what is up with all these restrictions on time? we should be able to play the game without having to worry about all these time gates. if i want to run and re-run specific content over and over again, why shouldn't i be able to? time is the most precious commodity we have. wasting time on these cooldown timers and other such time gates is ridiculous.
the new reputation system: if i have to gather resources to fill the projects, use a time-gated currency and then have to wait 40 hours in between projects. that's a triple tax on my time. I have to spend time to gather the resources needed or the currency to purchase such resources. I need to spend time farming the dilithium and then converting it. I need to wait a pre-determined amount of time before I can start the next project. Why am I being forced to waste all this time for a game that I am supposed to be enjoying?
why does dilithium need to be time gated? it doesnt. let us earn a lot less per reward, but allow us to refine as much as we want whenever we want. if we want to spend hours mining dilithium on an asteroid somewhere in space, let us! we honestly do not need to be pulling in thousands in ore for a quick mission or so. let us actually earn it. make it a true time gated currency, where actual time spent earning it = how much you actually get.
why have timers on projects? if we have the resources, let us progress as fast as we want. it's all about opportunity cost. if you wish to get something quickly, let us devote the resources we took our time into getting to do so. we are all smart enough to make choices for ourselves. if we want to max out our omega rep, let us. if we want to do the same with the rom rep, let us. with all the choices that are available to each one of our characters, working to schedule our time in playing a game seems counter-intuitive. we are here to have an enjoyable experience. we're not here for a second and third job. let us be the adults we are and let us make our own choices. let us control how we spend our time in game.
why do we have cooldown timers on repeatable content such as STFs and Fleet Actions? if i want to run ISE a billion times in a row, why shouldn't i be able to? this is a game people! i like certain content and i dislike certain content. let me play what i want, when i want it. it's like going to an amusement park, riding a ride you love and then having to wait a predetermined amount of time before lining up to ride it again. what sense does that make? i'm here to have fun. let me make my own decisions!
let's face the facts. we are here to have fun. we enjoy running content with friends. each person runs on a different schedule. let us make our own choices. we don't need you to mommy us into eating our broccoli. you like to control how you live your life. let us do the same.
Because gamers take the path of least resistance to rewards. Without time gates, people repeat the fastest and easiest content over and over to gain whatever it is they want
It's really really bad game design, and we are much better off with the gates.
forgive me if i don't just take your word for it. can you please elaborate on how we are better off with these time gates? how would me running back to back to back to back ISE's be detrimental to the game play of others? how does making me wait an hour between ISE's be for the best?
speaking from the points I made in the post above, please point out the fallacies to the claims I have made and how we are all better off the way they are. how would my having a tier 5 rep impact your character or the characters of others?
i play this game to have fun. please explain to me how them telling me how to spend my time in game is in my best interest.
Time gates only affect players who are spending all day more than 2 hours in the game. The usual casual players rarely even notice that there is a limit xD
Ergo Times gates are a nerf to Powergamers :P So that the team doesn't have to do extra content for those or balance the rewards better.
It's really really bad game design, and we are much better off with the gates.
speaking from the points I made in the post above, please point out the fallacies to the claims I have made and how we are all better off the way they are. how would my having a tier 5 rep impact your character or the characters of others?
i play this game to have fun. please explain to me how them telling me how to spend my time in game is in my best interest.
Ergo Times gates are a nerf to Powergamers :P So that the team doesn't have to do extra content for those or balance the rewards better.