Honestly, the game is heading in the right direction (The new music is so cool, add a lot more music that has a Trek feel to it. Go as far to add some of the actual music from the shows.)
But one thing I find that needs to be more Trek has to be ground combat.
In your trailer, you have people taking cover behind barrels and walls and shooting over or around them.
If you can program our bridge officers to search and take cover when in red alert, that would be awesome. Gives is a trek feel.
Another thing will be also dealing with the trailer, you see a hole in your ship which you are holding on for dear life but one crew member doesn't make it (lets say it is your bridge officer). You have a Ceremonial Military Funeral. That could be cool.
I know the Starfleet Academy actually playing a vital part of STO will come some time or another so I will leave that to you guys. (Graduating Classes... Hint Hint!)
Exploration is another faction. Not just any kind of Exploration. Have it where we get to Explore the Delta Quadrants and Map out Planets, Moons, Asteroids and we have to report back to Starfleet with our findings. Meet with new species, even if they are hostile or friendly. (Gamma Quadrant too)
When PvP gets revamp, I know you will have Territorial games that will determine the actual borderlines for the Klingon/Starfleet War (If you guys make Romulans, make it a 3 Faction Struggle). Please make the PvP battles larger that 10 vs 10 when you do. 20 vs 20 or larger to show case actual squads and fleets going into a battle together to determine the safety of Starfleet, honor of Klingons, and the Romulans safety.
Edit: PvP Arenas melee only also XD
Poker and Shuttle Racing will also be a huge thing to add (Especially Shuttle Racing). Love to fix up my shuttle with different parts to make her zoom to the finish line.
That is just the start. The Devs are doing an incredible job! The new Reputation system with the Embassy to cut down on fleet spam. Honestly, my prediction, in about 2 years if the devs keep up this awesome work, this game can be the best on the net hands down.
The Average PvP player
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up