I'm sure a lot of people are currently apart of a fleet that has a huge amount of inactive members. Well...so do we, but we are currently trying to change that. If you want to be a part of a fleet that isn't going to put up with people logging in just to do Duty Officer assignments and contribute a nominal amount to the starbase, then we are the fleet you are looking for. We are currently trying to clean our inactive roster with new and motivated people. Promotions will happen quickly if you continually involve yourself in fleet events and just be around. We know people cannot be around all the time, but we would like to have at least 5-6 people online at a time, and if not that, be at specified fleet events and always be willing to help other fleet members. So if you are tired of being the only person in your fleet online, or the only one contributing to your fleet's starbase, then join United Systems Commonwealth, and help us make this one of the more active fleets. Currently only serving Federation players. Also, I should note that our starbase is still new, so there is plenty of room to accumulate fleet credits and make a name for yourself.
Contact Info
Captain -Tarq'han@hellfyre81
Acting Commander in Chief - Bane Plase@baneplase
Founding Commander in Chief - Savok@mrsavok
Admiral - Noa@TheNoa
Admiral - Ayrton J. Star@thoth9
I orginally signed up to the fleet and then due to a profile creation failure, had to create another character and found another fleet!!
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid