Greetings fellow STO Captains! Just wanted to plop our little fleet down here and say! :P
We are just a small casual gaming fleet that is looking for like-minded individuals to join our ranks! Our only rules are to be mature (being mature does not necessarily mean being of an older age), be respectful and most importantly, have fun!
The idea behind our fleet is that not everyone can play games as much as they would like due to family, work and school. Due to these reasons some are have trouble finding a place to call home and make friends and that is exactly what this fleet aims to do; make friends and play some games!
What are our plans you ask? Build friendships, build our fleet base, do STFs together. What more could one ask for?
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or you can contact me or one of the other fleet command officers in game through a /tell.
@Capt.Spade - Commanding Officer (Me)
@RavingUbik - Executive Officer (1st Officer)
@bolbod - Fleet Captain (2nd Officer)
We do have a fleet forums and a Raid Call server(We now have a spot on a TS3 server) for when we are ready to run STFs.
[FLEET SITE URL DELETED - New forum info coming soon]
Now get out there, kill some Borg and we will see you among the stars!
Suit up everyone!
Anyone who missed out, we will be putting on more fleet events so keep your eyes peeled on the events tab in the fleet window. :cool:
Also doing a great job of getting projects moving along for the starbase.
Starting out on the team event we did a quick run through of the tactics we would use and broke the fleet down into organized groups that were assigned specific duties.
Rewards were great, team play great, even voice coms were easy to follow, though my voice did need to be heard a bit less than it was but no one got on my case about it.
Overall was a great first week with this fleet and recommend this fleet to anyone looking for mature, reliable, and most of all fun group of players to fly with.
We as a fleet have been in talks with a gaming community that was looking for an STO fleet to join their group.
After several conversations we have joined forces and are now Foreign Skies fleet flying under the Sentinel Gaming banner. A community comprised of several different games.
A bit about Sentinel Gaming:
To check out their site go to:
With this alliance we now have a section for us on their TS3 server as well as their forums. If anyone has any questions or would like to join Foreign Skies, please feel free to post here or you can reach any of our command staff in game via mail or a /tell. Below you will find our command staff in game @ handles.
Command Staff:
@Capt.Spade - Fleet Admiral, Commanding Officer
@RavingUbik - Vice Admiral, Executive Officer (1st Officer)
@bolbod - Vice Admiral (2nd Officer)
@Malfurax45 ; - "Gunny" Tactical/Security Division Officer