I start this thread to note a complaint as well as ask a question. My question relates to the various passive traits of our beloved Bridge Officers in the Klingon Defense Force. On the side of the Federales you can choose Saurian's with the "Efficient" trait and Human's with the "Leadership" trait to boost the strength of your ship. Is there anything like that KDF side? I have been playing KDF for a little while now, doing duty missions that grant bridge officers (I have about 30 - 50 stored in my mailbox) and none of them have any space-related passive traits. I was wondering if they were out there at all?
Secondly, as stated above, I have several KDF Bridge Officers, the vast majority of which have some type of Aggression (Whether it be normal, basic, or superior) which increases the threat they generate. On Klingon's I understand, as it is a mandatory trait while creating, however in shows up far too often on the other species, which makes it very difficult to build your party without it. I would greatly appreciate it if that trait was used less in random Bridge Officers. As of now, it seems that if I don't want that trait I have to stick with Letheans and female Orions (Which I suppose isn't the worst thing in the world).
Cloaking generators break down at first sign of language.
Some Letheans come with Efficient. Leadership is a human specific trait.
I had to look up STOWiki RE: Aggression. Apparently only Caitans and Liberated Borg Klingons always have it. If that's correct, you may be able to get Klingons, Gorn etc. without it. But if you haven't seen any having accumulated 30-50 BOffs, they're obviously not common.
I thought I had heard that at one time... Thanks for the quick reply, i'll keep an eye out for those Letheans.
EDIT: Checked the exchange and just got enough Efficient Letheans to fill my ship. Its actually pretty convenient, the character I got them for is a Lethean and I was RPing him as sort of a for-the-betterment-of-Lethean-kind within the Klingon Empire, to work towards making them full citizens.
After equipping the Efficient officers, this was my finding:
Ok, on my Bird of Prey I have four bridge officers, so four Efficient traits.
In attack mode set at 100/50/25/25 (Weapons/Shields/Engines/Auxiliary), before Efficient it was 124/69/48/44, Efficient picked it up to 124/71/51/46. So 2 points of shields, 1 point for engines, and 2 points forAuxiliary.
In normal mode, set at 50/50/50/50, before the Efficient trait it was 79/69/68/64, the trait picked it up to 80/71/70/65. So a 1 point increase for weapons and auxiliary and a 2 point increase for shields and engines.
All-in-all, if you can get four Efficient Letheans (or Saurians, you Federales scum) for less than a million energy credits, its a pretty decent deal.
Cloaking generators break down at first sign of language.
I had to look up STOWiki RE: Aggression. Apparently only Caitans and Liberated Borg Klingons always have it. If that's correct, you may be able to get Klingons, Gorn etc. without it. But if you haven't seen any having accumulated 30-50 BOffs, they're obviously not common.
I thought I had heard that at one time... Thanks for the quick reply, i'll keep an eye out for those Letheans.
EDIT: Checked the exchange and just got enough Efficient Letheans to fill my ship. Its actually pretty convenient, the character I got them for is a Lethean and I was RPing him as sort of a for-the-betterment-of-Lethean-kind within the Klingon Empire, to work towards making them full citizens.
After equipping the Efficient officers, this was my finding:
Ok, on my Bird of Prey I have four bridge officers, so four Efficient traits.
In attack mode set at 100/50/25/25 (Weapons/Shields/Engines/Auxiliary), before Efficient it was 124/69/48/44, Efficient picked it up to 124/71/51/46. So 2 points of shields, 1 point for engines, and 2 points forAuxiliary.
In normal mode, set at 50/50/50/50, before the Efficient trait it was 79/69/68/64, the trait picked it up to 80/71/70/65. So a 1 point increase for weapons and auxiliary and a 2 point increase for shields and engines.
All-in-all, if you can get four Efficient Letheans (or Saurians, you Federales scum) for less than a million energy credits, its a pretty decent deal.