Unfortunately I've noticed this with many skills, the cooldown starts but the skill doesn't work, or the skill only half works ( IE: tactical initiative on ground )
Good to know. I recall seeing this during S4 but after a few seconds SNB would come back up. There was claims of double nukes at the time, if I recall correctly. But I was never able to fire it off twice. I don't play sci a lot, so I may be out of date on some things with them. I don't recall this exact event in the past and can swear I've seen it a lot more recently. Ergo this post.
More then likely it's related to the old Torpedo Arc/Power arc bug, where if you were in arc, but activated the power as you lost arc, it would fire but not fire and put the power on cool down?
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
More then likely it's related to the old Torpedo Arc/Power arc bug, where if you were in arc, but activated the power as you lost arc, it would fire but not fire and put the power on cool down?
It seems so. Also, just remembered, the bortie auto cannon does the same thing. Target moves, the "warm" time of auto cannon almost finished and it's about to fire, then target goes away, auto cannon didn't fire, cool down begins. Lucky that's not an important pvp weapon due to the crappy accuracy. But it seems to be a problem between client and server, I think client sees the target in arch, fires, sends the server the message than it fired so server sends back to client the "put subnuc on cool down"(or simply the client puts it on cool down), then target moves away, subnuc "misses" (due to the time it "travels"from ship to ship), client has the subnuc in cool down.
Hear! Sons of Kahless
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
Seems to me that the software sets the cooldown first, and the plays the effect. Should be the other way round, I'd say.
they recently fixed an issue with this very thing related to torps/mines. the mines would explode first then do damage, but if the first exploding mines took out the other mines there would be no damage delt from them because they were destroyed and not exploding on target or something....
i imagine they have it the way it is now so it wont seem weird to be snb'd by a target after hes been killed because the animation didnt finish but the effects too place.
if the target goes out of arc of the snb before the firing cycle is complete.... nothing happens to the target and snb goes on cooldown.
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
It seems so. Also, just remembered, the bortie auto cannon does the same thing. Target moves, the "warm" time of auto cannon almost finished and it's about to fire, then target goes away, auto cannon didn't fire, cool down begins. Lucky that's not an important pvp weapon due to the crappy accuracy. But it seems to be a problem between client and server, I think client sees the target in arch, fires, sends the server the message than it fired so server sends back to client the "put subnuc on cool down"(or simply the client puts it on cool down), then target moves away, subnuc "misses" (due to the time it "travels"from ship to ship), client has the subnuc in cool down.
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
It wont change until they totally rewrite this part of the system.
And more pressingly, is there anyone out there who will finally teach me how to dougie?
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
It would happen in arenas. I would use SNB, call "Nuke!" and nothing would happen. I assumed I "missed", but as a fleet mate said, "that can miss??!"
Maybe its like the torpedo glitch where it destroys itself before dealing damage.
they recently fixed an issue with this very thing related to torps/mines. the mines would explode first then do damage, but if the first exploding mines took out the other mines there would be no damage delt from them because they were destroyed and not exploding on target or something....
i imagine they have it the way it is now so it wont seem weird to be snb'd by a target after hes been killed because the animation didnt finish but the effects too place.
fixed it for ya...
...here you go!