Hey all,
So after being away for quite some time I've decided to give STO another run. So far I'm having a lot of fun for a F2P game.
Anyways I wanted to try my hand at Engineering as I remember Tactical being too squishy. I'm looking for some feedback on my build and just curious if its feasabile or if I'm wasting my time.
The idea behind the build is a battleship that has strong shields/armour, can repair any damage quickly, has a decent turn rate and deal good dps with beams/torps.
Here is the build and any feedback would be great
b.) you really don't need to invest fully into one skill mostly 6 is sufficent
c.) you didn't select a ship, or a BOFF layout
this list gives you the cost/effect matrix for your skills...use it and start over.
i use this one for STFs in my oddy star cruiser
PS: i would never claim that this is perfect...far from it, but it works excellently for me and how i play a tank cruiser and i'm able to tank anything of the PVE content with that setup. with only mild support. the aceton beam is a cool damage mittigation ability, but for support an extend shields is the appropriate choice ofcourse.