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Helping new players

fyremousefyremouse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
An idea came up in TTS chat today and I thought it was worth reposting the idea. The subject of new players was raised and the fairly significant learning curve involved with teaching a new player how to:
1. Play STO
2. How to play it effectively in missions like an STF.
3. understand some of the basic strategies of STO not to mention the more complex teamwork required for STF?s on elite

What if Cryptic created either an admin role for veteran players to volunteer to help new players? This could be something that is voluntary, responds to help requests both for PVE content and otherwise. There could also be an automatic newbie fleet created may the Official KDF or UFP fleets for cadet graduates where they can easily team up and it acts like a free agency for new players. A place where senior members can train them and other fleets recruit from.

But the core idea is to teach new players how to play this lovely quietly complex game we all play....


Proud to be a Lifer.
I earned my 1000 days the hard way and I still come back...
Post edited by fyremouse on


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    kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Fleets do this... Literally They do this.

    A good fleet will have older vets help out with noob players learn the game and the rops for making effective builds. Their will be people that will help point noobies in the right direction as far as how to complete a mission. And they will often run alongside a new guy and help them out.

    No need for Cryptic to get involved in stuff that us players can completely handle on our own.
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Talk to the Rednecks
    they have this sorted
    Live long and Prosper
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Even discounting fleets, a lot of players will respond to even the noobiest of questions in chat, and the forums will answer a lot of questions too. I wouldn't worry about it. :P
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    issueman1issueman1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    fyremouse wrote: »
    But the core idea is to teach new players how to play this lovely quietly complex game we all play....



    Uh its not complex... And this is a role of fleets. Problem with fleets is there's no sense of belonging. Other than the TRIBBLE starbase no common goal.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    issueman1 wrote: »
    Uh its not complex... And this is a role of fleets. Problem with fleets is there's no sense of belonging. Other than the TRIBBLE starbase no common goal.

    For some fleets it is... but you're right, starbases could be much better. :(
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    anikaifulanikaiful Member Posts: 138
    edited September 2012
    issueman1 wrote: »
    Uh its not complex... And this is a role of fleets. Problem with fleets is there's no sense of belonging. Other than the TRIBBLE starbase no common goal.

    Partially true, tho for some people operating a coffee machine is a complex task...

    The problem with fleets, and no sense of belonging, would be just augmented by some arbitrary auto-join "newb fleet" - I couldn't imagine staying in such for more than what it takes to draw a quick breath and hit 'leave fleet' button :D -- Some fleets are very involving, and going to lengths in making the members feel "at home".
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    th3xr34p3rth3xr34p3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Ah the good old days of me sitting out in sirrus seen if anybody needs help (I still do every so often but not many do ask for help, that and im busy with my ssr/class stuff on the occasion).

    Eitherway people are more than welcome to pm me anytime; I always have pidginIM connected up to the chat servers even when im outta game so I don't miss any ;)

    When it comes to teaching new players you need to have patience with them, not rush and account for a variant of skill levels.
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    The opinions expressed in my posts are my own views and do not reflect on any other entity(s) or person(s) I may or may not represent at the time.
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    red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    A lot more questions along these lines tend to be asked at ESD or DS9, from my experience. DS9 is a bit more "advanced" in terms of those asking questions, since ESD is where quite literally everyone ends up for at least a little while when brand new.
    th3xr34p3r wrote: »
    Ah the good old days of me sitting out in sirrus seen if anybody needs help (I still do every so often but not many do ask for help, that and im busy with my ssr/class stuff on the occasion).

    Eitherway people are more than welcome to pm me anytime; I always have pidginIM connected up to the chat servers even when im outta game so I don't miss any ;)

    When it comes to teaching new players you need to have patience with them, not rush and account for a variant of skill levels.
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    zorena#3961 zorena Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    OrganizedPVP helps everyone become a better player, PVP is the toughest environment that you can find in any game.
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    travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I usually help anyone who has a question, though I'll sometimes ignore someone if they're rude and annoying about it. Posting in chat in all caps and in a demanding tone isn't gonna encourage anyone to interact with you.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I usually help anyone who has a question, though I'll sometimes ignore someone if they're rude and annoying about it. Posting in chat in all caps and in a demanding tone isn't gonna encourage anyone to interact with you.

    But that's a whole 'nother problem entirely. :D
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