I for one would like to have a dedicated group of the
best-of-the-best, to be able to call on to
be my canvas.
Ideal Candidates should possess the following archetypes:
- Reign down fiery destruction on me like a women scorned.
- Not fall from furnishing in laughter would be appreciated.
- Contain sudden impulses to frown, twitch or /facepalm me
- Virtual slap on the back once you've had your way with me

note: I used to be the noob ranting in zone, 'til
I saw my reflection in a mirror.
It has been determined by my betters that I suck. Otherwise I would TOTALLY help you out with this.
Unless of course I kill you. Then it has been determined that YOU must be a COMPLETE noob. Again this has been determined by the pro's.
But if you want, if you take ALL your weapons off your ship, I'll battle cloak from 15k and we'll call it a day and grab a pint.
Let me know!
I suppose if I were Skilled though, I would like be able to help.
I think we just need to rework parts 1- 4 and we could really get a better response then the sorry lot that we represent!
1. Reign down ________ ________on me like a women _________.
2. Not fall from the[sic] ________ in laughter would be appreciated.
3. Contain sudden impulses to _______ ________ or _______ me.
4. Virtual slap on the _____ once you've had your way with me.
So have at it ladies and gents! Help our friend write his personal add and YOU could be the lucky winner of a one on one match in don'tdrunksimshoots ready room!
Or you could shoot at dark!
One thing u can't do is shoot at me, because, coward that I am, im cloaked.
You have a date with destiny!
Expect my call on OPvP. Come if you dare. Be warned. I foxtrot!
i've been know to get together a solid team pretty quick that woulnd't be considered "premade"....i guess.....im not on vent or ts much lately, hard to be on a good team and not have that....
but if you are looking for above average performers who play clean, hit me up, i'll see if i can put together a team for you to test against.
have fun kill bad guys
Oh you do do you? Pffft.
Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. But backwards. In heels.
How FIERCE is YOUR dancing Mr. Foxypants??
That is all.
After being taught at length by choreographers Astaire and Hermes Pan. Then there's her tap numbers, which all had to be overdubbed by Pan, because she couldn't manage the same rhythm twice. Astair did his own overdubs, because he could.
7 American quarters lined end to end on a flat table, but it was one of those crazy parties in Humbolt years ago so things are a bit fuzzy memorywise......
Don't be jealous it isn't flattering on you.
She still did it. If somehow being taught how to do something becomes relevant there, I'll call and let you know.
Playing with you will be a honor! I will certainly hook-up with you. Awesome!
I remember those days! Though I must admit, I was a brutal fail
See the PvP community are live and tap-dancing
If I am losing alot, I must not be doing something right, there fore I am probobly stinking up the place.
And if my Build is not performing as well as I'd like it to be based on either my or some one elses suggestions, then I have to try something else.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Yes there should be a Leaderboard, is what your asking for.
It would give PVPers another reason to PVP. To know who's doing the best in different catagories.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I agree there should be a leaderboard even though Id be at the bottom of most times but
that doesn't bother me because I measure myself in PvP by how much Im having fun.
I dont have the best build and if a wasn't lazy I would probably try to optimize my keybinds
for better performance but Im not a Blackjack or a Keggers or a santa but I love flying with
and against all the best that PvP has to offer and if I can break even on kills to deaths then
Im having fun.
Really isnt it the journey and not the destination that matters........;)
Guild - <Lords of The Dead>
LvL 60 CW-Dragon Server
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
I am DIE! Smear me!
Added to my list!
LOL... someone tasted the rainbow... :P
I know my team lost, but I still managed to pull off some pretty good numbers in my Defiant!
@f4tamy | Sad Pandas
tick is OP.
Obviously if you had Tuxedo Mask on your team, you would've cleaned up.
[23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
Ouch ouch ouch.