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Non-rapid fire transphasic torpedoes need a slight buff

hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
edited September 2012 in PvP Gameplay
Disregarding modifiers and criticals, with breen 2 piece, full torpedo spec, 4 mk12 purple consoles

For just one torpedo:

Rapid = 4545.3 damage, 8.5s cooldown
Mk 12 Regular = 4669.5 damage, 10.5s cooldown

For three torpedoes (eg. full kinetic science ship)

With 0 projectile doffs, rapids do 20.24% more DPS:
Rapid transphasic DPS = 1604.22
Non-rapid DPS = 1334.14

With 1 doff rapids do 22.44% more DPS:
Rapid transphasic DPS = 2075.23
Non-rapid DPS = 1694.83

With 2 doffs rapid fire does 22.56% more DPS:
Rapid transphasic DPS = 2594.16
Non-rapid DPS = 2116.61

With 3 doffs rapids do 20.30% more DPS:
Rapid transphasic DPS = 3104.81
Non-rapid DPS = 2580.98

Either the rapids need to be toned down, or the regular transphasics need a buff... or some combination of the two. The ever so slightly higher burst damage of the regular transphasic is not worth the huge decrease in DPS.

If you want to verify my findings, here is the code I used to calculate my values, sorry in advance that the quote function killed the formatting a bit:
#include <iostream>
using namespace TRIBBLE;

struct TorpedoType{
float Damage;
float Cooldown;
}Rapid, Regular;

double dps (float Damage, float Cooldown, int Doffs)
float TorpedoOneCd = 0; float TorpedoTwoCd = 0; float TorpedoThreeCd = 0;
float Gcd = 0;
double TotalDam = 0;
int Random = 0;
for (double n=0; n<13000000;) // each n being half a second

if (TorpedoOneCd == 0 && Gcd == 0)
TotalDam += Damage;
TorpedoOneCd = Cooldown;
Gcd = 1;
for (int i=Doffs; i>0; i--)
Random = (int)(rand() % 100);
if (Random <= 19)
if (TorpedoOneCd > 5) TorpedoOneCd -= 5;
else TorpedoOneCd = 0;
if (TorpedoTwoCd > 5) TorpedoTwoCd -= 5;
else TorpedoTwoCd = 0;
if (TorpedoThreeCd > 5) TorpedoThreeCd -= 5;
else TorpedoThreeCd = 0;

if (TorpedoTwoCd == 0 && Gcd == 0)
TotalDam += Damage;
TorpedoTwoCd = Cooldown;
Gcd = 1;
for (int i=Doffs; i>0; i--)
Random = (int)(rand() % 100);
if (Random <= 19)
if (TorpedoOneCd > 5) TorpedoOneCd -= 5;
else TorpedoOneCd = 0;
if (TorpedoTwoCd > 5) TorpedoTwoCd -= 5;
else TorpedoTwoCd = 0;
if (TorpedoThreeCd > 5) TorpedoThreeCd -= 5;
else TorpedoThreeCd = 0;
if (TorpedoThreeCd == 0 && Gcd == 0)
TotalDam += Damage;
TorpedoThreeCd = Cooldown;
Gcd = 1;
for (int i=Doffs; i>0; i--)
Random = (int)(rand() % 100);
if (Random <= 19)
if (TorpedoOneCd > 5) TorpedoOneCd -= 5;
else TorpedoOneCd = 0;
if (TorpedoTwoCd > 5) TorpedoTwoCd -= 5;
else TorpedoTwoCd = 0;
if (TorpedoThreeCd > 5) TorpedoThreeCd -= 5;
else TorpedoThreeCd = 0;
if (TorpedoOneCd > 0) TorpedoOneCd -=0.5;
if (TorpedoTwoCd > 0) TorpedoTwoCd -=0.5;
if (TorpedoThreeCd > 0) TorpedoThreeCd -= 0.5;
if (Gcd > 0) Gcd -=0.5;
n += 0.5;
return TotalDam / 13000000;

Rapid.Damage = 4545.3;
Rapid.Cooldown = 8.5;
Regular.Damage = 4669.5;
Regular.Cooldown = 10.5;

cout << "With 0 doffs, Rapid Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Rapid.Damage, Rapid.Cooldown, 0) << endl;
cout << "With 0 doffs, Regular Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Regular.Damage, Regular.Cooldown, 0) << endl; endl;

cout << "With 1 doff, Rapid Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Rapid.Damage, Rapid.Cooldown, 1) << endl;
cout << "With 1 doff, Regular Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Regular.Damage, Regular.Cooldown, 1) << endl; endl;

cout << "With 2 doffs, Rapid Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Rapid.Damage, Rapid.Cooldown, 2) << endl;
cout << "With 2 doffs, Regular Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Regular.Damage, Regular.Cooldown, 2) << endl; endl;

cout << "With 3 doffs, Rapid Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Rapid.Damage, Rapid.Cooldown, 3) << endl;
cout << "With 3 doffs, Regular Torpedo DPS is: "
<< dps(Regular.Damage, Regular.Cooldown, 3) << endl; endl;

return 0;
Post edited by hurleybird on


  • marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    indeed transphasics are underpowered atm.

    But i suppose they are awesome for PvE, so why would they care? :p

    Besides, my next uber hax build will be 3 dhc, 1 transsexual torp, and 4 torpedo consoles!
  • galronopvpgalronopvp Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yes Hurelybird this is a good assessment and i agree with you 100% lets see if cryptic follows suit

    Good CHNHK proof kkthnxchnhk
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Galron Says PEW PEW!!!!!!!!
  • galronopvpgalronopvp Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Another severly underpowered weapon class are PLASMA they have been under powered since the launch of the game

    Cryptic needs to CHNHK Plasma weapons so they can actualluy be usuable
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Galron Says PEW PEW!!!!!!!!
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2012
    Not saying that transphasics are underpowered, just that the regular transphasics are far inferior to the ones you can get easily just by running a mission. As a burstier weapon, the regular transphasics should do a bit less dps, but not 20-23% ... 10-13% would be a better difference.

    But yes, plasma needs a buff regardless.
  • emoejoeemoejoe Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    Not saying that transphasics are underpowered, just that the regular transphasics are far inferior to the ones you can get easily just by running a mission. As a burstier weapon, the regular transphasics should do a bit less dps, but not 20-23% ... 10-13% would be a better difference.

    But yes, plasma needs a buff regardless.

    i agree with your assessment. regular anything in this game at this point is generally underpowered. there are umpteen "run this mission" items, many in use and many overlooked. However i dont see this need as critical or super relevant. fix tac team first etc
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2012
    It is an easy fix though, just change a number a few percentage points.
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is just Panda blasphemy. Giving the Panda force away to the heathens! How dare you Jorf, how dare you?
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    Either the rapids need to be toned down, or the regular transphasics need a buff... or some combination of the two. The ever so slightly higher burst damage of the regular transphasic is not worth the huge decrease in DPS.

    If you want to verify my findings, here is the code I used to calculate my values, sorry in advance that the quote function killed the formatting a bit:
    I think your math is wrong as 3 regular transphasics pretty much fire the same speed as 3 rapid so I do not see how rapid could be pulling out more DPS. When you say ?being half a second? that is not fire rate is it? Fire rate caps out at 2 seconds max.

    On a full torpedo boat (I run 4 torps front) there is not a huge decrease in DPS in fact there is a increase in DPS and burst.

    Transphasics are not underpowered and the rapid fire torpedos are the lower DPS ones when talking about the higher end. Plus regular transphasics give higher damage with torpedo skills over rapid torps.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    how interesting that there is a thread like this, when at the same time theres this panda/crits/whatever premade running around going all out with transphasics and tractor repulsers ;)
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    how interesting that there is a thread like this, when at the same time theres this panda/crits/whatever premade running around going all out with transphasics and tractor repulsers ;)

    Sorry for being at the end of the experiment
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    naz4 wrote: »
    Sorry for being at the end of the experiment
    How did the the experiment go? I always wanted to run both a PvP and an STF group with all borg transphasics but never found anyone willing to try.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    naz4 wrote: »
    Sorry for being at the end of the experiment

    no problem, it was fun. like i said in the chat, i couldn't help but laugh at the near absurdity
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    How did the the experiment go? I always wanted to run both a PvP and an STF group with all borg transphasics but never found anyone willing to try.

    it went about like this


    no one needed any weapons power, everyone was nearly impenetrable, and all the mines and HY transphasics and MVAM escorts tractor repulsering you all was basically impossible to defend against. no real attempt was made to damage our shields, it was 100% hull assault. i thought something like this could work in theory, glad i got to see it in action once.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    There is a way to defend against it, as I run a transphasics build I always make sure I bring the counter in my inventory. What you do is fit the 40% kinetic resistance consoles with dampeners to stop repulses. Then again might not work against a decent team like pandas but it works against solo transphasics builds.
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    There is a way to defend against it, as I run a transphasics build I always make sure I bring the counter in my inventory. What you do is fit the 40% kinetic resistance consoles with dampeners to stop repulses. Then again might not work against a decent team like pandas but it works against solo transphasics builds.

    1 thing i would definately not do is spec against repel. That just works to our advantage. Not going to state how. I'm sure you guys would be able to work it out.
  • teleon22teleon22 Member Posts: 424
    edited August 2012
    emoejoe wrote: »
    i agree with your assessment. regular anything in this game at this point is generally underpowered. there are umpteen "run this mission" items, many in use and many overlooked. However i dont see this need as critical or super relevant. fix tac team first etc

    Wait... what is wrong with tactical team?
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    naz4 wrote: »
    1 thing i would definately not do is spec against repel. That just works to our advantage. Not going to state how. I'm sure you guys would be able to work it out.
    I must be missing something assuming we are talking defence against the Transphasics build only. You gain turn rate, a large amount of kinetic resistance and no longer thrown about so you control your position. It can easily push you to 60% to 70% kinetic resistance.
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    it also exposes you to more pushes, which won't change your location but still inflict kinetic dmg
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    But it also lowers that kinetic dmg down to negligible levels. (EDIT: when added with the 40% kinetic resistance consoles)
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    All i'll say is i'd rather be pushed away with 2 pulses and not get hurt than have numerous pulses direct to my hull with resistance. I say this based on panda a few days experimenting.
  • marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    no problem, it was fun. like i said in the chat, i couldn't help but laugh at the near absurdity

    it went about like this


    no one needed any weapons power, everyone was nearly impenetrable, and all the mines and HY transphasics and MVAM escorts tractor repulsering you all was basically impossible to defend against. no real attempt was made to damage our shields, it was 100% hull assault. i thought something like this could work in theory, glad i got to see it in action once.

    Hehe it was fun :p
  • marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    teleon22 wrote: »
    Wait... what is wrong with tactical team?

    Its not in favour of mini's trico :P hahaha
  • teleon22teleon22 Member Posts: 424
    edited August 2012
    Its not in favour of mini's trico :P hahaha

    ah, lol! :rolleyes:
  • davidfloresiidavidfloresii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    But you still need at least [acc]x2 for pvp or you won't hit anything and there goes your dps.
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    I think your math is wrong as 3 regular transphasics pretty much fire the same speed as 3 rapid so I do not see how rapid could be pulling out more DPS. When you say ?being half a second? that is not fire rate is it? Fire rate caps out at 2 seconds max.

    It's not math per se, more of a simulation. Because there is a GCD and doffs that proc here and there you can't just punch things up in an excel spreadsheet, which is why I resorted to creating a c++ console application instead. In this case, we fire torpedoes for approximately 75 simulated days (13000000 / 2 / 60 / 60 / 24) in order to average out doff procs.

    The "N being half a second" comment isn't about how fast things fire -- half a second is merely our granularity. Torpedoes (aside from trics ofc) fire every 6.5, 8.5, or 10.5 seconds (even if the tooltip doesen't mention the half second, you can verify this by dividing the listed burst damage number of a weapon by it's listed DPS) so we need to check every half second if one is able to fire.

    That being said, fire rate does not cap out at two seconds max. According to Cryptic, the GCD between torpedoes is one second. Of course, "according to Cryptic" isn't always to be trusted, but from my experience running a torpedo boat peak firing rate does indeed seem to be about one second. If someone can prove me wrong on this, I'll rerun the numbers with the new GCD value.
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    On a full torpedo boat (I run 4 torps front) there is not a huge decrease in DPS in fact there is a increase in DPS and burst.

    Four torpedoes would definitely make the numbers closer since the rapids would suffer more cooldown congestion, but there's a reason I didn't model four torps -- based on our testing I think you're still better off using beams in a cruiser and cannons in an escort. The real value of running torps in carriers and science ships is that you can spec out of weapons energy and run full aux all the time. That being said, let's do it for kicks:

    Numbers for four launchers:

    With 0 doffs, rapids do 20.24% more DPS (same as with three torps. Makes sense given cooldowns)
    rapid = 2138.96
    regular = 1778.86

    With 1 doff, rapids do 19.56% more DPS (rapids very slightly congested)
    rapid = 2798.38
    regular = 2340.47

    With 2 doffs, rapids do 16.21% more DPS (rapids moderately congested)
    rapid = 3426.91
    regular = 2948.71

    With 3 doffs, rapids do 11.27% more DPS (rapids significantly congested)
    rapid = 3911.36
    regular = 3515.31

    So with four torpedoes, the regular transphasics only become worth considering over the rapids when you have three doffs equiped and you start seeing some significant cooldown congestion. That beind said, is an 11.27% DPS hit worth it for one more modifier and ever so slightly higher burst damage? Probably is if you can get an MK12[ACC]x3 for shooting escorts with high defense, but then the fact that we're comparing a torpedo worth quite a few million EC on the exchange to a free weapon you can get in ten minutes for completing a mission kind of shows things are out of whack, no? ;)
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2012
    But you still need at least [acc]x2 for pvp or you won't hit anything and there goes your dps.

    I've been doing fine with single acc torpedoes on my torp boat. It's a purely subjective observation, but torpedoes seem to miss a lot less than beams and cannons do. Or maybe it's just that when we run torp builds whomever the torp boats are firing at tends to be locked down :P
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    Four torpedoes would definitely make the numbers closer since the rapids would suffer more cooldown congestion, but there's a reason I didn't model four torps ??
    What I do is either run 3 of the 10 second Transphasics torpedos and x1 Cluster. The cluster fires on the occasion the 3 torpedo do not trigger the doff cool down. Or x2 Rapid with x2 Cluster gives more DPS if the cluster is not shot down but this is less reliable. After a lot of testing I found these two setups the best from a pure Transphasics point of view. From a none pure Transphasics point of view x2 Rapid, x1 Clusteer, x1 Hargh'Peng works really well.

    How does Fleet Transphasic fit into this? Would x3 Fleet beat x3 Rapid as the base damage for Fleet is even higher than normal and you have DMG x3. (not taking acc into account just dps)
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    With 3 doffs, rapids do 11.27% more DPS (rapids significantly congested)
    rapid = 3911.36
    regular = 3515.31
    Thinking about it there has to be something wrong with your or my testing. With x4 Transphasics you hit the speed cap pretty much all the time. 3 Rapid fire hit the cap so 4 should not gain any more DPS. 4 normal Transphasics hit the cap so should be pulling out more DPS not 11% less. Last time I tried 4 rapid I spent the whole battle with 1 torpedo being unable to fire due to the others cooling down so fast. With x4 normal the 4th torpedo still rarely managed to fire which is why I fitted in a Cluster.

    Do not get my wrong, I like your post just I am not sure the numbers are matching up with what we get in game.
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Did the experiment include popping Aux2Batt before TBR? I was playing with hull attacks but running a plasma spread. Transphasics make more sense now that I think about it.

    Thanks for the maths Jorf.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Thinking about it there has to be something wrong with your or my testing. With x4 Transphasics you hit the speed cap pretty much all the time. 3 Rapid fire hit the cap so 4 should not gain any more DPS. 4 normal Transphasics hit the cap so should be pulling out more DPS not 11% less.

    Not really, because the difference in damage per volley is so infinitesimally low. On the numbers I provided, regular transhpasics are only doing 2.73% more damage per volley. Even a small increase in firing rate is enough to overcome that.

    That being said, there does seem to be some weirdness going on here -- MT's purple MK 12 regular transphasic was only doing 0.49% more damage per volley disregarding modifiers. Seems maybe like one type is benefiting from spec disproportionately? Sounds like a math bug on the part of Cryptic. Guess I'll need to do some further testing.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    Not really, because the difference in damage per volley is so infinitesimally low. On the numbers I provided, regular transhpasics are only doing 2.73% more damage per volley. Even a small increase in firing rate is enough to overcome that.

    That being said, there does seem to be some weirdness going on here -- MT's purple MK 12 regular transphasic was only doing 0.49% more damage per volley disregarding modifiers. Seems maybe like one type is benefiting from spec disproportionately? Sounds like a math bug on the part of Cryptic. Guess I'll need to do some further testing.
    I just redid my testing and I half agree. There is a 100 damage difference between plain transphasic and Rapid fire. So one rapid fire bonus shot is worth around 31 to 45 (*) normal transphasic shots depending on your damage boost. So with 3 torpedoes launchers rapid are better as you will get bonus shots, but my testing showed with 4 torpedoes rapid are lower DPS. You can pretty consistently with 4 launchers fire 45 torpedoes in a row without missing a cycle and without Rapid getting a bonus shot.

    Things get a little trickier once you add in DMG x3 and assuming a 100% hit ratio. It only takes between 11 to 16 (*) shots from normal Transphasic with DMGx3 to make up for each bonus shot rapid get without damage consoles or around 16shots with damage consoles. With 3 normal Transphasic and 1 cluster it normally takes over 11 shots before a cycle is missed and the 4th launcher can fire and it takes well over 40shots on average before no doffs are trigged and you are sitting waiting cooldown to fire. This is also why I do not use ACC, unless I miss more than 1 shot in 25 ACC gives less DPS. For some reason torpedoes feel like they miss a lot less than other weapons.

    *Without any damage items on ship 11 shots, with damage consoles 16 shots. Same for first number 31 shots without damage consoles, 45 with.
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