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why we're really mad

xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
This recent move by PWE/Cryptic has certainly left a bitter, disgusting taste in the mouths of many players who have been here since the early days. To fully understand why we feel this way, you have to look as the situation through our perspective.

We were the foundation for which this game has built itself upon. Without us, there would have been no game.

We paid for this game. Literally. I remember people buying multiple copies of the retail boxed version of STO for the special items that they came with. Each vendor had a special item you can claim through the c-store. People bought multiple copies @ $50 a piece (regular) or $90 a piece (collector's), on top of a subscription (monthly or LTS). In the very beginning, when there was only a promise of a Star Trek game, we made this commitment and have stuck with it ever since. Free to play is only 9 months old. There were no gold and silver players before that. We were all subscribers. We paid to play the game you enjoy for free today. Without the initial investment and the ongoing commitment of many other players, Atari then Cryptic then PWE wouldn't have had the resources to continue let alone expand the game to where it is today.

We dedicated ourselves to this game. We invested countless hours running missions and exploring the game, all the while identifying issues, bugs and other areas that needed improvement so the game could become better. People usually get paid for their time to do this. We did it for them and we paid them for the pleasure of doing it for them. We paid to play this game, which upon release was barebones. We paid to play this incomplete game and had to time after time report issues for the dev team to fix. We provided feedback and suggestions for the dev teams time and time again. We dedicated ourselves to a to this dream of a game; the very game that many of you ***** and moan about, yet play for free. Sure there will always be bugs. There will always be something to fix. But we put in the time and the money so we could make this a better, more enjoyable experience.

We played the game when there was no game. Imagine leveling a klingon from level 1-40 with nothing except PVP. Yup, we did it. We created our own fun. In the long droughts where there was no new content, we endured it. Many paid to endure it. The game simply did not stop during that year when there was nothing to do. People still played and they paid to do so. We've seen the content come and go. We beta tested this content for you, so you wouldn't have to deal with all the bugs and issues that we had to deal with. We spent time developing our characters. We didn't reach level 50 in one weekend. Levels took time to achieve. It took patience and dedication. We actually had to do all the sector block missions in addition to the story line to make rank. We played everything, because frankly, we had to in order to progress.

All in all, it is about the Vet Rewards and it isn't about the Vet Rewards. The reason why most of us are mad is because of how we're being treated. These Vet Rewards were something that made us special. Something that differentiated us from all the rest. It was their way of saying thank you to us vets for all the reasons listed above and more. Sure, the rewards themselves aren't the issue. It's the lack of acknowledgement, recognition and overall thanks from both the company and the players that we've seen. Some of us are mad, but most of us are just simply hurt. We just want to hold onto something that makes us special. We're not entitled brats with selfish motives. We have a legitimate reason to feel hurt and betrayed.

We truly loved this game. We truly love the franchise. Why else would we have stuck around for so long? For many of us, this game has been our work in progress. It has been our second homes and our sanctuary. So excuse us as we fume while the house we built is being foreclosed on and our sanctuary pillaged.
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