Since many players are unsure in choosing between Jem'Hadar attack ship and Mobius Temporal Destroyer, I open this thread for them; write what you think and which you prefer, if possible giving reasons for your choice.
In my opinion, the Jem'Hadar is slightly more powerful than Mobius as DPS ship (5 tac consoles vs 4 and greater weapon system bonus) and turns almost like a shuttle, but may suffer the lack of a liutenant commander science/engineering station and it has a single science console.
So, despite JH can hurt harder, it requires a really experienced captain to grant its survival: this is why I prefer Mobius, I think the balance is the best option.
Besides, Mobius looks greater and is funnier to drive, trust me! I don't like 360? turns by pressing the directional keys for a second too long :P
Anyway, the choice is yours!
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Archimede - Leader and Founder of "Raiders of Starfleet"
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Something about the boff layout for the Mobius rubs me the wrong way, although I can't explain what it is. Similarly, I don't like the console layout... using the temporal warfare set is just a waste given the ship's basic layout and...blah.
I feel like the Jem'Hadar attack ship is basically pure escort, whereas the Mobius is an escort that's trying too hard to be a bit of everything.
Much like the Wells is a science ship that's trying too hard to be a bit of everything.
Something about the boff layout for the Mobius rubs me the wrong way, although I can't explain what it is. Similarly, I don't like the console layout... using the temporal warfare set is just a waste given the ship's basic layout and...blah.
I feel like the Jem'Hadar attack ship is basically pure escort, whereas the Mobius is an escort that's trying too hard to be a bit of everything.
Much like the Wells is a science ship that's trying too hard to be a bit of everything.
Yes.. if you haven't noticed recently with the new ships, cryptic is designing "in betweens" both for fed and KDF. the best (or worst) of both worlds? It gives more variety in ships, especially with the universal boffs. It does "muddy" the roles a little bit, but you can have more diversity. It's not just the mobius.
with the mobius, you have an LTC universal.. you can put sci, tac, or eng in here. I would recommend that you consider your captain's role and choose career separate from it. So, if you are a tac, I would not choose that LTC uni to be a tac station like every other escort out there. I would choose a science or eng, because at the LTC level, the abilities/powers get interesting.
So as a tactical captain, you can have some interesting sci and eng skills at LTC level. You can find level 3 skills that go into the LTC spot. I have found the best builds are not to the 'extreme' of your captain's role, but as close as you can get to another captain role while still maintaining the strengths of your own.
Alternatively, if you are an eng or sci captain, you might want to consider a LTC tactical that can have TT3 or HY3, etc...
The ship is designed so that you lose a little bit of your strength, but gain strength in areas that you normally wouldn't, which may make you stronger overall.
Play around with the builds and boff abilities a bit and see what you think.
Jem'hadar ship. I've yet to see a mobius take out a Galaxy class cruiser in less than 60 seconds, compared to a single jemmie going kamikaze and oneshotting said Galaxy. Besides, jemmie bugships are ALOT more rarer than other boxed ships.
I feel like the Jem'Hadar attack ship is basically pure escort, whereas the Mobius is an escort that's trying too hard to be a bit of everything.
Much like the Wells is a science ship that's trying too hard to be a bit of everything.
Yes.. if you haven't noticed recently with the new ships, cryptic is designing "in betweens" both for fed and KDF. the best (or worst) of both worlds? It gives more variety in ships, especially with the universal boffs. It does "muddy" the roles a little bit, but you can have more diversity. It's not just the mobius.
with the mobius, you have an LTC universal.. you can put sci, tac, or eng in here. I would recommend that you consider your captain's role and choose career separate from it. So, if you are a tac, I would not choose that LTC uni to be a tac station like every other escort out there. I would choose a science or eng, because at the LTC level, the abilities/powers get interesting.
So as a tactical captain, you can have some interesting sci and eng skills at LTC level. You can find level 3 skills that go into the LTC spot. I have found the best builds are not to the 'extreme' of your captain's role, but as close as you can get to another captain role while still maintaining the strengths of your own.
Alternatively, if you are an eng or sci captain, you might want to consider a LTC tactical that can have TT3 or HY3, etc...
The ship is designed so that you lose a little bit of your strength, but gain strength in areas that you normally wouldn't, which may make you stronger overall.
Play around with the builds and boff abilities a bit and see what you think.
Why are you not rejoicing?