It looks like you are going for max damage capability so I'd recommend scrapping the torp and DBB and go all beams especially as you aren't use an RCS console this means you don't need TS, you could use this slot for beam target X (I'd recommend weapons as a defensive measure or shields for more damage ability) I'd also recommend not using FAW2 and run BO2 instead, it will put FAW3 on CD but it will give several times normal beam damage with your tac prof powers and EPtW (at any level, I recommend talking to an engineer player and ask them to train your CMDR engi in EPtS3 freeing up space for EPtW2) if you set your power levels manually then you can arrange it such that you don't need the plasma manifold a slot that would be better spent on resistances (I recommend monotainium alloy as most borg attacks are kinetic). Unless you rely on the HE heal (which with Aux2SIF3 you shouldn't) I recommend a photonic officer rather than HE2 as this will reduce CD on all BOFF abilities allowing you to do more damage more often. I'm not entirely sure what the antimatter specialist does but it may be more useful to use a damage control engineer instead (chance to reduce emergency power CDs) but I think thats about all.
That said I think it looks good for the better part, I like your weapon setup.
I wouldn't want more than one BFAW personally but that's from bad STF and PVP experience with the BFAW's targeting program. AP: Omega 1, T:Spread 2, T:spread 3 or Beam overload 3 might be better depending on play style.
I wouldn't bother having more than one hazard emitter, that only saves you 15 seconds of cool-down time (global is 30) an EPTW1 or EPTS1 may do you more good in the ensign slot. You could try a different Lt. Sci Boff power instead, scramble sensors isn't as powerful as it used to be but is still good CC for PVE .
Thanks guys,and the reason i use the DBB and Torp,is because ii use my saucer separation and i get a really nice turn rate out of this boat,but ill try some of these suggestions.
The oddy is a as someone stated in one of my threads a "warp capable brick". but as a lot of people forget, what happens when a brick hits a window . The 8x Beam Array only works if you have a pretty much constant EPtW. Other than that, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD AND NORMAL do NOT use that setup. I am an Engineer and I can barely hold the power needed for 6 even with my power strong setup. SAVE YOURSELF!!!
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
You never said you were going to get 8 energy weapons, but I'd advice against it. Even with engineering abilities your going to be chomping through weapons batteries like there is no tomorrow keeping 6 firing.
My advice for weapons would be a pair of mines or a mine and a torpedo. Tricobolt if your going to use six beam arrays so you don't have to keep turning ever 5-10 seconds to fire again. A HY TB torpedo or a dispersal pattern with the mines sense the last patch or two will do very mean things to people.
If you must use 8 energy weapons I suggest you use a setup something like the default Jem'Hdar fighters. With cannons for firing directly ahead and beam arrays in the front and back. That way you may do a broadside or a direct attack at will without having to deal with the drag of eight energy weapons at once. You lose a bit of overall firepower, but you have a greater range of ways to attack or deal with a attacker.
I use a similar set up but I also use the 3 pice oddy set and a 3 pice borg set.
Since I'm using so many sets I use the sci oddy for the SA. I end up with 6 console slots available. In them I use 2 neutronium alloys 2 field generators and 2 tetryon consoles.
The neutronium alloys net you the same bonus as a dedicated energy type armor and a monotanium armor but they cover all energy types.
Since I'm a tac I find the borg set plus worker bees add the healing I lack so it balances out slightly.
My boffs run 2 epts 1 1eptw2 1 rep2 and 1 aux2sif3, 2 tt1 1bo2 1 thy2 1 apo1, 1 tss1 and i he2
I also have the wide angle torp launcher on the front and mines in the rear with a dbb and 5 beams. all phased tetryon if you were wondering.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
I agree with the others who advocate a 3 beam, 1 torp fore/aft setup.
Although DBB is not as unmanageable as a lot of people would think, it's probably suboptimal. But the power drain from a full 8 beams is considerable; even an engineer would have a hard time keeping that kind of power going, especially considering the cooldowns on Nadion Inversion and EPS Transfer. If you really want to, though, I believe a 7 beam array build would work, but I'd still consider at least one torp if I were you. Photon or quantum are your best bet in a cruiser IMO, unless you're a torp specialist, in which case you probably know more about torps than I do.
Hope this helps
That said I think it looks good for the better part, I like your weapon setup.
I wouldn't want more than one BFAW personally but that's from bad STF and PVP experience with the BFAW's targeting program. AP: Omega 1, T:Spread 2, T:spread 3 or Beam overload 3 might be better depending on play style.
I wouldn't bother having more than one hazard emitter, that only saves you 15 seconds of cool-down time (global is 30) an EPTW1 or EPTS1 may do you more good in the ensign slot. You could try a different Lt. Sci Boff power instead, scramble sensors isn't as powerful as it used to be but is still good CC for PVE .
My advice for weapons would be a pair of mines or a mine and a torpedo. Tricobolt if your going to use six beam arrays so you don't have to keep turning ever 5-10 seconds to fire again. A HY TB torpedo or a dispersal pattern with the mines sense the last patch or two will do very mean things to people.
If you must use 8 energy weapons I suggest you use a setup something like the default Jem'Hdar fighters. With cannons for firing directly ahead and beam arrays in the front and back. That way you may do a broadside or a direct attack at will without having to deal with the drag of eight energy weapons at once. You lose a bit of overall firepower, but you have a greater range of ways to attack or deal with a attacker.
Since I'm using so many sets I use the sci oddy for the SA. I end up with 6 console slots available. In them I use 2 neutronium alloys 2 field generators and 2 tetryon consoles.
The neutronium alloys net you the same bonus as a dedicated energy type armor and a monotanium armor but they cover all energy types.
Since I'm a tac I find the borg set plus worker bees add the healing I lack so it balances out slightly.
My boffs run 2 epts 1 1eptw2 1 rep2 and 1 aux2sif3, 2 tt1 1bo2 1 thy2 1 apo1, 1 tss1 and i he2
I also have the wide angle torp launcher on the front and mines in the rear with a dbb and 5 beams. all phased tetryon if you were wondering.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Although DBB is not as unmanageable as a lot of people would think, it's probably suboptimal. But the power drain from a full 8 beams is considerable; even an engineer would have a hard time keeping that kind of power going, especially considering the cooldowns on Nadion Inversion and EPS Transfer. If you really want to, though, I believe a 7 beam array build would work, but I'd still consider at least one torp if I were you. Photon or quantum are your best bet in a cruiser IMO, unless you're a torp specialist, in which case you probably know more about torps than I do.