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Dan are you lying or shooting straight ... Id like to know

bugshubugshu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I love Dan Stahl. Hes a great guy. Im glad hes back with Cryptic. The last week has been leaving me scratching my head.

You hate to call a fine gentlemen like this a liar because its such a harsh word. In the past this man has told us falsehoods but with good intent. He told us we are going to get 10 featured episodes a year and 50 missions out of them. The foundry season dropped and Cryptic quit producing new missions and pve updates died. Cryptic in action and deed told the player base if you want new missions then build them yourself we cant be bothered as we care about Never Winter Nights and not STO and thats where we are building new mishies.

Now in this case DStahl, did not lie. When a person lies they deceive with intent. In the past Dan set a grand vision that I think he hoped and planned would happen but did not come to fruition. You have to love a guy thats working his guts out and trying to make the game and world a better place. DStahls vision turned into an empty promise but at least you kind of hoped the dream would happen and you respected the guy for trying. In the past Dans falsehoods and fibs werent meant to deceive or misinform us but rather happened because he reached too far and couldnt deliver. The featured episodes promised went away when Cryptic decided to make players create all the new content instead of doing it themselves and DStahl for reasons not fully known to us left the company. The new guy changed course and let content stagnate.

This week has been a bitter disappointment. On the one hand you have DStahl posting this:

? The number of Elite STF runs needed to get a Mk XII gear set has been reduced by 60 percent.

Fair enough, good news. I think everyone approves of this change.

Then we hear this from DStahl:

- Normal STFs now reward 240 Dilithium + Omega Marks
- Elite STFs now reward 480 Dilithium + Omega Marks + Borg Commodity for MKXII Sets

Theres plenty of talk about other Devs floating balloon rumors that new sets will cost over 100K dilithium each for a ground set and then again for a space set.

Now if it used to on average take 50 missions to get an elite proto drop and that dropped 60% then it would be safe to say that with Stahls vision you could do 20 elite stf missions in the future and get the item you want. However, It seems that if you do 20 missions that you will have everything you need for the desired item - only if - you already have your 100K dilithium to purchase it.

A lie is an intentional deception and I wonder if DStahl has started down that road and is spinning lies for us. When you go to court and testify you put your hand on the bible and swear to tell the truth and to tell the WHOLE truth. The bailiff doesnt ask you to swear part of the truth or whatever people want to hear about the truth. Its the whole truth that matters.

Ive got a bunch of mad players bursting at the seems about these changes and I want some truth to come out of the Devs mouths instead of obfuscation, cryptic evasiveness, and outright lies. Cmon guys tell us the truth. Are we going to be able to do 20 missions and get a piece of gear or are we going to do have to do our 20 missions and still raise and find an extra 25,000 extra dilithium to get the piece of gear on top of the 9600 dilithium we earned from the missions.

Right now, people do stuffies and are like well if I win cool and if not heres 1000 for a fleet project. If float balloon rumors stand player opions will be, I have to play this **** stf 65 times to earn enough dilithium for that piece of mk xii item I want. And then I will need 130 more wins to get enough dili for the other 2 pieces.

So, in point of fact the person that used to play a stuffie 65 times would use to get 65000 dilithium to donate to fleet projects, craft, or other use, probably win the item dropped, get 130 data chips for nice bonus add on prizes such as armor sets for boffs or new doffs, 65 rewards to use or sell on the exchange plus any bonus rewards from optional drops teams earned. Its frustrating to not win your drop but its still worth trying. The other prizes smooth over hard feelings.

We are hearing now out of DStahls mouth 60% less missions to win the big prize but his devs are floating out to us that dilithium needed to win the big prize is going to require more missions to achieve it and not less.

Grind payouts of missions are going down not up and the 60% reduction of play time needed for a set seems to be a fabrication similar to a supersized hotel tax when you need lodging.

Dan I love you man but one of these two ideas is wrong and I really hope you dont know the truth and are trying to spin it for us in the from us in the most nasty form of a lie which is that of a lie of omission.

Dan if it takes 60% less time to get a set then stand firm on that promise and have that include zero dilithium costs for sets and allow players to continue donating dilithium rewards from stuffie wins to fleet projects as they do now. Dan if you are going to charge more dilithium for more sets and you know that this is what you are planning to do to us then you are lying to us about the 60% reduction; and you know it; regardless of how you spin this to yourself, your employees, the players, or your scorned conscious.

Dan love you bud, but lies of omission and obfuscation are not welcome additions to players perceptions of the needs of this game right now. I expect better from you. I have players left and right telling me they arent going to grind more if it takes more missions to earn set pieces. Their other option is to leave the game. And its frustrating watching this play out and watch friends leave.

Obviously you have time to back down and fix the problem before 7 drops but if you are not lying to us and merely mistaken or in the process of posting up miscommunications or guidance not yet decided then you need to update and shart shooting straight with us instead of having you and devs talking out of different sides of the cryptic mouth.

60% less missions Dan and this includes Dilithium requirements as part of your grand picture of the reduction and not add on dilithium prices as taxes on the ticket. Everybody would welcome less grinding and nobody wants more.

You may not have reached the camel straw point yet but the players are telling you they are noticing the haystack and if you are hiding the pain of the truth bespeaking to us about raised dilithium costs for sets then you are going down a path you dont want to be on and starting to open up the possibilities of players thinking of you as a liar. Would like to see you stand tall and fix this problem before it lands with a thud.

Hope you find it in you to stay true to your word Dan. 60% less Dan and that includes dilithium costs in the picture frame. The game needs you to try.

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