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Credit diligent player with Omega Reputation

lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
An open letter to the developers.

This thread will probably get buried amongst the everything else about Season 7. But I have to get this off my chest. Simply said credit player who having diligently doing STF is quest for the Mk XII gear piece with Omega Reputation. Give the most diligent players Tier 5 from the very start. And scale it down from there. According to you, some players have been trying for a year, or more, trying to complete those Mk XII sets. Locking them out for 2-3 more months (or more) of of getting Mk XII equipment is punishment to those players.

Let me give a highly improbably hypothetical, but one that clearly makes my point. Player John doe is a casual player. He can play 2 or 3 times a week for an hour, maybe more. He knows under the current system, it would be a miracle for him to get a Mk XII set, so he settles for getting a Mk XI set. John has been working on doing STF when he can and has gotten 2 pieces of his Mk XI set. He's quite please with his progress.

On the night before Season 7 goes live he's working on getting those last 40 EDCs so he can complete his Mk XI set. He's up to 39 EDC and it's getting late. He's close, but he need to get up and go to work tomorrow. He's finish up with once more STF tomorrow or the next day.

Season goes lives. He's STF currencies are converted go locked away from his use. He's in a few days later, see Season 7 is launched, starts patching up his game client and reading the patch notes (or maybe not). But eventually he finds out those 39 EDC have been locked up out of his reach. He finds out from a new site or the forums, he got to way 60 days to reach Tier 5 of Omega Reputation before he can access STF currencies again. That's 60 days if you log in virtually every day to make progress. But John can't login every day. He's got 2 or 3 days a week at most. So that's 90, 120, or 180 or more.

He's got a wait months before he can complete his Mk XI set. Now, how do you think John feels about that. I know how I would feel about that. And it's not a positive emotion.

Thank for your time in reading this.
Post edited by lordfuzun on


  • vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2012
    In short are you saying that those who already have or are close to completing mkxi and mkxii sets should not be made to start over again and be scaled to a correct corresponding level on the reputation scale?

    If so I agree, because I am in that boat with mk xii psg and armour for two toons and been trying for a while to get the gun. I'd feel gutted having to grind all the way up past tonnes of gear that would be useless to me as I already have it, just to get the missing bit of equipment.
  • maliusnightmaliusnight Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I hear what your saying, I spent the last couple days grinding IGE like crazy, I finally finished my Mk XII Omega set, and I am totally thrilled with it. But I can totally appreciate the situation you outlined, and having staired that basic concept in the eye I total feel everyone else who has considered it.

    That said having looked over the rep tree, seen the new abilities rewarded by the system, I can accept that they want fresh efforts to get them. I do agree that the boxing of rewards is a less then ideal solution, and that players should not have their previous rewards taken away, doing so invalidates their efforts. Now I understand their not really taken away they are just held in trust, and that there is "interest" in the form of bonus dilithium rewarded when they are returned. But lets face it, tier 5 is going to be 2-3 months off for hardcore players. John Doe, getting in 3-4 hours a week, is probably looking at 3-4 months probably a little longer, depending on how long he's played and how well he knows the game.

    So unless that bonus, is substantial I can't see how this method of conversion is a good idea, from the players stand point.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Further thoughts. I have focused too much on the Currency issue. There is also an issue of effort. The Omega Reputation system isn't like the Romulan Reputation system. The Romulan Rep. system has new game play in order to advance in it. However, the Omega Reputation system is be retrofitted onto existing game play.

    It is game player that player have spent thousands of player hours doing. I dear say that there are more than just a few player who have earned Tier 5 in the Omega Reputation System many times over. Those player an other should be credited with an appropriate level of reputation along with the commiserate system rewards.

    Let me repeat Omega Fleet (i.e. STFs) game play is NOT new. Player should be credited an appropriate amount of Reputation in proportion to their STF game play. All the who up to Tier 5.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Conversion should be available at the start not Tier 5 so players have the choice to use it for rewards or level up. A person could get the Mk XII STF set by just afking so should those people be rewarded for doing nothing? Also people could do hundreds of elite STFs and not get a single Mk XII STF piece. It is far easier for people to all start at the beginning. People will still have to earn their rewards since there are new powers and equipment available. So getting access to the new equipment at the start is not fair for those just starting. If it was just the current rewards, then it wouldn't matter if people got rewarded for current effort. However, the introduction of Borg Weapons, the Borg Mk XII set, and the Adapted sets makes it a problem.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    vitzh wrote: »
    In short are you saying that those who already have or are close to completing mkxi and mkxii sets should not be made to start over again and be scaled to a correct corresponding level on the reputation scale?

    No, not quite what I'm trying to say. I'm saying that player should be granted scaled rewards as to how much effort they have made in playing STFs. I don't want to depend on how lucky some players get. That would be unfair to players who have been trying for months or more.

    The most logical measure would be using the trackers that the accolade system uses. Ally an appropriate weight to Normal and Elite STFs, total then and them award reputation based on the net total.
    If so I agree, because I am in that boat with mk xii psg and armour for two toons and been trying for a while to get the gun. I'd feel gutted having to grind all the way up past tonnes of gear that would be useless to me as I already have it, just to get the missing bit of equipment.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    ...People will still have to earn their rewards since there are new powers and equipment available. So getting access to the new equipment at the start is not fair for those just starting. ...

    I disagree with you on this. The new system is very fair for new player. It's is very determinate. Player know exactly now much they need to put into the system in order to get exactly what they want. The old system was determinate for Mk X and XI gear, if didn't' get luck with a drop before hand. But Mk XII gear is a purely a roll of the dice. You didn't know if you needed 3 STF or 3000 before you get the 3 needed drops.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Oh it's fair for the new player, but far for those who been playing for months and years.

    This system supposed to be easier for those to get their STF Sets, yet those same people that they are helping, they told them they can't have their sets and have to wait longer to unlock them and them pay 34000-36000 Dilithium per Set, on top of the 3 new set Pieces and MK12 Borg weapons. And to add insult to injury, their savings are locked up.

    So its like a Family Guy episode where kicking someone between the legs is supposed to be good for them. :rolleyes:

    Would've been better if the system supplemented the existing STF runs and accounted for the work done. But Cryptic can't keep reinventing the wheel (STFs) every two seasons.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First off, Mk XI is tier III/IV range IIRC, not tier V omega rep. Thusly, it won't take the full 2 months + piles of STFs to get there, month to a month and a half off the top of my head.

    Secondly, we don't know the prices for the lower mark gear, everyone keeps talking about the "holy grail Mk XIIs". Only sucky part about their current plans is that the conversion payout for the 39 EDCs that are trapped up in the box won't pop until Tier V (and the two month warning) is hit, but if I was facing that, I'd be seriously considering spending 30 EDCs on the Dilithium boxes and letting the last 9 go into the box for dilth/marks later rather than letting all 39 get locked up unless it gives me enough to get a Mk XII part straight off on day 1 of tier V...

    Third off, at the mythical "one left" point, I'd be tempted to run one last normal even though I should be sleeping rather than let all that work go to waste...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I don't get the purpose of locking away the converted rewards. Does an STF run the day before the patch not deserve the same reward as one the day after?
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The only thing I don't like about the conversion is taking all the salvage/edc/tech and locking it all away until T5. That seems extremely harsh to me, and frankly I think it's incredibly cheeky of the devs to do this.

    Having people start at max rep I think is stupid, and even though I have multiple Mk XII sets already, I don't want to start at max rep. I'm looking forward to actually having something to do :P
    Kirk's Protege.
  • maliusnightmaliusnight Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree that Auto-maxing is not a good solution. New rewards require fresh effort. Are we going to get chance to know the conversation rate before S7 goes live? As long as we have an answer to that we can at-least make an informed choice about cashing in.
  • joenatljoenatl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I don't understand is that all the tier missions have a 2 day wait between them. So what if I have a bajillion edc if I am still made to wait those two days? It's like a double penalty to lock them away as we'll as time gate my advancement. For the record I am one of those players who has yet to see a single proto psg, even though I have seen at least 3 of all other proto tech drop, both space and ground, so I am miffed about my loot being held And getting time holds on advancement
  • capcushcapcush Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What they are trying to do is get every one the chance to get end game gear instead of trying to grind for many many months for those casual players. the reason for this (only speculation from talking with fellow elite stfers) is they are most likely going to release something that is better than the current stf rewards so the reputation system opens the door to so many opportunities and potability of new or upgraded gear. so yes there are those that will get the 39 pieces for the final part of the set but also as they said in a dev blog they have stated that all of the items that you have form stf's will be put in a box and converted so when you reach the 5th level of reputation you could get possibly a full mk XII set depending on what you had before season seven. so do what a lot of players are doing a start saving every thing that you have so that you could get every thing that you want when you get to the 5th level on the omega rep
  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    They knew this was going to be bad, so they apologized in the Dev post. Push the issue, and they will apologize again here.
    Better yet, wait until it is live and we will see the reaction when everybody finds out their stuff is sitting in a box waiting for "one day."

    Good times had by all...
  • fltcaptcrandallfltcaptcrandall Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    figured this was the place to speak about the omega rep system in general.

    I personally like the idea of the system but agree that there needs to be some credit for what players have accomplished already. I'd say look at their equipment sets but that is one issues that is attempting to be resolved by this system. Instead, look at their ribbons for running the missions (silver star, etc.). I agree with not auto maxing them out, but someone with the medal of honor doesn't need to be starting at the bottom either. They might get a t4 rating at the start, silver star gets t2, etc. They have indeed been grinding all this time to get gear, put them that much closer to their reward.

    The other issue I have is that the system should only require resources obtained on the missions that award omega marks. If it takes dilithium and provisions, then the missions should be handing those out at a rate to completely satisfy the reputation projects. I should not have to go outside the missions to complete these reputation projects, as they are specific to the omega content, not the "farm for provisions" content. If you want to give me enough energy credits to buy the things, that's fine too. Just don't make the project requirements more than what I have been doing to get the gear, which is run STFs and other future omega mark generating content.

    Good take on solving the issue, just tweak these to get credit to players where earned (both future and past) and it'll go over quite well I think.

    Crandall out
  • snipe048snipe048 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree with the OP completely on this topic, I've run somewhere around 500 Elite STF's to only get two Pieces of the Mark XII sets (Maco Space Shield, Maco Ground Armour) Being able to at least start Halfway to T5 would be nice Because I really don't want to Grind for 3 More friggin months just to pay out the nose in DIL to finish my sets.

    Founder and Current CO of Gamma Strike Force

    Player since December 2009
  • lilchibiclarililchibiclari Member Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Please consider also that because you can't get much of the Mark XII gear until you reach Tier 5 on Omega Reputation anyway, having the materials locked into a box until you reach Tier 5 doesn't actually slow down the amount of time required to get the Mark XII stuff. It does however slow down the acquisition of Mark X/XII items.
  • chivalrybeanchivalrybean Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Currently on Tribble, is says the conversion crate opens at Tier 3 now. So you will likely get a jump on 4 and 5 easy.

    I will only get 4k dil for all the stuff I have, 3k omega marks, and 12 neural processors.

    I could get a whole lot more dil if I turned everything in. I might do that.

    Also, dil requirement has been removed from personal reputation systems. I don't think anyone will be complaining about that {:0)

    I don't mind going for the gear from ground zero if I get a ton of dil instead. I just let the stuff pile up because I didn't need anything if I wasn't getting a whole set of something.

    Sure, I've bashed my face against Infected Ground Elite plenty to get the PSG, but I might prefer the dil, at least until I have some idea what 3k marks and 12 neural processors mean.
    Chewson Pwan - VA
    S.S. Doff Lundgren
  • inputend21inputend21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well i got kinda bent over the table buy the conversion rate,so for 51 proto salvages,25 proto techs,300+ edc,i got 3500 omega marks,15 neural processors,and 8k ore for what i have.This is a character with all MKXll sets space and ground,i thought you where going to be generous with this conversion
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    inputend21 wrote: »
    Well i got kinda bent over the table buy the conversion rate,so for 51 proto salvages,25 proto techs,300+ edc,i got 3500 omega marks,15 neural processors,and 8k ore for what i have.This is a character with all MKXll sets space and ground,i thought you where going to be generous with this conversion

    There is the adapted MACO/Honor Guard STF set and the Borg Space Set Mk XII to obtain for Season 7 if you want to get them all.
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