So I recently bought this ship on the exchange (for a painfuly hit to my bank, ie. LOT of EC) this is what im currently running. pick it apart, open to all suggestions.
USS Nova Scotia
Wells Temporal Science Vessel
[Dual Tetryon Beam Bank Mk XI [CrtD]x3]
[Dual Tetryon Beam Bank Mk XI [CrtD]x2 [Dmg]]
[Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [CrtH]x3]
Lt. Com Uni (Tac): Tactical Team I, Torpedo Spread II, Attack Pattern Beta II Lt. Uni (Tac): Torpedo: High yield I, Beam Overload II Ens Engi: Engineering Team Cmdr Sci: Tracor Beam I, Science Team II, Gravity Well I, Viral Matrix III Lt. Sci: Transfer Shield Strength I, Tyken's Rift I
10 km away, Aux bias ---> GW I ---> Weap bias ---> TacTeam, APBeta, WAIL, shields down, TorpSpr, BOII ---> Aux bias ----> Tykens rift ---> adjust after
If against a single enemy
5 km away, Aux Bias ----> TracBeam, VMIII ----> Weap bias ----> tac team, apbeta wail, BO II, shields down, T:HY I ----> aux bias ----> TRift
Questions from me:
1. Should I upgrade to fleet tetryons or go antiproton?
2. Should I lose the plasma torp console?
3. Should I attach a turret in aft to replace the torp?
Any additional comments and ideas are extremely appreciated!
- V.Adm. William Richard Ashwing, M.D. (William@chandlerashari)
Joint Chief of Staff, Starfleet Medical Command
Lt. Com Uni (Tac): Tactical Team I, Torpedo Spread II, Attack Pattern Beta II Lt. Uni (Tac): Torpedo: High yield I, Beam Overload II Ens Engi: Engineering Team Cmdr Sci: Tracor Beam I, Science Team II, Gravity Well I, Viral Matrix III Lt. Sci: Transfer Shield Strength I, Tyken's Rift I
If against a mob:
10 km away, Aux bias ---> GW I ---> Weap bias ---> TacTeam, APBeta, WAIL, shields down, TorpSpr, BOII ---> Aux bias ----> Tykens rift ---> adjust after
If against a single enemy
5 km away, Aux Bias ----> TracBeam, VMIII ----> Weap bias ----> tac team, apbeta wail, BO II, shields down, T:HY I ----> aux bias ----> TRift
Questions from me:
1. Should I upgrade to fleet tetryons or go antiproton?
2. Should I lose the plasma torp console?
3. Should I attach a turret in aft to replace the torp?
Any additional comments and ideas are extremely appreciated!
- V.Adm. William Richard Ashwing, M.D. (William@chandlerashari)
Joint Chief of Staff, Starfleet Medical Command
1. Tetryons should do fine for PvE, fleet or borg depending or what you are playing.
2. Yes, go quantum or photon (higher fire rate)
3. I would
4. I think I would swap the Viral Matrix 3 with the Gravity Well 1 so you would have Viral Matrix 2 and Gravity Well 3 (if you can train it, else I might be able to help you)
Other then not having mk 12 it seems like a decent build I'm also not a fan of viral matrix. One thing to look at is to make use use of its turn rate. Also if you can try and get the 2p of the temprial warfare and switch to chrono toros and ap it will boost the dps and because stf Borg have low shield you lose the prox very fast. I might have missed it but what's your dotf build that can make or break a goo sci ship. Other then that it seems like it wouldn't really hinder a team at all.
-"There is no such thing as an I win button!""Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
1. Tetryons should do fine for PvE, fleet or borg depending or what you are playing.
2. Yes, go quantum or photon (higher fire rate)
3. I would
4. I think I would swap the Viral Matrix 3 with the Gravity Well 1 so you would have Viral Matrix 2 and Gravity Well 3 (if you can train it, else I might be able to help you)
1. Ok much cheaper to outfit a tetryon ship haha
2. Ill try that
3. Ditto
4. Whats the increase in power from GW I to II, downgrade from VM III to II? The stowiki doesnt seem to be clear on this...
1. Tetryons should do fine for PvE, fleet or borg depending or what you are playing.
2. Yes, go quantum or photon (higher fire rate)
3. I would
4. I think I would swap the Viral Matrix 3 with the Gravity Well 1 so you would have Viral Matrix 2 and Gravity Well 3 (if you can train it, else I might be able to help you)
1. Ok much cheaper to outfit a tetryon ship haha
2. Ill try that
3. Ditto
4. Whats the increase in power from GW I to II, downgrade from VM III to II? The stowiki doesnt seem to be clear on this...
Oh right i it is...
Projectile Weapons Officers
Gravimetric Scientist (Gravity Well)
Systems Engineer (Viral Matrix)
Deflector Officer
Tractor Beam Officer
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