considering that thay can cost as much as a normal C-store ship and are only for one character are they really worth it over the other T5 ships?
Or are they really just for min/maxers with too much money or time to grind on their hands?
The fleet skins do look great, especially on the Galaxy but im not sure its worth it....I got the Gal R, Def R and Intr R on certain toons before they were C-store ships so its goign to cost me one way or another
Looking for a great fleet, then try the UFP/House of Kular, visit ufplanets.comfor more infoA forum post should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to keep things interesting.
considering that thay can cost as much as a normal C-store ship and are only for one character are they really worth it over the other T5 ships?
Or are they really just for min/maxers with too much money or time to grind on their hands?
The fleet skins do look great, especially on the Galaxy but im not sure its worth it....I got the Gal R, Def R and Intr R on certain toons before they were C-store ships so its goign to cost me one way or another
Depends on your definition of "worth it".
Are they better ?
Yes, absolutely. One need only look at their stats to see that. Fleet Defiant with 5 Tac Console slots as an example.
Are they worth the same cost as a Z-Store Ship (effectively, and in most cases, though you can by the Fleet Ship Modules in the exchange) ?
Each player must ask this for themself. They are indeed SINGLE character unlocks for pretty much the same price you pay in the z-store for Account wide unlocks. In bought my one, with Fleet Ship Mods i got off exchange. It's a nice ship. I wouldn't buy another.
I can complete and compete with nothing but the Free ships in game. All the way to endgame, and have no problem even in elite STFs. The Fleet Ships exist in that world where a marginal difference in some stat or other makes all the difference in PvP as I understand it. I see the Fleet Ships as PvP gear.
Yes, they are shiny and nice and better, but they are in no way "needed" to play the game.
So coming from someone who has one. Nope, I don't see them as worth it (with the caveat that I am not a PvP guy , and they might be worth it in that arena)
If you PvP the extra Console Slot, Hull, and slightly different BOFF configuration can give you an edge. If you PvE then no, not really. In PvE it's all just vanity as to what type of ship you want to fly.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
If you PvP the extra Console Slot, Hull, and slightly different BOFF configuration can give you an edge. If you PvE then no, not really. In PvE it's all just vanity as to what type of ship you want to fly.
I dropped a feather and heard it hit the forum floor with a thud - is it just you and me in here?
I dropped a feather and heard it hit the forum floor with a thud - is it just you and me in here?
And I do intend on getting the fleet defiant.
Nope more of us are wandering the forums while the weekly update takes hold for the next few hours. And the Fleet Defiant is probably the best of the ones I have seen to be honest.
hmm, i didnt realize you can get the fleet modules from the exchange....what are the going rates atm?
Both of you have backed up my initial thoughts about the extra performance only being needed for I think I may wait and see, if I have some spare EC or zen I may get one or two
Looking for a great fleet, then try the UFP/House of Kular, visit ufplanets.comfor more infoA forum post should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to keep things interesting.
hmm, i didnt realize you can get the fleet modules from the exchange....what are the going rates atm?
Both of you have backed up my initial thoughts about the extra performance only being needed for I think I may wait and see, if I have some spare EC or zen I may get one or two
dON't know the current going rate of Fleet Ship Modules. i paid around 5 million each when I got mine , which was when they first came out.
I am guessing that they settled around 6 or 7 million a piece or so.
5-7 mill is their current range. A little pricy but this is likely a one time purchase. I do not like the 200k credit fleet ships but having to grind 20 mill in cash is a little difficult for me (especially since i dont know how other than a few ways) They're 500 zen each. So dilithium and zen offers might be your best bet.
dON't know the current going rate of Fleet Ship Modules. i paid around 5 million each when I got mine , which was when they first came out.
I am guessing that they settled around 6 or 7 million a piece or so.
I sold one for about 4.8 Mil EC on the exchange so they really have not changed much in price and as soon as my fleet gets a T3 shipyard im upgrading to the Fleet Defiant. The fleet ships are very good and offer a little more bang for your buck they are not needed but ships like the F defiant can really lay down the damage fast. Also to answer the post Above having the Z store ship help negate that to 20,000 fleet creds and a single Fleet Module
The weird thing is that they are listed under data samples.
Are they worth it. if it only needs one module then yes. and 5 mil from the exchange isn't that bad. Even 1 mk xii purple plasma infuser is about that. I'm pretty sure that is the cheapest energy weapon console of that quality too. They are character bind as well.
That being said the questions is are you looking to pay for it or how much resources you are willing to put into it.
hmm, i didnt realize you can get the fleet modules from the exchange....what are the going rates atm?
Both of you have backed up my initial thoughts about the extra performance only being needed for I think I may wait and see, if I have some spare EC or zen I may get one or two
Going rate can be anywhere from about 4.5m all the way to 6m, depending on the day.
As hippiejon says, it totally depends on your definition of "worth it." Got one for my Tac and it's a fun ship, a little squishy but that's to be expected. The 5th tac console is nice, I don't know that it makes an omgwtfgamebreaking difference, but it certainly doesn't hurt At the same time though, I bought the Armitage from the C-Store for an account-wide unlock, that way I'm covered in the quality-level-escort department for all characters.
well the fleet ship im actually looking at maybe getting is the Fleet Galaxy, the 'Fleet' skin seems to be what the original Galaxy skin should have been, and it would be nice to have a Galaxy with a bit more oomph
Looking for a great fleet, then try the UFP/House of Kular, visit ufplanets.comfor more infoA forum post should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to keep things interesting.
I see some of you suggest that the fleet ships are worth it if you pvp. The STUPID thing about this game is that inorder to get the "pvp" ships you need to grind PvE!
I am getting sick of some of the game devs view of pvp.
In my opinion, fleet variants worth its costs, even for pvp or pve. I had the patrol escort, and when i changed to my fleet patrol escort i realized that the aprox 20 million i spent on the modules were a good investment.
Well, in my personal case i don't run (and i don't want to run) more than one fed and one klingon, so it's more useful for me, but even if you have lots of characters, you can take a fleet ship in 2-3 days, at a rate of 8-10 million energy credits a day (1.5-2 modules a day). It's not impossible, and it's not difficult. You only need to know what to do.
When someone in my fleet is playing to get those daily amounts of EC, we say he/she turned on the "emergency power to energy credits" xD
I agree that the T2 & 3 fleet ships would be worth it, jsut to fly those ships at VA level, but Im just not sure on getting the fleet versions of the T5 ships
Looking for a great fleet, then try the UFP/House of Kular, visit ufplanets.comfor more infoA forum post should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to keep things interesting.
So far, I've purchased two fleet ships: The Fleet Patrol Escort and the Fleet Defiant. The Fleet Patrol Escort is most definitely worth it. It gets a great boost in shields and hull, and has a universal ensign slot, which can let you get more survivability or more damage. I use it for Engineering (like the stock one) so i can rotate two EPTS1s and have RSP for emergencies. I can tank anything in PVE, save those darn Neg Isos, and can last ridiculously long in PVP - for an escort that is.
The Fleet Defiant, on the other hand, despite its fifth tact console, was quite a let down for me. The shield modifier is the same, the boff slots are the same - no universal - and it's still squishy as all get out, even in PVE. The extra tact console gives me a tad bit more of an edge in PVP, but definitely not enough to make up for being a glass cannon. If you have the cloak from the zstore version, you could do a bit more with it. But in all honestly, it is only a minor upgrade from the zstore versoin.
I'm hoping they fix it soon to where the defiant at least gets its extra shield modifier, but as is, if you want to fly something that actually feels like an upgrade, the Fleet Patrol Escort is the best option. Hands down.
Depends on your definition of "worth it".
Are they better ?
Yes, absolutely. One need only look at their stats to see that. Fleet Defiant with 5 Tac Console slots as an example.
Are they worth the same cost as a Z-Store Ship (effectively, and in most cases, though you can by the Fleet Ship Modules in the exchange) ?
Each player must ask this for themself. They are indeed SINGLE character unlocks for pretty much the same price you pay in the z-store for Account wide unlocks. In bought my one, with Fleet Ship Mods i got off exchange. It's a nice ship. I wouldn't buy another.
I can complete and compete with nothing but the Free ships in game. All the way to endgame, and have no problem even in elite STFs. The Fleet Ships exist in that world where a marginal difference in some stat or other makes all the difference in PvP as I understand it. I see the Fleet Ships as PvP gear.
Yes, they are shiny and nice and better, but they are in no way "needed" to play the game.
So coming from someone who has one. Nope, I don't see them as worth it (with the caveat that I am not a PvP guy , and they might be worth it in that arena)
I dropped a feather and heard it hit the forum floor with a thud - is it just you and me in here?
And I do intend on getting the fleet defiant.
Nope more of us are wandering the forums while the weekly update takes hold for the next few hours. And the Fleet Defiant is probably the best of the ones I have seen to be honest.
Both of you have backed up my initial thoughts about the extra performance only being needed for I think I may wait and see, if I have some spare EC or zen I may get one or two
A forum post should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to keep things interesting.
dON't know the current going rate of Fleet Ship Modules. i paid around 5 million each when I got mine , which was when they first came out.
I am guessing that they settled around 6 or 7 million a piece or so.
I sold one for about 4.8 Mil EC on the exchange so they really have not changed much in price and as soon as my fleet gets a T3 shipyard im upgrading to the Fleet Defiant. The fleet ships are very good and offer a little more bang for your buck they are not needed but ships like the F defiant can really lay down the damage fast. Also to answer the post Above having the Z store ship help negate that to 20,000 fleet creds and a single Fleet Module
Are they worth it. if it only needs one module then yes. and 5 mil from the exchange isn't that bad. Even 1 mk xii purple plasma infuser is about that. I'm pretty sure that is the cheapest energy weapon console of that quality too. They are character bind as well.
That being said the questions is are you looking to pay for it or how much resources you are willing to put into it.
Going rate can be anywhere from about 4.5m all the way to 6m, depending on the day.
As hippiejon says, it totally depends on your definition of "worth it." Got one for my Tac and it's a fun ship, a little squishy but that's to be expected. The 5th tac console is nice, I don't know that it makes an omgwtfgamebreaking difference, but it certainly doesn't hurt
A forum post should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to keep things interesting.
I am getting sick of some of the game devs view of pvp.
Well, in my personal case i don't run (and i don't want to run) more than one fed and one klingon, so it's more useful for me, but even if you have lots of characters, you can take a fleet ship in 2-3 days, at a rate of 8-10 million energy credits a day (1.5-2 modules a day). It's not impossible, and it's not difficult. You only need to know what to do.
When someone in my fleet is playing to get those daily amounts of EC, we say he/she turned on the "emergency power to energy credits" xD
A forum post should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to keep things interesting.
The Fleet Defiant, on the other hand, despite its fifth tact console, was quite a let down for me. The shield modifier is the same, the boff slots are the same - no universal - and it's still squishy as all get out, even in PVE. The extra tact console gives me a tad bit more of an edge in PVP, but definitely not enough to make up for being a glass cannon. If you have the cloak from the zstore version, you could do a bit more with it. But in all honestly, it is only a minor upgrade from the zstore versoin.
I'm hoping they fix it soon to where the defiant at least gets its extra shield modifier, but as is, if you want to fly something that actually feels like an upgrade, the Fleet Patrol Escort is the best option. Hands down.