Hello there. Due to the fact that we cant write in our beloved Spanish (Espanol) in this forum, we are going to make this message short and just with the info that you need to find us.
In this web
www.divisionhispana.com you will find a lot of guides in Spanish, the last news of the game, and mucho more!
Recruitment Department: Division Hispana
@cenovita@almiranteross@cerritouru@mrkollins@martinchoginerJoin us!
Unete a la Flota Division Hispana
Our horizons are expanded, and later we will open new boundaries to make our space a safe place for our future. And that's where you go into action, where people like you will realize the dream of our fathers and prosperous future for our children.
The Division Hispana is an international fleet with a large global community of hundreds of experienced players from all over planet Earth, all-in, where each of us has a voice and be able to participate.
Our fleet is aimed at facilitating communication between all of the quickest and effective for all its members, supported by a range of controls that will make your experience in the game in the most comfortable and easy without any complication, lot of your language fellow willing to help any time of the day in your daily missions, joint participation in STF, events and missions themselves in Spanish designed for your enjoyment, and this will be of significant relevance your characters throughout the game thus avoiding any language barrier that stops your development.
All you have to do to join us is to meet the basic and simple rules of conduct and complete our incorporation form to keep track of your interest in participating.Do not hesitate! Your decision to be a major is right at the bottom of this message.
Visit us at:
www.divisionhispana.com Wach our recruitment video HERE JOIN US NOW
join us.
Division Hispana
Join now.
Esta flota lo tiene todo, amistad, respeto y diversion.
This fleet has everything, friendship, respect and fun.
Join now.:)
join us!
Division Hispana
7 hrs from Tier 3 on our base!
Division Hispana
Join us!
Division Hispana
And REAL T3.
Speak spanish?
Join us and enjoy one of the most delightful playing experience.
Join us! WE ARE TIER 3!
Division Hispana
The best Spanish portal!
Division Hispana
join us!
Division Hispana
All the Star Trek Online news in SPANISH!
Division Hispana
Division Hispana
Guias completas y en espanol.
Unica Flota en Espanol Tier 3.
No te dejes enganar.
Unetenos en: www.divisionhispana.com
Todo en espaniol?
No te dejes enganiar.
2013 Calendar ready!!!
Our base video is ready: http://youtu.be/K8PZNiLSo00
Division Hispana
We are what we are, being Hispanics.
A Fleet, a Language, a Home.
Desde el principio de Star Trek Online, siempre hemos estado, como Espacio Profundo, como 3ra Flota, y ahora en el culminar de los tiempos, como lo que somos la Division Hispana de Star Trek Online. Una de las mas grandes flotas hispanas de todos los tiempos, no por el numero de integrantes, si no por el gran esfuerzo y trabajo que desarrollamos, nuestros videos, nuestra gran base espacial "EP246" que es TIER3, nuestros continuos eventos multitudinarios, y nuestro dia a dia, que asi lo demuestran.
Somos lo que somos, por ser Hispanos.
Una Flota, una Lengua, un Hogar.
Watch our new awesome video/Ve nuestro impresionante nuevo video HERE
=/\= www.divisionhispana.com =/\=
Join us in our road to tier 4!
Flota Division Hispana
Join Us!!
And be free!!
Base del Imperio Klingon = Tier 2 y avanzando!
Te esperamos.
Division Hispana
Join us!
Division Hispana, desde el principio
Watch our new awesome video/Ve nuestro impresionante nuevo video HERE
Follow us / Siguenos en Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Youtube
=/\= www.divisionhispana.com =/\=
Division Hispana, con eventos todos los fines de semana, fleet actions y grupos expertos en STF's y PvP! No pierdas un minuto mas y ?netenos!
In our way to Tier 4.
Division Hispana
No lo dudes, la Division Hispana es tu sitio.
Somos una de las mas grandes flotas de habla hispana, dedicadas a hacer la experiencia de Star trek Online unica e inigualable.
Tenemos equipos y partidas PVP dedicadas, misiones PVE, eventos semanales para todos los niveles, y gente preparada para intentar satisfacer tus expectativas tanto dentro del juego como fuera. Somos una flota amigable y con una fuerte carga de hermandad.
No lo dudes y mira nuestra mejor tarjeta de presentacion: Video de la Base EP246
=/\= Tired of playing alone, you do not know how to equip your ship, your captain does not have enough experience.
Do not hesitate, La Division Hispana is your site.
We are one of the largest fleets of spanish speaking, dedicated to making the experience of Star Trek Online unique and unparalleled.
We have dedicated teams and PvP, PvE missions, weekly events for all levels, and people prepared to try to meet your expectations both inside and outside the game. We are a friendly fleet and a strong sense of brotherhood.
Not think twice and check our best presentation card Star Base EP246 Video
Follow us / Siguenos en twitter, Facebook, Google+, youtube
Join us!
Division Hispana
Division Hispana
In our way to T4.
Division Hispana