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The feeling of MMO leaving?

cptdangcptdang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Ill say first, that I've enjoyed the fact that many aspects of STO has moved to queues and the UI.

But I think that too much of that game has moved to the queues. Including the stores. The STF store is about to move to the reputation window. So now with the queue, we don't have to leave where we are to interact face to face with someone's character to play or buy.

Traditionally in mmo's if you wanted to buy something or get something, you traveled to a NPC. If you wanted to coordinate a raid, you meet up with other players. This gave you a more immersive feeling. And I'm afraid that this feeling is slowly exiting STO.

I believe we are trading and true experience for convenience.

Queues are great and convenience is good. But too much of a good thing can be bad. In this case, I think its true.

Thanks for listening.
Post edited by cptdang on


  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think you hit the nail on the head here.

    Specifically the ability to buy everything remotely now. We will no longer need to goto DS9 for STF Gear, All Romulan Gear will be via the reputation system.... with the fleet bases having banks, embassies having exchanges... I think some of these current hubs will become ghost towns... the game feels like we are moving back to a single player style...

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    As far as I am concerned the less zoning the better. I am sick and tired of needing to waste time zoning or transwarping all over the place just to get something done. And it is not as if needing to go to DS9 forces anyone to interact with others. Beaming in, running over and getting what you want, and then beaming out isn't role-playing or socializing. It is just wasting time. Time sinks are not role-playing, and avoiding them does not mean you role-play less or more.
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'd like to think that the New Romulas adventure zone will help remedy this feeling of becoming a lobby based game. We'll have a zone that will have a variety of reasons for people to be there, not just one reason (i.e. like the queued instances). This should present the opportunity, the chance, of unscripted encounters between people - the essence of any socially successful MMO that I have ever played. Cryptic have not delivered such a zone in the past with STO and the real challenge, as I see it, will be in maintaining the zone's activity once people attain Tier V reputation.

    As for loading screens, I think Cryptic AND Perfect World really need to address this going forward, and not just for this game. Its archaic in this day and age, where other titles have demonstrated that it is possible to shift instances via a phased loading approach without interrupting the player's experience. It concerns me that we are not hearing any news from the Executive Producer about Cryptic's Core technology team's efforts to create a better system.
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Isn't this just part of the game's increasing emphasis on fleets? At this rate, soon your fleet starbase will be the only hub you need bother visiting anymore to get stuff done, and general-gaming-population hubs will be nothing more than glorified social zones, as though Club 47 expanded to include all of ESD.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2012
    The social interaction I'n this game is poor
    To begin with having npc vendors and not player
    Vendors like swg had.

    Now the npc vendors are going away so
    Why travel anywhere unless it's to do a mission

    Pretty much blows away having any kind of
    Long distance ship like a freighter doesn't it ?

    Social interaction will take a hit for sure
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • decker03decker03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    cptdang wrote: »
    I believe we are trading and true experience for convenience.

    Queues are great and convenience is good. But too much of a good thing can be bad. In this case, I think its true.

    This I totally agree with. I think queues for STFs and Fleet Actions where a good thing. No more waiting and group gathering through zone chat. Everything else, all this remotely accessible stuff has gone way to far. I mean, it's a space game, it's Star Trek. We should be out there, not siting at ESD waiting for a queue to pop, replicating things for projects and maintaining projects through some interface.

    The only times I'm leaving Sol these days is to look for a couple DOFF assignments or to do a daily or two. And everything else like Fleet Starbase or other major hubs are connected via Transwarp, so no need to really travel somewhere.

    Not long ago while playing Guild Wars 2 a thought suddenly came over me. How much more of an explorer feeling I had there than in Star Trek, where I more feel like in a fish bowl. Really a weird feeling that was.

    Join Date: Aug 2010
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    as long as im getting to play a romulan and the opportunity to play foundry missions, im fine :D
  • lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    The social interaction I'n this game is poor
    To begin with having npc vendors and not player
    Vendors like swg had.

    Now the npc vendors are going away so
    Why travel anywhere unless it's to do a mission

    Pretty much blows away having any kind of
    Long distance ship like a freighter doesn't it ?

    Social interaction will take a hit for sure

    Are there other players in this game?
    Incredible! This is an astonishing revelation!

    I always thought this game was single player! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    The social interaction I'n this game is poor
    Social interaction is dictated by the idea that people wish to interact socially. The social interaction on DS9, ESD, Drozana, or wherever only exists because the players wish to interact. That is not going to change due to removing the need to go to DS9 to buy something. The people who want to be social will be, and the people who do not want to be social will not be. It is really just that simple.

    We should also take into account that virtually everything you do at end-game requires you to do so in a team environment. If people do not wish to interact beyond that they should not be required to. Forcing me to go to DS9 does not mean I need to talk to anyone while there; and, in fact, few players do. Most of us are talking on ventrillo or teamspeak or some other service when we really want to spend our time socialize in game.
  • cptdangcptdang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    stf65 wrote: »
    Social interaction is dictated by the idea that people wish to interact socially. The social interaction on DS9, ESD, Drozana, or wherever only exists because the players wish to interact. That is not going to change due to removing the need to go to DS9 to buy something. The people who want to be social will be, and the people who do not want to be social will not be. It is really just that simple.

    We should also take into account that virtually everything you do at end-game requires you to do so in a team environment. If people do not wish to interact beyond that they should not be required to. Forcing me to go to DS9 does not mean I need to talk to anyone while there; and, in fact, few players do. Most of us are talking on ventrillo or teamspeak or some other service when we really want to spend our time socialize in game.

    True and valid arguments. And I'm not disagreeing with this.

    Someone else hit this, but its the immersive feeling that is missing. The genre that STO is in (MMORPG) is that its to give you the feeling that you are the character in the universe that it puts you in. STO used to give you that feeling more so in the past that it does now.
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    cptdang wrote: »
    Someone else hit this, but its the immersive feeling that is missing. The genre that STO is in (MMORPG) is that its to give you the feeling that you are the character in the universe that it puts you in. STO used to give you that feeling more so in the past that it does now.
    I would say that STO is quite true to most of Trek: one ship, one crew, alone against the universe. That is predominately what Star Trek is about. In that regard it is immersive to the IP.

    If STO is feeling less emmersive to you now it is not because of queues; and it is certainly not because of not needing to go to DS9 to buy something in season 7; as that is not even in the game yet. It is because you have grown bored with STO. All the forced teaming and all the visits to DS9, ESD, and everywhere else is not going to change that. The game is essentially the same it has always been: only socialize and interact if you want to. You have changed.
  • cptviper78cptviper78 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hmm Social Interaction a funnny problem here in STO.

    Today i was in Eve Online playing some time , mining, talking wiht other people, producing things and killing some npc pirates.

    During this time i had really a feeling of a space game, large space areas but still populatet some more then others.

    During this Mining Operation another player warped in targetting me and destroyed my ship (and all people who know eve, also know that can sometimes be really expensive), but no hard feelings, some smalltalk in chat some jokes.

    For me main problem here in STO is, all areas are far too small, only connectet through loading screens (dont understand that really, in eve as example i have also loading screens but only screens taht need some seconds before its ready).
    And also in this social Areas here in STO you dont have really something to do, only runnign around talkiong again and again with the same NPC only to see that you need to grind some more to get something is not helpfull for social interactions.
    Trades between players, only with some items most of the things is bound on pickup or bound on use or something similiar.

    For me STO looks more like a "rush to Max lvl leave out as much as possible content (we dont have much content really), and then wait until you can grind something to get something else that could help you ), so really whats the reason in sto for social interactions?

    PVP? No not really its broken and unbalanced.
    Missions? No not really, most missions are solo content wihtout need for other people.
    Trading? No not really we have exchange and pricing are totally nuts for most items.

    And also theres anotehr thing, i played many different MMOS some with a good community some with a bad community, the community here in STO is not bad, but nobody really cares about someone else.

    As example, i comming back to sto shortly after the fleet actions launched, so i didnt know them, i queued for one of them, and i told the team directly its first time for me, and asked if tehre is something special to know about them, and yep i really got 0 answer nothing nada. And thats something thats really bad for a MMO, if nobody cares about another and nobody takes time to explain some little things or answers a question, then somethings wrong.

    So yes STO really has not many social interaction but not everythign is cryptics fault, some of this problems are also caused by the players itself.

    And for roleplayers uhm what does STO offer for roleplayers? not really something , or i simply didnt find it since release of STO. Sure you can interact with other people but thats it, your ship bridges are only eye candy nothing really for roleplaying on stations you also cant do much for roleplaying. Sure i can run stand on drazona station and think the permanent blue lighning is some sort of disco effect createt by the special blue lights inside the station, and standing there at the dabo table but uhm for what? Yep again grinding nothing else.
    I dont find ANYTHING in sto thats not leveling or grinding.

    For me this game need some real improvements.

    1. Larger areas fewer loading screens.
    2. Real Social interactions not only some chat emotes with sound effect.
    3. Mini Games you can play for fun against other players, not to get more dilitum, energy credits, marks of something, loby crystals or something like that.
    4. fewer grind and more real content
    5. Content that you can play together and that need some team play and tactic
  • cptdangcptdang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    stf65 wrote: »
    I would say that STO is quite true to most of Trek: one ship, one crew, alone against the universe. That is predominately what Star Trek is about. In that regard it is immersive to the IP.

    If STO is feeling less emmersive to you now it is not because of queues; and it is certainly not because of not needing to go to DS9 to buy something in season 7; as that is not even in the game yet. It is because you have grown bored with STO. All the forced teaming and all the visits to DS9, ESD, and everywhere else is not going to change that. The game is essentially the same it has always been: only socialize and interact if you want to. You have changed.

    Thats actually not what I'm saying, nor is that what I feel. I respect your viewpoint.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2012
    stf65 wrote: »
    Social interaction is dictated by the idea that people wish to interact socially. The social interaction on DS9, ESD, Drozana, or wherever only exists because the players wish to interact. That is not going to change due to removing the need to go to DS9 to buy something. The people who want to be social will be, and the people who do not want to be social will not be. It is really just that simple.

    We should also take into account that virtually everything you do at end-game requires you to do so in a team environment. If people do not wish to interact beyond that they should not be required to. Forcing me to go to DS9 does not mean I need to talk to anyone while there; and, in fact, few players do. Most of us are talking on ventrillo or teamspeak or some other service when we really want to spend our time socialize in game.

    I'm sorry I didn't explain my thoughts clearly my bad

    My statement of poor social interaction and vendors
    Ment that a npc vendor I'n the first place is bad for social interaction
    I'n the first place and now that's going away I'n si far as it drew
    People together sovthey could interact

    The first 3 years of Star wars galaxies had a player driven economy
    Anything you needed you had to get from another player

    You developed a relationship with your local or guild vendors

    Many player created missions revolved around getting
    The elite resources these merchants needed so us pvpers
    Could pwn each other.
    It went much deeper though
    We build player citys , clothing weapons armor starships
    Basically everything we got.

    Some players were hunters supplying chefs and tailors
    Some ran. Mineral extractors supplying weapons smiths

    Ect ect ect all of this caused and required a lot of player
    Interaction amd it was very fun and was excellent end game content

    It's a pity this game didn't copy that model it was the best
    Mmo I have ever played
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    There is always a hub. If its not the DS9 gear vendor it will be New Romulus because of the new quest grind there. I'm not seeing any issue.
  • lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    cptviper78 wrote: »
    And also theres anotehr thing, i played many different MMOS some with a good community some with a bad community, the community here in STO is not bad, but nobody really cares about someone else.

    As example, i comming back to sto shortly after the fleet actions launched, so i didnt know them, i queued for one of them, and i told the team directly its first time for me, and asked if tehre is something special to know about them, and yep i really got 0 answer nothing nada. And thats something thats really bad for a MMO, if nobody cares about another and nobody takes time to explain some little things or answers a question, then somethings wrong.

    So yes STO really has not many social interaction but not everythign is cryptics fault, some of this problems are also caused by the players itself.

    And for roleplayers uhm what does STO offer for roleplayers? not really something , or i simply didnt find it since release of STO. Sure you can interact with other people but thats it, your ship bridges are only eye candy nothing really for roleplaying on stations you also cant do much for roleplaying. Sure i can run stand on drazona station and think the permanent blue lighning is some sort of disco effect createt by the special blue lights inside the station, and standing there at the dabo table but uhm for what? Yep again grinding nothing else.
    I dont find ANYTHING in sto thats not leveling or grinding.

    For me this game need some real improvements.

    1. Larger areas fewer loading screens.
    2. Real Social interactions not only some chat emotes with sound effect.
    3. Mini Games you can play for fun against other players, not to get more dilitum, energy credits, marks of something, loby crystals or something like that.
    4. fewer grind and more real content
    5. Content that you can play together and that need some team play and tactic

    You are right, is a pity that no one cares to make this game more social.
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    cptdang wrote: »
    Thats actually not what I'm saying, nor is that what I feel. I respect your viewpoint.
    I think you should read your own post. You are the one who wrote: "STO used to give you that feeling more so in the past that it does now."

    Nothing mechanical has changed in STO to make it less social. The reasons you might go to ESD or DS9 are the same today as they were on the day the game launched: to get items and services you cannot get on your ship.

    Since launch STO has added many more social zones: captain's table, drozana, academy, Bajor, and so on. While the game has not added more reasons to be in social zones it has clearly added more of those zones. The fact that people do not wish to socialize in them is no different today then it is at launch.

    If you feel people are less social in STO today then in the past that is a personal perspective you have. It has nothing to do with how the game has mechanically changed. I find people in the game to be as chatty or leave me alone as they always have been: the ones who want to chat will chat and the ones who want to be left alone will do their own thing.
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    It's a pity this game didn't copy that model it was the best
    Mmo I have ever played
    I am in a fleet full of people who are contantly on ventrillo. We talk all the time we are playing, even when we are not teamed. If I need some item for crafting it will generally be in my email a few minutes after I mention it; and the same for others. If I need a contraband to start my 2,000 dilithium mission, it shows up.

    In a game where you have fleets building toward common goals the idea that I need to interact with strangers to get something seems pointless. And, like I said above, everything someone does at end-game requires teaming: fleet actions, fleet events, stfs, defera, and so on; with more teaming events coming in season 7.

    Since you can get to VA in a week it is almost impossible to not be forced to socialize and work together with others in this game. I would go so far as to say that the game is forcing us to socialize even when we do not wish to, because the only way we can get the STF gear, or the upcoming Reputation gear, is by socializing. Cryptic's forcing us to be an mmo even if we want to be srpg players.
  • cptdangcptdang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    stf65 wrote: »
    I think you should read your own post. You are the one who wrote: "STO used to give you that feeling more so in the past that it does now."

    Nothing mechanical has changed in STO to make it less social. The reasons you might go to ESD or DS9 are the same today as they were on the day the game launched: to get items and services you cannot get on your ship.

    Since launch STO has added many more social zones: captain's table, drozana, academy, Bajor, and so on. While the game has not added more reasons to be in social zones it has clearly added more of those zones. The fact that people do not wish to socialize in them is no different today then it is at launch.

    If you feel people are less social in STO today then in the past that is a personal perspective you have. It has nothing to do with how the game has mechanically changed. I find people in the game to be as chatty or leave me alone as they always have been: the ones who want to chat will chat and the ones who want to be left alone will do their own thing.

    I dont belive anyone here is arguing against your opinion. So responding to their posts as if their opinions do not matter is disrespectful. What I ment by my statement, "Thats not what I'm saying..." is that I believe you are taking my statement out of context and not hearing the essence of what im saying.

    I'm happy that your gaming experience in STO is good. So is mine. I too, am in a fleet. I too team with others when running team missions.

    But, like you said, this is MY personal perspective. Disagree if you like, because your points are valid. But please do so with respect to others opinions.
  • giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree with this, sure most of the end game content requires a team, but what about everything before that? Until end game the entire game is done solo. However I think Cryptic has realized this because if you go to the new Romulan zone on Tribble it is exactly what we need. A huge zone with a ton of missions to do and everyone is together.

    Now all they need are more areas like this and also to increase the max instence population from 75 to something like 200.
    Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend :D
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wrong quote - nevermind.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I find this thread intriguing. Valid points, for both sides of this discussion, raised throughout. Something I haven't seen yet though. Someone posting here about the fools, trolls and griefers who ruthlessly enforce the "No Talking!" rule. Was on Ganalda Station yesterday and saw something I rarely ever see. A toon wearing a TOS Klingon uniform. It was well done within the limits the game imposes. On a whim, decided to compliment the player on the outfit. Mind you, this is a total stranger whom I'll probably never see again. Typed "Nice uniform! Good Job!" into the Chat Bar and sent it as a Tell. I was promptly Ignored.

    Now why would someone do that? Because they've been trained to do so by all the people who have irritating others as their only goal in game. The only time someone other than my fleet mates seems to want to chat with or type to me in game is to give me a hassle about something. And they always seem to be as nasty as possible about it. Because there are no consequences or accountability for being rude and ill-mannered to others. People say things in game, and over the Internet in general as well, they'd never dare think about saying to you face to face. Which means we may be getting a glimpse at their true nature. "Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here everyday."

    It would be enjoyable to be able to chat with someone I've never met and actually haggle with them about something they've posted for sale on the Exchange. I want a bazaar where I can rent out a space and as people walk by, try to get them to purchase the things I've gotten as drops which I do not use. A notice board somewhere with something like the following: 19:30 BST Meet me outside the Transporter Room if you can train BOFFS in Tyken's Rift I. Willing to trade crafting items or perhaps I can train one of your BOFFS as payment. I'd like to walk up to the Bloodwine fountain on Qo'noS and be able to strike up a conversation with the nearest stranger. I have resigned myself to not being able to ever do any of these. Because the other players have been taught, and really believe, the only reason I want to conversate with them is to poke fun at them or get into a pointless argument about something in a PC game based on a make believe world which is itself based upon a 45 year old television series.

    Until the STO Community makes an effort to do something about this, without waiting on PWE/Cryptic to do it for us as we all usually do, there will be no true social interaction outside of our fleets.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I find it amusing that it's been...what, going on three years now and people are still surprised that the "community" sucks?
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
  • endafreshendafresh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Social interaction that is dynamic and organic = a good thing, as in SWG

    Social 'interaction' (using the term loosly there) that is forced and a waste of time for many players with limited playtime = a terribad thing.

    See the difference?
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think you hit the nail on the head here.

    Specifically the ability to buy everything remotely now. We will no longer need to goto DS9 for STF Gear, All Romulan Gear will be via the reputation system.... with the fleet bases having banks, embassies having exchanges... I think some of these current hubs will become ghost towns... the game feels like we are moving back to a single player style...

    You mean I do not have to try to drill in past the lag to visit my least favorite place in all of Star Trek? Thank Q!

    But that said, I do not like the new rep system more based on it being another ENORMOUS Dilithium sink to go along with the already enormous sinks more than anything. That 8K barrier should just be done away with.
  • cptdangcptdang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    crusty8mac wrote: »
    I disagree with this. Prior to the STF store being on DS9, the place was a ghost town. It will become one again. We will lose much of the STF knowledge sharing that goes on there.

    I completely agree. I love how when you went to DS9, you know that 90% of the people there are STFing. There's always people talking in zone discussing STFs.

    DS9 is the frontline base for the Task Force Omega. And it feels that way IMO when its populated by players and NPCs that are focusing on Borg.
  • whitecloud197whitecloud197 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think you hit the nail on the head here.

    Specifically the ability to buy everything remotely now. We will no longer need to goto DS9 for STF Gear, All Romulan Gear will be via the reputation system.... with the fleet bases having banks, embassies having exchanges... I think some of these current hubs will become ghost towns... the game feels like we are moving back to a single player style...


    All these "Conveniences" are making this game feel like a single player game rather then a MMO....

    Its 1 reason im considering going back to FFXIV for a while...or TOR. I miss the MMO feeling
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Im hoping they will gives us an exchange for the Fleet Starbases, so the Fleets can use them for our hubs instead.

    I prefer to hang with the fleet than a bunch of strangers.

    Those are the same strangers who keep asking to be my friend just because of my costume.
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