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Sad to say that endgame is boring

cptmorgoncptmorgon Member Posts: 6 Arc User
I love STO. I am a lifetime subscriber. I have played since beta. Even after my guild left for other games I stayed and played. I love the story lines, the pve, and the pvp. But, I am really disappointed in what is currently going on in game. End game seems to be soooo boring anymore. How many times do we do the same handful of things. I am glad they implemented Star Bases, but... what do you really do there. The quests around it are fun... and you can spend a lot of time trying to build your starbase up... but really, what is the point... other than to say you have that. What I miss is some really good missions end game.

Every other major MMO that I have played has focused on a lot of content end game. Missions that had boss fights that lasted hours sometimes and would require large groups of people. Dungeons that would take hours to accomplish. I'm not saying that its not good to have the opportunity to save progress and restart or to break it into smaller segments, but... we have basically 4 major dungeons if you will... And they are for the most part easily done anymore.

Anyone else feeling lethargic and apathetic about STO lately?

I hate that I feel this way too... because I love Star Trek... I try to talk my son and wife and brothers and nephews, all of which have accounts to play with me, but... they are just not interested.

I am not complaining just to complain. I really hope that someone, somewhere, will read this and see that its a request. Please, add content to the game. Add story to the game. Add missions.... I don't care about another 20 ships... I don't care about another 20 uniform choices.... What I want to see is mission content that takes a whole fleet to do... and not just a single event like taking down the Crystaline Entity, but an STF that is large that has something like the CE at the end to fight... ;) and we need many of these... because unless you add more to do than waste time developing starbases....and collecting ships.... you are going to keep losing those of us who are plain tired of the same old thing.

Post edited by cptmorgon on


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    tetonicatetonica Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    While I completely agree with you, I also feel the need to say that rome was not built in a day. The devs have been adding end game content and are planning on adding more. Whether you wish to play this content is up to you, I personally do not.

    I would submit that more content in general is needed though, not just end-game stuff.
    Lynis, Orion Engineer, main
    Rrezeth, Gorn Tactical, primary alt
    Nari, Orion Science, secondary alt
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    notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yep, adding grinding is not going to help at all and so does making missions over difficult.
    I am sure that we have a lot of talented mission makers in this community, and if they can be given the task to ease up the pressure from devs in exchange of some perks then we may have a lot of new content.
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

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    nikkyvixnikkyvix Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I am inclined to agree with you. When I heard the note of 'more Borg stuff' for Season 7, even alongside the inclusion of the new holdings, Tholian and Romulan-centric story, I had to cringe inwardly..because I feel Borg burnout. Borgout...? Endgame consists of, and revolves around, almost entirely, the Borg. It's been that way for nearly two years. It wears one down to see more Borg. They aren't the implacable foe they used to be after several hundred STFs and incursions.

    That said, there is reason to hope for the future in Season 7. My only fear is that it will be a lot of hype for only a meager amount of content. The STO community is a very passionate and involved one, and tends to dive right in and consume whatever's being thrown out like hungry sehlats in an enclosure. We can tire of things very easily if it isn't some manner of self-renewing, procedurally-generated excitement, because only a certain kind of player has the stomach for the endgame grind.

    And grind-content while we wait on the Next Big Thing(TM) is what we have in droves these days.

    So while I do feel optimistic that a fresh burst of oxygen is coming with Season 7, I fear that it will not last to long and we'll be right back here. Even those who don't dive right in without savoring it.
    The Artist Formerly Known As Nikotaka ][ Join Date: Jan 2010
    "Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers...?"
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    cptmorgon wrote: »

    Anyone else feeling lethargic and apathetic about STO lately?

    yes 1234567
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    trexelcat#9733 trexelcat Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    cptmorgon wrote: »
    Anyone else feeling lethargic and apathetic about STO lately?

    I've been feeling this way for years. They haven't had any really good end game content since launch. PvP was the real end game at the start, thus the Klingons were a PvP centric race. Then we got STF's, and Klingons cried for content.

    The fact of the matter is, this game is too casual. You level too fast, and have far too little at the end to keep you interested. I have five max level characters, only one of which has ever participated in a STF. I'm working on two more, leveling them exclusively through the Duty Officer system to drag it out as much as possible and make it take as long as possible in hopes to maybe hold my interest for a few more months to see if something, anything is done to improve end game.
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    mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Is there any MMO with a non-boring end game?

    The devs can't supply infinite end game content. MMO end games are meant to be boring gear grinds. The pretty gear keeps the achiever gamers going. This game also has the Foundry, which provides an interesting alternative.

    Personally, I have no interest in end game stuff. I have altitis. I can keep going for years without playing end game content.
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    trexelcat#9733 trexelcat Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mirai222 wrote: »
    I have altitis. I can keep going for years without playing end game content.

    Except for two problems. You can level to max in a day or two, and there is actually a cap on how many characters you can have(even if you purchase tons from the store). So, unless you are taking a week to stand around and do nothing, another week to examine that plant, the third week to make a lap or six around earth spacedock, you will be out of content before valentines day.
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    partizan81partizan81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    PVE Endgame (from a kill-stuff perspective) will almost always certainly turn into some sort of continual grind. However, some really good things that STO has going for it:

    - The Duty Officer system. Yes, it's grind-y to a certain extent, but between assignment chains, free loot, and items that buff your ship, I think this is one of the best things STO has going.
    - The upcoming reputation system - Not opposed to this at all, especially if it yields new items (and especially abilities)
    - Revolving calendar events - really a great idea. Some things help with leveling, some things help with materials acquisition, and some are just for fun.
    - Starbases - many people wanted housing, and this is what we got. I like it, I think it (at least in my fleet, RA vOv) promotes a real sense of community involvement and a goal-based structure for the betterment of the fleet. Yes, it can be grindy and cost-prohibitive in some cases, but, it sounds like that is potentially being addressed in S7.

    Things that really need improvement:
    - STFs - we just need more of these, flat out. 3 raids over the last two years is insufficient, but the fact that S7 will include a new one is really encouraging, and gives hope that continued development will lead to more variety. And nobody says they have to be Borg-only; there is a HOST of canon lore available that could be built out for STFs
    - Crafting - the crafting system needs a revamp/rewrite entirely. Include a profession-based system in order to stimulate the economy and enhance variety.
    - Some sort of mobile device presence - even if it's a simple app, like Rift's which provides a scratchoff-lotto based app that has a cooldown and provides in-game buffs, all the way up to WoW's remote AH/armory. STO *needs* a mobile online presence of some kind (personally I would love to see some sort of mobile-Doff-system, either using/granting mobile-only-useable-Doffs with mobile-only rewards).
    - Trait respecs - @Cryptic - this is free money for you, we are waiting to spend it.
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    mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Except for two problems. You can level to max in a day or two, and there is actually a cap on how many characters you can have(even if you purchase tons from the store). So, unless you are taking a week to stand around and do nothing, another week to examine that plant, the third week to make a lap or six around earth spacedock, you will be out of content before valentines day.

    Although the trip to 50 is very short in this game, it takes me a lot longer than a day or two. Even when I get to 50, I've only gone through the Klingon front episodes. I still have a lot of episode content to do. Plus, I enjoy the duty officer system, so I'm spending quite a bit of time on that between episodes. And I also do patrol and exploration missions here and there. Alternating between a bunch of characters, it really does take me a long time to get through it all.
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    tetonicatetonica Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Honestly, I think a seemingly simple way to give the game more flavour would be to make the different races and careers feel DIFFERENT.

    I honestly doubt the average player notices the differences between racial traits, and outside of having a few different powers, there is really nothing to really distinguish between being an engineer, tac, or sci officer.

    In general I felt very disappointed at the lack of flavour between the different professions and races, other than looks.
    Lynis, Orion Engineer, main
    Rrezeth, Gorn Tactical, primary alt
    Nari, Orion Science, secondary alt
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    tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    cptmorgon wrote: »

    Anyone else feeling lethargic and apathetic about STO lately?

    Yes and here is why...

    I feel that the rewards for the lockboxes, while I hate their very existence, are still tokens. I want to get the temporal destroyer whether by lobi or "getting lucky" The sad truth is, it looks like I am going to have to do lobi as the "lucky" part just isn't lucky for me. I would be better off just buying master keys and selling them on the exchange to be able to afford one that is being sold and probably spend far less money. Will I? probably not. I will continue to use my dilithium to buy keys from the c-store and open them one at a time.

    I feel that given the fact that cryptic continues to ignore PvP by doing the following:

    1) keeping the pvp queue hidden in the UI and separate from all other queues. It is a queue too, right?
    2) only part of the game that has never received a map update or more maps to speak of.
    3) introducing P2W consoles, SNB doffs, shield distribution doffs that are overpowered, etc... suggesting they only tested them in PvE and not PvP-- thereby ignoring PvP again.
    4) Never worked on team balance versus individual ship balance in PvP maps
    5) Waiting on the PvP queue popup to appear and when it does, the counter resets back to 60 seconds so many times that people just leave the queue (another "oversight" by cryptic)?
    6) PvP wins are "disable this" and "disable that" these days. If I were to take a screenshot of all the screen-filling special Fx and pets that appears in a PvP match, you'd say.. I never saw so much clutter and "noise" in any TV episode battle.
    7) a multitude of other issues which state that PvP has been and continues to be ignored by Cryptic via their actions and despite their words to the contrary.

    This forces me to do more and more PvE. The choices I have are:
    1) STFs that I have done thousands of times before
    2) fleet missions that I will end up doing thousands of times to come.
    3) patiently waiting on the hidden PvP queue popup to begin... with popup after popup and resetting of the counter to 60 seconds over and over and over again.

    So this is my STO life these days. Sound exciting? I am a PvP player first and foremost. All other content is secondary. This is my STO life.. boring and monotanous

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    wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    For me personally endgame has become too much of a grind. Grind for Dilitium, grind for fleet marks, grind for EDCs and prototech, grind for lotto boxes to try and get the ships you'll never get. It's getting to be too much. there's way too many things that we get promised that never really seem to happen, and when it does they manage to either turn it into a grind or obsolete it with a different grind (upcoming STF changes). They went from having way too many currencies to streamlining it only to make way for even more useless currencies. all of which you grind for. It would be nice if there were evidence that they were listening to the players and fanbase more. things like polls and such really help even if they don't really do much.

    As for the starbase it bugs me that it's not a real zone. I can't hang out there like at DS9, any time i zone into PvE content i find my self in sector space and have to get through 2 or three loading screens depending on where i was in the base. It's ridiculous. They made the perfect social zone for your fleet and are making you grind your butts off to upgrade it, yet you can't just hang out and play casually because the base keeps kicking you out.

    It kills me that this game has gone from being about pleasing it's fans to getting a quick buck. I understand that CBS doesn't want certain things, or that you can't please everyone, but a little quality over quantity would go a long way to making this a better game.
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    trexelcat#9733 trexelcat Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mirai222 wrote: »
    Although the trip to 50 is very short in this game, it takes me a lot longer than a day or two. Even when I get to 50, I've only gone through the Klingon front episodes. I still have a lot of episode content to do. Plus, I enjoy the duty officer system, so I'm spending quite a bit of time on that between episodes. And I also do patrol and exploration missions here and there. Alternating between a bunch of characters, it really does take me a long time to get through it all.

    I'm what most consider an ultra casual gamer. In just about any other MMO it takes me a year or two to get to max level. Took me four years to get to 60 in ********, and by then Wrath of the Lich King was out.

    In Star Trek Online my current personal record for going from brand new creation to max level is two days. And that was on a weekend, and I only really played four hours each day so strictly time wise it was really only one business day.

    Granted, the "episodes" take a little bit longer, like a week to a week and a half(this is taking into account time restraints, so maybe three to four hours a day average) but they do not change, so once you complete them the first time on one character you know exactly what's coming and when which makes each subsequent run through a bit faster.

    I agree with tetonica, would be nice if the classes had a bit of flavor. would make having more than one character a little more interesting.
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    wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I agree with tetonica, would be nice if the classes had a bit of flavor. would make having more than one character a little more interesting.

    I agree, they started a little bit in missions that have the class based objectives, but it would be a nice touch if there were more to it, more variety between the game play for classes. although i've posted elsewhere that the grind itself is killing my alts since everything is bound to character rather than bound to account.
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    cavaduscavadus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Finish KDF, introduce RSE, and go full out on a three-front war with PvPvE territorial control. This game needs realm versus realm (versus realm) to really survive.

    Get the starbases integrated into the territorial warfare, let us place our starbases on the border for defense, and let's get some real damn PvP going.

    Anything else is just more of the same.
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    red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    When I level up a toon it seems to take around a month, although if I really put my nose to the grindstone I could do it faster. Since I think I've improved a lot since I was but a wee n00b, I think that I could do it a whole lot faster if I really wanted to, now.

    However, I have to ask - those who do rapid-leveling - what do you DO? It seems like to go that fast you would mitigate and ignore all storylines, rapid-click through DOff missions, never touch anything that isn't directly geared towards amassing SP, and just sit there and start shooting for 18 hours straight, possibly while popping SP boosters.

    That doesn't sound like it's very much fun, and I don't see how any MMO could manage to deal with that particular situation for very long and keep things interesting.
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    mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    In Star Trek Online my current personal record for going from brand new creation to max level is two days.

    I don't know what my personal record is, because it takes me more than a couple months.

    (Mind you, a few months for me is still very fast compared to most other MMOs, except DCUO, which is stupidly fast.)
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    partizan81partizan81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tetonica wrote: »
    Honestly, I think a seemingly simple way to give the game more flavour would be to make the different races and careers feel DIFFERENT.

    I honestly doubt the average player notices the differences between racial traits, and outside of having a few different powers, there is really nothing to really distinguish between being an engineer, tac, or sci officer.

    In general I felt very disappointed at the lack of flavour between the different professions and races, other than looks.

    Ground-level kits provide completely different power sets. I'll give you though that the difference between tac-escorts and tac-sci-escorts is not all that major aside from different character-only powers.
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    partizan81partizan81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mirai222 wrote: »
    I don't know what my personal record is, because it takes me more than a couple months.

    (Mind you, a few months for me is still very fast compared to most other MMOs, except DCUO, which is stupidly fast.)

    /played was something like 17 hours, 24 minutes for my latest science char.
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    cavadus wrote: »
    Finish KDF, introduce RSE, and go full out on a three-front war with PvPvE territorial control. This game needs realm versus realm (versus realm) to really survive.

    Get the starbases integrated into the territorial warfare, let us place our starbases on the border for defense, and let's get some real damn PvP going.

    Anything else is just more of the same.

    I think we've been telling the devs we need territory control since the game's inception. They just never can program or execute it. I agree with most of the other people in here. I'm tired of the mindless grinding, as well. Give us territory control, more customization, integrate star bases into pvp, give us more mini-games, and give us better exploration.
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    cptmorgoncptmorgon Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    After nearly 1000 days... still no poker on my ship. The ship has really nothing to do on it... you cant even bank on it unless you get one of the special ships that have it... I mean I fly a cruiser, surely I have enough room on that ship to store my stuff right ;)

    And pvp... when I first started playing, I played Klingon heavily because I loved the idea of a pvp centric playstyle only to find that it was neglected so badly that pvp is the redheaded stepchild of this game.

    I would love to play my KDF more but ... I want to play all the content so I play Feds alot too. And whatever happened to the Iconians?

    There is just too much missing.

    Please... fix the bugs, revamp pvp, address the balance issues between starships... escorts should not be the only ship flown by 80 percent of players... add poker in the social zones and other reason to just hang out and chill with friends... what's the point of creating social zones when there is nothing to do in them....
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