorporate the grind into the enjoyable parts?
Over the last few weeks I assessed the amount of time i had spent obtaining good stuff to actually function in PVP and that hit home for me. 10% pvp vs. 90% grinding. Way out of wack. (I also consider exchange watching a major necessity - part of 90%)
Due to the power creep kicking in way too quickly with the release of new ships month in, month out, there will be no balance as it will always be catch up for the devs.
Remember how long the MVAM took to come out post initial release of game? It should have remained that way. Look at how quickly the tholian ships have become obsolete. When were they released?
I'll see what happens in Season 8 or log in here and there to see whats happening whilst MWO patches
All the best to the PVP community for now.
No Grind for Best Gear****************Grind for Best Gear Excluding EC to get best Weapons
Individual Parts Damage System*********Shield/Hull System
Mech's are equally important***********Ships totally outbalanced, you need a lockbox ship.
Weapons are fairly balanced***********Weapons/Skills totally out of whack
Awesome PvP existent***************Hardly any decent PvP
Very nice tweaking system************Unbalanced Skill Tree which requires Money (Respec)
Queuing up = Instant game***********Wait 5/10 minutes, KDF 30+ often.
MWO Skill based, Aiming, Teamplay.*****Less Skill based, you get 'better' with better gear/lockbox/lobi ****.
For the most matches, you really need to get your self skills up in means of aiming your weapons properly, trying to avoid attacks, Long range missiles, and team play is a very important aspect. Even a reasonable decent team of friends versus a pug is not always a guarantee for a win, thats the nice thing about it.
For now the only game mode is assault and you can either kill all your opponents, or capture their base faster then they do, or do both. lol You can actually choose. Its like Arena + CnH from STO combined.
This is just the tip of the iceberg though :O
I see so much aspects which STO could be just as good at it is really unfortunate it isn't
at the very least a PVP rep system wouldn't be a grind to us, unless you consider pvp a grind. i don't think any of us do.
Season 8 will be another p2w grind fest with horribly unbalanced abilities nothing will be fixed and the only contribution to pvp that will occur will be 1 new map to ground pvp.
Unless something EPIC occurs during season 8 this life time account holder will not return and will not spend anymore money on this game.
I will remain in MWO with their Epic and totally balanced PVP cause its just that much more well built sorry Cryptic......
Galron Sad Pandas
In mechwarrior like i said before every mech is quite equal and you choose a mech not just because its good but because you like its appearance, and if you really want to get it fast (you can always get it for free) you can still spend money on it.
STO = free reloads of torpedoes.
MWO = Nvidia fairy or coconut bobblehead on your mech.
STO = so many costumes for your captain AND your entire crew.
MWO = No Bieber
STO = Bieber is here!
MWO = you can only fly your mech while you have jumpjets.
STO = you zoom through space at 14 times the speed of LIGHT!
MWO = new pvp maps
STO = so many maps randomly generated in exploration missions
MWO = you can't spam spacebar unless you keybind it
MWO = No OPVP chat
STO = OPVP chat AND zone chat
MWO = no heals
STO = Can i haz sci team? Yes, I can haz sci team
You know that's what I used to think too. Until I tried it. I was hooked within a few days. In fact the other day Jorf specifically mentioned how great it would be to try to get you in there playing.
OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
+1 good job
OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
Fixed that for ya
Quote of the week:
Its not the grind. Ive merely found my passion for STO has waned greatly of late.
Where I onced looked forward to playing I now find it too easy to find something else to do.
I might get on to DOff real quick but a quick kleenex to my keyboard later and Im feeling dirty but still leaving to do somethong else.
Well No offense to you but... If you think it is better, go play it and leave STO. Honestly we are on these forums for STO. MWO Forums is somewhere else where people who plays Mech cares about it...
I will stay to the bitter end for STO but talking about how better another game is better wont get things fixed. I really dont wana hear the "been here for 3 years" speech either. I have faith in Bran and the Dev team. They will get something done in 2013 I'm sure of it. But if you dont, MWO is waiting for ya bud.
This is aimed at all those who talk about MWO or GWO2 or whatever other game you think is better. go play it and stop talking about how it is better. It would be better obviously if you are still on these forums.
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up
Come join us roach. MWO's actually very casual, and it's not like we can't play both games.
Yes, I agree. It's bad to compare different products with other people so that maybe the inferior product can incorporate some of its competition's concepts.
Doing that can... gasp... lead to the product becoming better.