As the topic suggests - what do you think the next lock box ship will be? We all know it's not an "if", but a "when" question, so what are the suggestions?
As for myself, I don't believe in a "Romulan lock box". Simply because there will be a playable Romulan subfaction, so why on Earth would Cryptic put a potential racial ship to a lock box? Makes no sence for me. Reman, may be... ?
IMHO, there will be no Borg lock box either. Playing a Cube would be fun but... unpractical due to its size and therefor unrealistic. Would you like to team up with someone whose ship is blocking you the whole screen? And think about STF... "Fire at Cube!... Wrong Cube, dude!.." There might be an assimilated lock box tho, with some kind of assimilated ship, like the Cure Carrier or Donatra's scimitar.
There will be no Undine lock box as well, I suppose. I don't see the possibility to settle them in the main story. Bioships flying around with fed/klink weapons and other technologies? Kinda unlikely.
I'd also say a "no" to a timeship lockbox. This "time will show" quote doesn't necessaryly indicate a time based box incoming. And, remember, the boxes are not klink or fed only. Crossfaction consoles are ok, but crossfaction ships? I can't imagine a klingon flying a Wells class. Can you? Unless the Cryptic is gonna make some faction specific drop tables. Sounds like too much effort for a single box.
Personally I'd vote for either Andorian box with the long promised Kumari, or for a Cardassian relaunch with Galor in the box itself and jem bug in the lobi store.