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Priority One Podcast Episode 97 New Frontiers: The Dan Stahl Interview



  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Making new factions would be a terrible idea, I really don't get why people can't see that. You'd splinter PvP queues even more, you'd splinter PvE queues even more unless they are cross faction in which case faction wouldn't matter...

    Foundry missions would reach an even smaller subset of players, Cryptic would have to create 3 events on anniversaries and so on, the time in between new stuff for the other factions would become even longer than it is now and the list goes on and on. There are a trillion reasons against splintering the game up with more factions. Things would become even more horrible if you add Cardis and other TRIBBLE too. A mini faction concept to get player races and ships out there circumvents all of that and would be enough.

    Keeping things the way they are isn't going to help either...We have lost people, perhaps not permanently, through boredom and lack of depth and things to do within STO. Cross faction PVE does sound potentially good though (perhaps not all PVE content, but some new maps/missions could add an extra element of excitement)...As for PVP isn't it need of a revamp? No more than 3 factions should certainly attract players back and then maybe attract more, but it needs to be done right or you'll fail to even have the chance of achieving potential.

    How many other MMO's have mini-factions? Monster play in LOTRO is the closest, yet you have other races with unique well made starting areas or lands which are theirs. Now Cryptic/PWE have more resources and have doubled their workforce there is certainly hope for more in S7 and S8 once this starts to have a visible effect on the game. I'd say they really better start showing results :).

    It is also obvious Cryptic don't plan too far ahead because Season 8's content has yet to be decided and that seems up to the devs and others armed with much better metrics than we have at hand.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Three Factions,
    Yes Cryptic will have to be inventive and do some work. Thats life in the MMO industry.
    Its time to complete STO with the the three big factions and grow the game.

    Three factions will not hurt PvP anymore than the sorry state it is in now.
    Ker'rat will still function as the RSE fights with the Borg against the feds and KDF. The Ques can function just as easily as a three way as they do in a two way, though agnostic may end up being the norm for teams or some new maps and game ideas may be needed.
    Worst case they code it so the ques only go three way when enough of the three factions exist to pop that way, otherwise it can still pop in a two-way.

    The RSE fans are screaming for foundry missions. If they have a faction they have the tools to build the missions and they will play them.

    So Cryptic would have to do three seperate Anniversary events. Not a huge ordeal. It can be primarily fed with smaller evenst for the KDF and RSE.

    The time for new stuff between the factions is slow already if you are looking for faction specific content. The Agnostic content would continue as it already is at endgame.

    A minifaction only degrades the RSE and will put them in a state no better than the KDF. Half finished and left waiting.

    If Cryptic expects to make a name for themselves and STO then STO has to step beyond what it currently is and become more with solid content and multifaction play.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    So Cryptic would have to do three seperate Anniversary events. Not a huge ordeal. It can be primarily fed with smaller evenst for the KDF and RSE.

    Ahhh , but knowing Cryptic , wanting to do more will end up with doing less .
    And that won't stop at any measly Anniversary event either .

    From my humble POV , talk of 3 full factions is a grandiose BS , and talk of factions that will dissolve into (errr I mean fight along side) the two main faction is BS as well .

    The way forward is either 10-20 level mini-factions (w/10 levels per year) -- that will allow for other content & other factions to me made , or bust .
  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Ahhh , but knowing Cryptic , wanting to do more will end up with doing less .
    And that won't stop at any measly Anniversary event either .

    From my humble POV , talk of 3 full factions is a grandiose BS , and talk of factions that will dissolve into (errr I mean fight along side) the two main faction is BS as well .

    The way forward is either 10-20 level mini-factions (w/10 levels per year) -- that will allow for other content & other factions to me made , or bust .

    They have stated endlessly that they want to do the KDF as a full faction (well up to release when they decided to say PVP only mini-faction which flew over like a lead Targ as a full faction had been promised back in '08), but its further development was and has been hindered by lack of resources due to only having a small number of developers at the time and prioritization of the larger playerbase on the Fed side. We are simply hoping that due to increase in resources across the board this has now changed, but you cannot expect to see results overnight, that's unrealistic. Assuming an idea goes to the top of the to-do list to really being worked on within most companies takes about 6 months...

    As stated there is a likelihood of seeing levels 1 - 20 being incorporated into the KDF during S8, if S7 proves to be successful, but its certainly not guaranteed until we know its in and I cannot blame anyone for calling BS on it.

    I disagree with the whole mini-faction thing, few if any other MMO has gone down this road and the current KDF 'Mini-faction' I think proves the concept to be a failure and how do you sale this to new and current players as a good thing? It is competitive out there, offering less? Sure, no other Star Trek game like STO out there, but is that an excuse for making sub-par work?
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Besides, I sincerely doubt there are as many Romulan fans as they claim. Those numbers from the Ask Cryptic poll were obviously purposefully inflated.

    I hardly play KDF at all, but I still would rather see it finished, at least 1-50 progression, able to start as KDF instead of Fed, than a Rommie faction being added.

    Grandiose plans are all well and good, but a half-baked cookie is still mostly dough no matter how big it is. :P
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I see those voting for a Romulan faction being people who want to play Romulans part-time, not full time.

    Right now, Cryptic needs to finish fleshing out the KDF, else they would be hypocrits in telling the KDF population that their 18% wasn't big enough to add content, but a lower Romulan population would be.
  • darkenzedddarkenzedd Member Posts: 881
    edited September 2012
    I see those voting for a Romulan faction being people who want to play Romulans part-time, not full time.

    Right now, Cryptic needs to finish fleshing out the KDF, else they would be hypocrits in telling the KDF population that their 18% wasn't big enough to add content, but a lower Romulan population would be.

    Yup, I 100% agree!

    Cryptic cannot add any new faction until they finish the other faction (KDF) that they said they would..
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I see those voting for a Romulan faction being people who want to play Romulans part-time, not full time.

    Right now, Cryptic needs to finish fleshing out the KDF, else they would be hypocrits in telling the KDF population that their 18% wasn't big enough to add content, but a lower Romulan population would be.

    Uh, not so much. I voted for the Romulan faction because I want to play it full-time. It's Dan that wants to give us a part-time faction...
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    startux wrote: »
    We are simply hoping that due to increase in resources across the board this has now changed

    What has "changed" can change again -- very quickly .
    According to Dstahl in the latest Priority 1 interview , they have nearly blown their load (aka used up) all the "canon" ships they had available and in the interview you had Dstahl talking about "variants" of existing ships -- as in recycling ships w/new looks + stats .

    Players (and Cryptic's new staff) stay around because of what Cryptic can sell .
    If they are running out of new stuff to sell ... .
    That is also why Season 8 (according to the interview) will be a grab for new players .

    I disagree with the whole mini-faction thing, few if any other MMO has gone down this road and the current KDF 'Mini-faction' I think proves the concept to be a failure

    The current KDF is hardly a Mini-Faction . 5-20 levels can be considered a Mini-Faction .
    The current KDF is about 30 levels .

    If they want to add more factions (other than the Romulans) then they will have to do it at the expense of the Romulans .
    If they don't , then they'll have to add the Romulans at the expanse of the Feds/KDF .
    It's that simple .

    Uh, not so much. I voted for the Romulan faction because I want to play it full-time. It's Dan that wants to give us a part-time faction...

    Dan want's to give you his version of the Romulan Mini-Faction because from his pragmatic POV that way he can add the Romulans (and possibly other races) to the game .
    Also , from his POV this is "doable" VS his "we don't have a separate 60 ppl Dev team to conjure up The Mysts of Romulus at this time" .

    Creating a whole new faction from level 1-50 will bogg this game down indefinetly -- and that is with the new hired staff .
    Instead of moving forward with the story line of the Iconians , Undine , Hurk/Fek'hiri ... -- hold on , I'm getting an inspiration here :

    What if they would create a Romulan Mini-Faction that would move the story of the game forward ?

    What if the Romulan Mini-Faction would be Levels 40-60 , instead of Levels 1-50 ?
    Do 10 starter levels (5 missions + fluff about the Romulans) that is unlocked for Fed/KDF players that reach Level 40 .
    And then move the whole game forward -- story line , level cap , the whole thing another 10 levels (from 50 to 60) -- with a Romulan/Iconian story line ?
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Because people who ask questions like "Have you stopped beating your be'nal?" are unlikely to get a second interview?

    My curiosity got the best of me, so I have to ask...what is "be'nal"? Meat? Spouse? Personal best score in Asteroids? :confused:
  • broodwynbroodwyn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think the guys at P1 do a kick aZZ job! Heck, they actually asked my question. I was ASTOUNDED, and very, very happy :D

    Since Branflakes closed the other thread, I wanted to post my sincere thank you to the guys at P1 for asking my question about the Ambassador Class... You guys are the best!!

    You're more then welcome, I'm also an ambassador fan myself, I'm glad we could ask it

    And yes we can't ask every question within the alotted time DStahl spends with us, its his own personal time remember, and we are aware that not every question was answered and some had to be cut due to time restrictions, We're sorry if your question didn't get asked

    Live Long and Prosper!

    Production Assistant & Art Director
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    aethon3050 wrote: »
    My curiosity got the best of me, so I have to ask...what is "be'nal"? Meat? Spouse? Personal best score in Asteroids? :confused:

    It means Wife in Klingon.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Dan want's to give you his version of the Romulan Mini-Faction because from his pragmatic POV that way he can add the Romulans (and possibly other races) to the game .
    Also , from his POV this is "doable" VS his "we don't have a separate 60 ppl Dev team to conjure up The Mysts of Romulus at this time" .

    Creating a whole new faction from level 1-50 will bogg this game down indefinetly -- and that is with the new hired staff .
    Instead of moving forward with the story line of the Iconians , Undine , Hurk/Fek'hiri ... -- hold on , I'm getting an inspiration here :

    What if they would create a Romulan Mini-Faction that would move the story of the game forward ?

    What if the Romulan Mini-Faction would be Levels 40-60 , instead of Levels 1-50 ?
    Do 10 starter levels (5 missions + fluff about the Romulans) that is unlocked for Fed/KDF players that reach Level 40 .
    And then move the whole game forward -- story line , level cap , the whole thing another 10 levels (from 50 to 60) -- with a Romulan/Iconian story line ?

    His rationale isn't what many of us have a problem with. It's perfectly sensible that they don't have the time or resources (though they do like to brag about how their team is ~40 people these days). So that being the case, I for one would rather they didn't do a Romulan faction at all; I'm all or nothing on this issue because I feel it's exactly what led us to the KDF issue we have today. Cryptic thought it was acceptable to deliver a quarter-finished faction because they didn't have the resources, which they rationalized by trying to feed us this tripe that it was meant to be a PvP-only faction. We all know that was a load of bull, but that's the story we were told. I'd rather they didn't do the same with a Romulan faction, so if it means no Romulan faction then I'm okay with that.

    Settling for second best is what got STO to where it is today.
  • thetruthurtsthetruthurts Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So that being the case, I for one would rather they didn't do a Romulan faction at all; I'm all or nothing on this issue because I feel it's exactly what led us to the KDF issue we have today.

    The good news for you is that even if they do add a Rom mini-faction, you can choose not to play it. That way you can still be "all or nothing", but other people will still have the option to play it if they want to.
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The good news for you is that even if they do add a Rom mini-faction, you can choose not to play it. That way you can still be "all or nothing", but other people will still have the option to play it if they want to.

    Not quite. In this case, the amount of effort required for a mini-faction would involve all of Cryptic's various skill-sets; it's not just an art issue or a programming issue--everyone on the team is likely to get involved. That's time spent that could be better used to deliver content for the whole game as opposed to a mini-faction that many of us Romulan fans wouldn't fully enjoy.

    It's about priorities in relation to value. In this case, they're falling back on the same excuse that delivered us an unfinished Klingon faction: "We don't have the resources to do a full-blown faction so have a half-finished one instead."

    The KDF, as it is in-game today, is a product of your very mentality. No thanks; I'd rather they worked on something else.
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