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House of Aler acht'jar (KDF RP)

nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Qo'noS
Aler acht'jar is a Klingon folk song; and as lore keepers (those who write and tell stories) it seems fitting for a Role Playing group.

I'll start it out and will try to get it created in game as soon as possible.

There is still a VERY small number of moderate/heavy RP interest within the KDF faction so do not expect a large fleet.

We will be a role playing group for all levels beginners/moderate/advanced) and frequency (light/moderate/heavy).

I will start a storyline up, but others with story telling experience please start writing up scenes to share. (It isn't fun always being the story teller).

We will be looking at using private PvP missions for storybuilding content (so, you can use Fed or KDF during PvPs) once we become established we will look for allied fleets to PvP with.

I'd also like to create groups of 3 to 5 players to run through the missions as a team. The stories are fun, but playing as a regular group would be a blast.

There aren't many KDF players who are moderate/heavy RPers and that is fine. We will not be seeking to have a Tier 5 starbase, nor will we be expecting massive donations for projects.

Our focus will be on having fun and not working towards the next project.

All KDF species are allowed, the only requirement is that you want to have fun and be part of a group that prefers socializing (NOT DATING/MATING/OR HARRASSMENT)

This will be a casual group for any age

This will be a group which respects others and will be willing to help those less experienced in whatever game aspect you prefer.

Just because we are primarily a roleplaying group doesn't mean we won't participate in PvEs, PvPs, STFs. You should always follow that which makes you happy and not what others want you to do.

If interested PM me or drop a friend invite in game.

To other fleets which also have a certain level of RP in their groups. Please drop me a line and we'll coordinate stories if interested.
Post edited by nador67 on


  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Also, since Cryptic won't update the timeline. This group will play according to the following storyline. The year is now 2412


    The Klingon Defense Force begins to gain ground in the Federation War when a surprise attack by the Fek'Ihri threatens the stabilization of the Empire. The Fek'Ihri quickly destroyed five fleets and struck Qo'Nos in one simultaneous wave as multiple portals opened throughout Klingon territory. Major houses recall fleets to respond to the aggression resulting in Starfleet reclaiming the earlier losses.

    The Klingon/Federation war has taken heavy toll on the Federation. Starfleet was forced to recall all military personnel from reconstruction efforts to reinforce the fleets. The lack of Starfleet's presence within Cardassian and Romulan space creates a free zone for smugglers, raiders, and reignites conflicts between various regimes. The Cardassian Detapa council protests against the recall, but were unable to stop the action.

    Cardassian colonies suffer from Alpha Jem Hadar raids, renewed aggression from True Way forces, and a Borg assault on Cardassia Prime.

    Although Federation fleets successfully repelled the Borg assault, the Cardassian Defense Force was completely destroyed as they held the fight until Starfleet arrived. Starfleet returns 30 Galor class cruisers to Cardassia to re-establish the Defense force. The Detapa council selects the new leader Gul Venmal which is a defector of the True Way and begins recruiting other True way defectors to strengthen the force.

    To prevent military uprising, the Detapa council secretly approves the recreation of the Obsidian Order and assigns former Cardassian Intelligence Officer Jalein to head the operation. Jalein recruits other Intelligence officers which have close ties to the civilian leadership.

    Romulan conflicts between Sela's forces, Tal Shiar, and Romulan senate continue with no real advantage from either side. Sela's alliance with the Hirogen becomes uneasy as the Hunters focus on their personal agenda rather than supporting the cause of the new Romulan Star Empire. Sela makes contact with an ancient enemy of the Alpha/Beta quadrant and begins talks for alliance.

    The Tal Shiar begin a new Genocide policy against Remans. Seeing the Remans as possible threats to the security of their government. Reman civilians are arrested and tortured, home invasions, and mass killings begin throughout Romulan space. Former Reman Soldiers start to withdraw from colonies to find safe havens and bases.

    In 2411 Federation ambassadors speak to J'mPok to create a unified force to fight the Borg invasion. Originally rejected by the High Council, Jm'Pok reluctantly agrees following several battles with Borg invasions deep in Klingon borders. This special operations project opens the door to peace talks and cooperation between the two factions.

    Klingons encounter a new ally of the Romulan Star Empire; the Iconians present a grave threat from ancient times. Small skirmishes take place between Klingon houses near the Romulan borders and the Iconians. The only obstacle of a renewed Romulan threat lies in the Reman revolution, thus keeping the Iconians, Herogin, and Romulans at bay. Jerod of the House of Duras speaks to the High Council to consider alliances with the Remans and a splinter group of former Romulan Military.

    Cardassian Defense Force is beginning to insert itself as an effective unit. The CDF begins to make a name for itself in regards to counter insurgency operations as colonies formerly supporting the True Way begin to cut off support of the insurgency forcing the militant group to attack the settlements. Counter attacks by the CDF inflict heavy losses on the resistence as increasing numbers defect in support of the civilian government. Financed by Feringi alliance, two new military academies are created in Lakarian City and Loval Prime. Military training includes geurrilla tactics from the Bajoran and True Way resistences.

    The renewed Obsidian Order acquires the remains of two Borg spheres. The Obsidian Order transports these remains to a secret underground complex on Orias III. Science officers begin research on various technologies. Communications officers successfully break the encryption codes and begin recording data from the spheres.

    Romulan Senate members begin to unite their forces in an effort to stop Sela and Tal Shiar advances. Four factions are defined within the Romulan border with Sela and her alliances with the Hirogen and Iconians appearing to be the strongest. The Romulan Senate factions begin talks with the Federation for support in order to stabalize the sector. Tal Shiar increase their Genocide agenda, but are stalled by a Reman resistence using Thaloran weapons. Reman resistence leaders seek support of the Klingon High Command.

    It is now 2412 and after years of warfare a stalemate between the Empire and the Federation remains. Both factions have suffered heavy tolls on both sides, freight yards and shipyards have been scuttled, resources are thin on both sides. With the return of the Fek'Ihri and Iconians as well as increased Borg assaults. The Federation and Klingon High Council agree to a non aggression pact allowing further joint operations.

    The Cardassian government begins to initiate agricultural projects with minimal financial support of the Federation. Several Federation scientists report new technology never seen before suddenly appearing during these operations, however their warnings are ignored by the Federation Council.

    Just as it appeared that the True Way resistence would collapse, new alliances with the Jem Hadar Alphas and Breen merceneries bring an increase in violence and successfully reinsert themselves within the quadrant. Cardassian Defense Forces begin taking heavy losses as Federation envoys reject requests for assistance.

    Well this is where we will begin. It is not Cryptic official so things may change if they ever decide to leave 2409. This is for RP purposes only.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The House of Aler acht'jar is now active in game.

    Our primary focus will be on story telling/role playing.

    Stories will include instances within PvE missions, PvP scenerios, Fleet Actions, and STFs.

    We will also be creating Foundry missions to take part in.

    Role playing experience is not necessary as the only important trait should be the desire to have fun. Roleplayers are more accepting of new players than many of the hard core video gamers.

    The extent of roleplaying is up to the individual member; if you only wish the casual bar scenes it is fine. If you want more in depth in role playing stories and building on who your character is; that is always welcomed.

    So, the extreme minority have spoken and now a roleplaying fleet is established. It is time to jump in and help build it into the best roleplaying experience possible.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The House of Aler acht'jar is actively seeking members who enjoy building their character through meaningful storyline participation.

    We are a small fleet focused on RP storyline and character development.

    Members are free to participate in whatever form of storyline whether it is a local bar or more advanced mission oriented.

    Experience levels are irrelevant and only require the desire to have fun.

    Stories may include PvEs, PvPs, Fleet Actions, STFs, grinds, or Foundry missions.

    Casual and Social (do not try to turn this into a dating site)

    We respect others and expect to receive respect in return.

    We are only opened to KDF members.

    So, come and be a part of this fleet's creation and build a character you wish you'd see on TV.

    PM me in game at



  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Saturday 13 October at 1300 EST, we will be having a fleet roleplaying meeting at the space station.

    We are still open for new members and look forward to meeting.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The House of Aler acht'jar is here.

    KDF roleplayers wanting more than bar scene dating adventures.

    We will be including PvE, PvP, Fleet Actions, and STFs into story content.

    There was interest among a small group who wanted a fleet that focused on RP; here we are so join me and let's make the best roleplaying experience for all.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    At the moment, I'm running solo.

    So for those who wanted a focused RP fleet within the KDF..Don't leave me hanging now.

    The house is in game so there isn't a great need for anyone to be on at a specific time.

    I have already posted a story scene date/time, but will not post more without interest.

    There is no focus on building a starbase. It is there and if you choose to donate fine, but it is NOT our primary goal. Our goal is to have fun interacting with other characters in building a fun background for your hero.

    The house will be primary roleplaying/character development whether you enjoy the bar scene roleplaying, shore leave scenerios, or missions. You do not have to be an experienced roleplayer, just someone who would like to act out their character in a story setting.

    The house will include PvE, PvP, Fleet Actions, and STFs into the stories. All ranks, races (within the KDF faction) are welcomed.

    Participation is based on the individual's interest and should not be dictated by others.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Today the House of Aler acht'jar doubled its membership (that's right there are now two).

    Had a good roleplaying going when technical difficulties cut us short, I apologize again for the connection issues. Finally finished the mines with this toon and still chugging along.

    Welcome to the House Elisia@Captain_Teneal. I look forward to uninterupted roleplay tomorrow (Saturday).

    I think I'll be using my low level toon tomorrow. We'll meet at the (very small) fleet space station to at least start. (1pm EST) if interested.

    The House of roleplayers is always open for those who like story driven play. We have everything except you, so join us and live your character even if for just a few hours a week.

    We will be including merging PvE missions, PvP scenerios, Fleet Actions, Foundry missions, and STF into our stories.

    Casual players of all ages/genders.

    The only rules are that you show respect towards others and DO NOT try to make roleplaying into a date/hook up environment. This is a story not a dateline.

    Casual RPs can be located in Bars and/or space station.

    Moderate/Heavy RPs will merge with actual in game missions.

    All species found/created within the KDF faction.

    You can play a merc, merchant, trader, or diplomat. It is your background.

    Finally, feel free (not required) to share information regarding your character's story on these forums. Other players enjoy good reads once in a while.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Note to larger fleets: Role playing with the House of Aler acht'jar can be fun, but it should NOT be an attempt to take members away from this House. If one of our family chooses to leave in order to join a group which is a better fit, fine. But it is not acceptable to actively try and take from other fleets.

    We extend courteousy to others, we expect other to return it.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The House of Aler acht'jar would like to welcome Deja@nici90000 to the house of roleplaying.

    This fine tactical officer will provide a strong story background with the ability to use strategic applications in vital missions.

    We have also recognized Elisia@captainteneal for her contributions in roleplaying; she has hereby been promoted to dream catcher for her ability to create a strong story atmosphere for others to experience.

    Congratulations and welcome to the house of loremasters.
  • talore003talore003 Member Posts: 49
    edited October 2012
    You can sign my klingon up been interested in doing some RP with him. I'll send you a friend request when I get in game tonight.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    talore003 wrote: »
    You can sign my klingon up been interested in doing some RP with him. I'll send you a friend request when I get in game tonight.

    I'll be waiting, welcome to the House of Aler acht'jar
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Last night we received a new member to the House of Aler acht'jar; I'd like to welcome
    Vake'rias@starblade7 to our family.

    starblade7 is an experienced Roleplayer and has ammounted a lot of experience in STO on the Federation side. I'm certain this addition will greatly contribute to the strength of this house.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The House of Aler Acht'Jar (RP) proudly announces the new arrivals of Kavek@Talore,
    Etak Sethan@biggs2, and Bulveye@Demoshei

    Yesterday I only spent all day in RP and it was wonderful. From the deep seeded belief in Klingon honor vs the unconventional approach of an Orion operative.

    Learning (and building back stories) about a new race.

    and already the internal manuevering to gain power within the house.

    wonderful RPs.

    But please people, there aren't many Orions that would show interest in a Nausican.. Unless of course he were in a party of Lethians. :D
  • talore003talore003 Member Posts: 49
    edited October 2012
    Thanks for letting me in most fun I have had in a long while. :D
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I enjoyed our RP.

    Had you been on later, it would have been interesting.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The house is growing fast, I am surprised at how many roleplayers were hiding in the shadows of space.

    We have had great RP scenes three days in a row and one of the scenes today incorperated our Foundry mission.

    Great job everyone.

    For those who enjoy roleplaying and want to roleplay in the Klingon Empire. Look us up, its been a blast so far.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    We will be having the initial testing of the foundry mission based on the back history of this house.

    The initial testing will begin at 3pm Eastern Standard time (7pm GMT)

    After it is run by interested groups, the mission will be withdrawn in order to make fixes. A second run will take place on Saturday 20 Oct (available all day in order to provide maximum opportunities).

    It is a long mission, but follow ons will be drastically shorter.

    Have fun in game and I'll see you all soon.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The House of Aler Acht'Jar (RP fleet) is growing quickly.

    We have had a lot of interest in role playing opportunities and have gained some really outstanding role players.

    We have been able to introduce some RP into various missions including two created from the Foundry.

    We invite all role players who are seeking a home. From the occaisisonal dabbler to the person who has been doing it for years.

    We are casual and understand real life is priority.

    All KDF races and aliens (we even have a human, Trill, and Cardassian in the fleet).

    Come join us and share in the fun.
  • henrik68henrik68 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Hmmm, i cannot help but wonder if my name has been left out intentionally or by mere mistake! Do remind me to take that up with Elisia some time in the near future, and NOT on the holodeck for i am still licking my wounds after last time she 'n i met! :eek:

    I can only concur with most of what's been said and spoken before my message, this is one fine group of people, any class as well as race is welcome in this house and the gatherings have been fun! :)

    Glad i signed up for this one for i was looking for something like this for a really long time now...

    Kind regards,

    nador67 wrote: »
    All KDF races and aliens (we even have a human in the fleet)

    I stand corrected, as usual pffft!
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The reason I said KDF races (and aliens) is because I find it hard to believe that a Klingon house would open their arms to a Starfleet officer.

    We do have a human in the fleet, the human is more of a trader type.

    So, if there is someone interested in creating a Federation race and bring them into a Klingon House; they need a back story to kind of justify why they should be in the Klingon Empire.

    could be an ambassador, trader, smuggler, pirate, or even someone who fled starfleet. Still need a story as to why.

    Also worked on another Foundry, I'll be pulling it this afternoon to make touch ups. But, our Klingon will definately enjoy the challenge of battle with only melee weapons or martial arts. :)
  • henrik68henrik68 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    My story already stands pffft and i am NOT a trader hehe! ;)
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    henrik68 wrote: »
    My story already stands pffft and i am NOT a trader hehe! ;)

    What's important is that you have a story. Odd ball.

    (like a joined trill for Matriarch, a Cardassian defector, and all of the other rabble)
  • henrik68henrik68 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    nador67 wrote: »
    What's important is that you have a story. Odd ball.

    (like a joined trill for Matriarch, a Cardassian defector, and all of the other rabble)

    One "big" happy family, and an honorable one at that! :)
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Although the House of Aler Acht'Jar is a small house, we discuss and vote on requests for membership. We try to involve the requestor in RP session which allows experienced RPers a chance to see if you will fit in.

    By RPing scenes, we can identify habits or traits which would benefit or disrupt what we have going on. This house may not be for everyone and we accept that.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've got new missions published. With some additional challenges for the RP teams.

    1: Mission: House of Aler Acht'Jar 5

    A: complete with only melee or martial arts weapons.
    B: find the tomb of the Chancellor; tell me what the guards say for credit.

    2: Mission coming soon: House of Aler Acht'Jar 2

    A: Use only original Bird of Prey, original Raptor, or D7 Cruiser.

    Additional notes

    The starting point for House of Aler Acht'Jar 1 is at the WEST end of the first city. Anyone who is over rank 21 will remember Gerrard (the Orion) during the tutorials. The chapter house is across from him heading slightly south.

    Really good RPs going on everyone seems to be having a blast and new members are pouring in. Well maybe not POURING in but we're building.

    Thank you to everyone, the success of this fleet is a testament to your hard work and dedication.

  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Another wonderful day of roleplaying gang and as usual welcome to our new members.

    Keep playing.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Notice to all Klingon Houses (Role Playing purposes)

    If you are a Klingon House or fleet which openly provides diplomatic immunity to Federation representatives; You are a traitor to the Klingon people and are on your path to Grethor.

    We have been at war with Starfleet and traitors have allowed our enemies to flood our space with false documentation. We are warriors and not inclined to listening to false claims. However the Pe'TaQs in your houses have listened to these weak words of humans for way to long.

    My house will not accept diplomatic status without the official stamp of the High Council. All other documentation allowing a member of an enemy to the Klingon Empire is null and void.

    To starfleet officers attempting to justify why they are qualified to be ambassadors, if you truly were qualified why did you not contact our government leaders of the High Council?

    It is because the High Council does not recognize such status with an enemy.

    Your presence in Klingon space is unwanted, your attempts to influence our policies are unnecessary, and we do not want to be your friends. For to long your government has attempted to dictate how other governments should act, as if you were the ultimate spiritual leader of the galaxy.

    We will attack ALL Starfleet War vessels in Klingon space. You have been notified and any attempts to ignore this notice will result in your demise.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    RPs are actively going on a daily basis. Teams running through missions and the House is growing faster than expected.

    The House of Aler Acht'Jar is a KDF fleet which focuses on RP in a variety of settings.

    We accept novice Roleplayers wishing to dabble and learn more on roleplaying their character. As well as more experienced roleplayers which enjoy the company of their peers.

    Our RPs involve Social, PvPs, PvEs, STFs, Fleet Actions, and Foundry Missions.
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Do you fit any of these?

    1. Playing solo for a long time and now would like to spend more time learning how to roleplay scenerios beyond the social bar scenes?

    2. A player who has accomplished great things in game, but have not worked on character development in regards to who the character is (history, goals, values, tenents) and would like to build a biography story for yourself?

    3. Been in a fleet/fleets that claimed to have active roleplaying, but didn't provide support to the few members that desired actual roleplay?

    4. A player who actively roleplayed in other arenas and really wants to get the full roleplaying effect within Star Trek Online?

    5. A player that wants the opportunity to roleplay on a daily basis?

    Why is the House of Aler Acht'Jar right for you?

    A. We are unique from other KDF fleets because our number 1 focus is to support roleplaying. Other fleets focus on starbase building, PvPs, PvEs, STFs, and Fleet Actions. Some may have roleplaying available, but it is a lower priority so few members participate and fewer opportunities exsist.

    B. We have several experienced roleplayers which are pro-active and participate in roleplay on a daily basis. We are open to less experienced roleplayers and willing to teach the etiquette of roleplaying.

    C. We have created and continue to create Foundry missions which provide role playing opportunities throughout the story. Foundry missions are different from the normal ones found in this respect. There are enough gaps to allow you and your party to roleplay characters rather than rush through missions.

    D. Actively roleplay on a daily basis, we do not require anyone to participate. We only make it available.

    E. We do not place a focus on any other aspect because it is our philosophy that the number one goal is to HAVE FUN in the game and not be over burdened to donate to building starbases, get fleet ships for the leaders, support what other people want, or anything that doesn't interest you the individual.

    So, if this information is of interest to you.

    PM Yandia@quatok
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As of 25 October, we are officially 15 days old. During this time we have gained a total of 25 members (29 with alts). This is a welcome surprise for me as I never expected a Fleet/House with the primary goal of roleplaying to be popular enough to attract so many so quickly.

    This is a testament to all of our experienced roleplayers who establish the tone and atmosphere of the various scenes. Their willingness to help teach roleplaying etiquette and patience with members less proficeint in roleplaying.

    Prior to now, I didn't feel a need to develop a promotion/recognition policy mainly because the quick growth of this House exceedingly surpassed any expectations. As you notice, there have been newer players promoted and possibly newer than someone else. However by reviewing the policy will understand why such promotions took place.

    1. As the House leader, I actively watch roleplaying as they take place. I've been roleplaying for a very long time and can see experienced players as they develop the scene, progress a storyline, and take the lead in setting up opportunities. If I or a member of the Masters ranking feel that a member will help this house by actively engaging in roleplaying opportunities, they will receive the position increase in recognition for these actions. (Note: No one gets promoted 6 levels in a day or a week, but one or two slots depending on activity and contribution).

    2. I do not have to be present during a roleplaying scene/story. If you coordinate and/or attend a roleplaying scene and someone stands out from the pack. You as a member of the house can PM, email, or chat with me. You can vote for someone else to receive recognition and/or promotion for their participation and talents. You can not vote for yourself though.

    3. In regards to Master level promotions, a council meeting between myself and the Master level players will take place. A majority vote is needed in order to receive a promotion to these positions. Candidates will not be in attendance for discussions.

    ****Now, What do I mean by coordinate/control/progress roleplaying****

    It can be gathering members together for a social scene.

    It can be gathering members together to team up (must have some sort of interaction in character) to complete STFs, PvPs, PvEs, Stories, Fleet Actions, or Foundry missions.

    Remember roleplaying etiquette.

    comments made in chat are what your character is saying.

    In order to designate actions place a star * before and after the action.

    Jordan *picks up a glass and carries it to the table*

    OOC: Out of character comments and/or actions should be conveyed on a team or fleet chat. The in character or IC actions on the local/zone chat provided to the group.

    I felt it important to place these standards on this forum in order to show full consistency with current and possible members. There is a clear cut definition on evalutions for everyone to see.

    For any questions feel free to ask.
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