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Need More Ensign rank Engineer Boff skills!!!

zanthe25zanthe25 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
They currenly a lot of ships with 3 Engineers slots which means we have 3x Ensign skill slots to fill

However, we have essentially only 2 skill options for ensign rank skill .... Emergency power and Engineer Team.

But if you to use Emergency power 3 cycles and tac team for great shielding, then you esentially have NO ensign rank skill options and have to pretty much leave them empty.

Yes I know we can cycle 4 emergency power, but we only need to cycle 2x with the right doffs effecting cooldowns.

Seems a shame to waste all those ensign slots.

Perhaps it would be better to make 3 ranks of Aux to Battery, and Aux to Dampeners... rank 1 starting at ensign rank. (ajusting skills to balance ofc) or possibly new skill entirely.


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