Recently I manage to get my Klingon science captain to Lt. Gen. and have since been working on my BoP. The goal was to have a "sciency" bird of prey, and now I am not certain of the best way to achieve that goal. My current set up works great for STFs, and not so well in PVP so I am certain that there is much room for improvement. So here goes!
Ship Gear: 3 parts Borg and Honor Guard Shields
Eng Consoles: armor, armor and more armor....
Sci Consoles: Field Generator, Borg, and no clue....
Tac Consoles: 3x Disruptor Induction Coils
I am hoping you all can help me with making a sciency bird that does not lose too much on anything else. Any thoughts or suggestions are all much appreciated.
I have a sci build in a Hegh'ta BOP as well. I have it laid out rather differently after MANY iterations of trial and error.
For science, just to start, I have 3 mk XI rare or very rare particle generators. I also have particle generator maxed in my skill points. Then I tried to stick with the skills that used particle generator more than graviton generator. Further, I ride with my AUX skill set high, and I try to trip "emergency power to aux" before setting off one of my sci skills.
You have to really think it out to maximize your sci skills.
I think I've got a pretty darned well thought out build. At first I was super squishy and couldn't even tank a borg sphere on normal. Now I can tank 2 of them. My DPS isn't the best because I have sacrificed TAC skills for SCI skills, but I live much longer and can keep whittling away at them. Because I have less TAC skills I have removed torpedoes from my build. It is all cannons/turrets. This lets me use cannon skills exclusively, without needing to waste a slot on high yield or torp spread.
This is for PvE. I understand that PvP benefits from different skills than mine, and your consoles/skill points may be better suited elsewhere. I just think PvP is really weak/lame in this game and don't like it at all. I do PvE, so I tailor my build to that. Your milage may vary.
I have a sci build in a Hegh'ta BOP as well. I have it laid out rather differently after MANY iterations of trial and error.
For science, just to start, I have 3 mk XI rare or very rare particle generators. I also have particle generator maxed in my skill points. Then I tried to stick with the skills that used particle generator more than graviton generator. Further, I ride with my AUX skill set high, and I try to trip "emergency power to aux" before setting off one of my sci skills.
You have to really think it out to maximize your sci skills.
I think I've got a pretty darned well thought out build. At first I was super squishy and couldn't even tank a borg sphere on normal. Now I can tank 2 of them. My DPS isn't the best because I have sacrificed TAC skills for SCI skills, but I live much longer and can keep whittling away at them. Because I have less TAC skills I have removed torpedoes from my build. It is all cannons/turrets. This lets me use cannon skills exclusively, without needing to waste a slot on high yield or torp spread.
This is for PvE. I understand that PvP benefits from different skills than mine, and your consoles/skill points may be better suited elsewhere. I just think PvP is really weak/lame in this game and don't like it at all. I do PvE, so I tailor my build to that. Your milage may vary.
Pretty much this. It IS entirely possible to tank in a BoP, thanks to the universal slots. You just have to sacrifice tactical mobility and firepower in exchange for tanking. . .and I personally don't like doing that in BoPs, because they're already struggling hard enough as it is to match the fed escorts in firepower and tactical effectiveness. Would've been nice if we had gotten a fleet BoP that combined both the 4th tac console and a 2nd LTC boff (to make it commander, 2x LTC, and a LT), basically combining the Hoh'sus with the Ning'tao/Norgh.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
I think I've got a pretty darned well thought out build.
care to share your build?
I have noticed that I am more durable than a lot of federation cruisers I see, and do more DPS than most fed escorts... or at least I pull agro from them an awful lot in elite STF. I also regularly solo the elite cubes that spawn in KASE.
Like I said in the first post, she performs great in STFs... just not so well in PVP. I really want to build an amazingly hard hitting BoP while retaining Sciencyness. which due to the constant nerfs to science seem to be mutually exclusive goals I know...
One of the nastier (and hilarious) combos is GW + Warp Plasma. Other ships that can field this combo are less effective at it because they lack the BoP's agility.
If your TBR isn't tac buffed (like you said, this is a sci captain) its purpose is zone denial, so unless you're in an STF or you're sure you want to push somebody away from a healer in PvP I'd swap it out for plain old TB. "No, really, you're staying in my WP, here's a TB too."
You can frustrate the TRIBBLE out of somebody while alerting your team that you have a target locked down with no defense bonus.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
boff setup in order (first is ens, second LT, etc):
Polarize Hull 1, Tyken Rift 1, Viral Matrix 1, Grav Well 3
EP to Aux 1, EP to shields 2, Eject Warp Plasma 1
Sci Team 1, Hazard Emitters 2
TAC team 1, Cannon Rapid Fire 1
3x Particle Generators, as high as as good as you can get (I have almost +70 particle generator from these)
Disruptor damage console x2 (as high as you can get, blue/purple mk XI/XII
Magnetometric Generator universal
My character skills include a number of things but the main ones for this build are:
Particle Generator (maxed points)
Inertial Dampeners (maxed points)
Power Insullators (max)
Hull repair (max)
Starship Maneuvers (max -- the defense boost is why I chose this one)
and various skills into the power systems, such as warp core efficiency, Aux performance, Weapons performance.
Since this is a weak ship, the various inertial dampening and hull repair and ship maneuvers are meant to make me harder to hit, but if I am hit I get away faster and heal faster. The particle generators are key to my offensive power so all 3 consoles plus maxed skill points all feed in to my skills: These aid Grav well, Tyken Rift, Warp Plasma, Isometric Charge, which I have set up.
The EP 2 aux gets triggered first during my alpha strike, and I immobilize target with GW3. If it's a group, I target the center to suck them all in. I then scream at target with evasive manuevers while trailing warp plasma, scream out again, turn around and combine TAC team 1 with CRF and any other buffs I have. I use sensor scan 3 to debuff the target while firing to improve my damage. If it's a big and mean target able to withstand a lot of fire, I fire off photonic fleet, scatter field (to reduce damage) and subnucleonic beam 3 to slow down any offensive manuevers it may have up its sleeve. By the time I start taking fire I can trigger EP to shields 2 to buff me.
If I'm really getting slammed in a bad position I can hit EPtS2 and SciTeam back to back, as they do not share cooldowns with each other. However, sci-team WILL share cooldowns with TAC team and ENG team. This is why I don't have Eng Team. I heal hull with Hazard Emitters II. This way I can heal hull AND 2 shield heals in rapid succession (assuming no cooldowns on them) as needed for a major repair boost. And when you have a very weak hull you may need to do that more often than you think.
Most emphasis was placed on avoiding shared cooldowns in emergency situations. GW3 and Tyken Rift 1 share a cooldown, but it triggers 30 seconds cooldown on whatever you did not use. So by the time I do my alpha strike, get out to CRF position, and whale away on the target, I'm often ready for TR1 to be used. My EP to Aux is near done, so if I'm not drastically needing the extra help, I will wait the 15 seconds to fire TR1 to get most AUX power for it.
Then there's the consoles. Magnetometric is like a giant 1-shot repulsor. I can run in front of a target or targets, turn around, and push them backwards. MARVELOUS for crowd control in STFs. Just make sure you push probes AWAY from the portal and spheres AWAY from the generators. I can also use isometric charge to great effect against multiple targets (bigger targets are better, as it has a long cooldown) when they are trapped in warp plasma, being held together by a grav well.
My whole build is really area denial skills, I guess you can say. I can do all the daily missions, albeit not as EASILY as my fed can in a cruiser, but all the deferi missions, the satellite repair, the Sh'mar mission, etc. It took me a long time and reading a lot of folks' opinions on sci skills on the forums to figure out how I wanted to build this, then it really came together nicely with a lot of testing and tweaking. My fleetmates know, because I had a post on our fleet forum and I kept updating and changing it again and again (lol).
As a footnote I should also include this tidbit: I am still able to heal others. On many occassions I've healed others in my group (me! The BoP!) with sci team, haz emit., and on the fleet transport mission my TAC team still helps the transports rotate shields to face the enemy, which is vital.
I can solo defend a transport this way. TAC Team it then grav well the offending ships, plasma them (I spread the plasma wide, start wide on one side, swoop through the grav well, and pull in front of as many ships as I can on my way out). This keeps them away from the transport for a bit. As soon as it is out of weapons range your job is way easier.
One of the nastier (and hilarious) combos is GW + Warp Plasma. Other ships that can field this combo are less effective at it because they lack the BoP's agility.
If your TBR isn't tac buffed (like you said, this is a sci captain) its purpose is zone denial, so unless you're in an STF or you're sure you want to push somebody away from a healer in PvP I'd swap it out for plain old TB. "No, really, you're staying in my WP, here's a TB too."
You can frustrate the TRIBBLE out of somebody while alerting your team that you have a target locked down with no defense bonus.
I will have to look into this. I am thinking I am going to need to pick up a completely duplicate set of Doffs for playing around.
Granted I haven't done STFs and don't PvP but for normal PvE I have yet to run into anything including a cube that I can't take down and in some cases multiple cubes and spheres during the empire defense missions.
Since I don't do STF's I'm still running X1 Jem'hadar shields, deflector and engines. The Borg console. My SCI consoles (other than the borg) are X1 shield power and regen. Most of my Engineering consoles are resists but might have a hull regen in there too. Tactical are geared towards cannons and torps. Using this setup many times I can take out an enemy escort from 10.1K and it'll explode when I reach about 2K distance going head to head with it. Cruisers and Sci ships last a bit longer but not a lot over all. It's the darn fighter swarms that give me the most headaches (is there a way to at least show the name like you can with a cruiser from 15k?). I know by the time I close in that it's a Mogai for example but I can't even see the fighters till they're on me and then I have a hard time figuring out where they're even at. My eyes aren't what they used to be. :P
Read my post 4 posts up, and you can get rid of the torp spread by going all guns. Add in tac team, for added power boost and shield rotation (a life saver in this bird!).
I would ditch the shield gens and put in sci consoles that benefit your sci abilities. Max out your particle generator or graviton points depending on the skills you choose.
As for the ships, you can enable name and box around them. When S6 released they fubared the entire interface to the point it ignored all settings and went to default. You could go into the HUD options and look at what it was set to, and it still wouldn't do what you set it to. You have to go in (easier if you're in space when you do) and set ships/mines to display names and boxes around them always. If you have it set already, uncheck it, recheck it, and apply it.
Even doing this several times it re-defaulted one of my kdfs just today (again!) so it's really pissing me off.
Read my post 4 posts up, and you can get rid of the torp spread by going all guns. Add in tac team, for added power boost and shield rotation (a life saver in this bird!).
I would ditch the shield gens and put in sci consoles that benefit your sci abilities. Max out your particle generator or graviton points depending on the skills you choose.
As for the ships, you can enable name and box around them. When S6 released they fubared the entire interface to the point it ignored all settings and went to default. You could go into the HUD options and look at what it was set to, and it still wouldn't do what you set it to. You have to go in (easier if you're in space when you do) and set ships/mines to display names and boxes around them always. If you have it set already, uncheck it, recheck it, and apply it.
Even doing this several times it re-defaulted one of my kdfs just today (again!) so it's really pissing me off.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll try that. It's been driving me bonkers. I hate dropping Battleships like nothing only to die to a swarm of freakin fighters only because I can't find out where they are.
As to my build I've been pretty happy with it. Granted that was on my Engineer. I'm not playing around with a SCI and will see how it goes and if I run into issues I'll try that. So far though I've found that for me, the Torp Spread and Cannon Rapid fire work as the best combination. /shrug
Recently I manage to get my Klingon science captain to Lt. Gen. and have since been working on my BoP. The goal was to have a "sciency" bird of prey, and now I am not certain of the best way to achieve that goal. My current set up works great for STFs, and not so well in PVP so I am certain that there is much room for improvement. So here goes!
Ship Gear: 3 parts Borg and Honor Guard Shields
Eng Consoles: armor, armor and more armor....
Sci Consoles: Field Generator, Borg, and no clue....
Tac Consoles: 3x Disruptor Induction Coils
I am hoping you all can help me with making a sciency bird that does not lose too much on anything else. Any thoughts or suggestions are all much appreciated.
First and foremost bops are not tough, and totally subpar to new fed escorts, that's the reason I stopped flying them, well, at least till I get my hands on hohsus. But to answer your question, this is what I would try:
If you want to use it in pve, what you have should work, also you said you're happy with performances. For pvp:
Keep the lt tac stations as they are. Spec at least 6 in hull plating (level 4 on skill tree) and 3 in armor reinforcements (level 5 on skill tree). Get your hands on a leech console (I think it comes with the scourge destroyer from zstore). Spec fully on flow capacitor on skill tree. Buy the best 3 flow capacitor consoles you can afford from exchange (purples mk xii are few mil a pop, but you could also use blue xii or purple xi if you don't have enough ec since they are about half price). Put those 3 flow consoles in your sci slots. Flows improve your drain ability and they go well with leech console. This combo will boost your power levels by about 20 for each power level. Power is very useful since it gives you high aux (so your aux to sif will heal better), shield (for higher resists) and engine power (you already have enough weapons on bop and can get to 125 by only using borg console and maxing warp core potential on skill tree - I wouldn't even spec on level 5 skill tree for weapons performance since its pretty expensive, unless you plan on flying different ships that don't have +15 weapon bonus. It also helps if you go on exchange and get your hands on 4 efficient boffs (search for lethean) and look for the efficient trait on the top of description when you hover your mouse over the boff. They add a bonus to warp core efficiency, I think +7.5 each, and you end up gaining a small bonus on power for low level subsystems, not a big deal but hey, every little bit helps! Also, have your power levels bound to some keys, so that you can quickly swap in between them (make sure you max your electro plasma on skill tree) and have max weapons and engine on one setting, max aux and engine on another, max engine and shield on 3rd, max shield and engine on 4th.
Now, you have several options, and all are valid ones depending on your situation (due to battle cloak you can always speed out and cloak, make adjustments and go back in fight):
Use a pol hull and apo, so you won't get tractored as often Save both for when you need them. Both APO and PH give you some nice resists, PH is aux dependent. If you want to keep the cmdr sci, use a VM3 for cmdr station (grav well is very weak in pvp and unless you stack few of them it's not worth using them), tbr are not a bad choice but other than pushing enemies they are not that good (since you either need to be a tac to buff tbr damage through tac abilities, either must have graviton consoles to increase the push) and while in a pug, tbr does more bad than good), also inertial dampners almost neuter the tbr, and most pvpers that know what they are doing have some points in dampners. You could use better for lt cmdr sci slot a tss3 - if you have a boff with it or have the reman boff from the feature episode mission - if not wait for a promotion and get it. Or use a HE3 (that can be trained by some sci captains or by yourself). You could also use a tiken ryft with doffs, that is also pretty good. so try this for example:
LT Eng: eps1, eps2 (you loose aux to sif but have a big heal from HE2 or 3 - dont forget to switch to max aux when you heal.
LT Tac: TT1, CRF1
You can improve this config by getting 2 purple TT doffs so you only have 1 TT or get some CRF doff to have only one copy of crf - those are pretty expensive though (both are energy weapons doffs i think). 3 BFI doffs (shield distribution doffs) are also a good idea, as better they are, as higher the proc of TSS is when using brace for impact.
You could try this also:
Cmdr tac: TT1, crf1, apo1, apo2/3
lt cmdr sci: ph1, he2, vm1
lt tac: tt1, crf1
lt engi: eps1, eps2/aux to sif1/aux to ID
you have low shield heals but it gives you almost constant tractor resist, you have a battle cloak, when things go nasty, evasive out and cloak. You may first hit the bfi to fill up your shields if you want. Just keep in mind you are a sci captain, and you won't do crazy damage anyways, so best strategy for a sci captain is to gang up with others, time well the subnuc (right after somebody is using a rsp, or right after somebody hits a tt, etc then follow up with a VM). You only need to be able to hold your own for 20 secs, till battle cloak is out of cooldown, so I'd better try option 1, use apo to be able to turn faster, crf your target then get out.
I would give full omega a try, it is in fact the best set for an escort, and due to the leech and flows, your shield drain (from 2 part omega) will be pretty good. Omega shield, as not as high in cap as HG, regenerates way faster, especially when you run high power in it, and think, with leech and eps you'll be running close to 100 power to shield. Omega engine, on high power and due to bop impulse modifier will make you very fast (thus very hard to be targeted, even if your defense wont go over 70 or 80 if you have elusive trait), add apo on top of that and only a bug will be able to catch you. When evasive out, use the preset high engines and shield, with omega engine you'll be 20 k away in a heart beat! Remember though in a bop you'll never be able to tank like in a bug or a fed escort, use the superior impulse modifier in your advantage, that gives you mobility and speed, don't try to tank in a bop, you'll fail. Also, don't forget your role, a sci is a support role, not a damage dealer. Look for a target of opportunity, don't waste your subnuc right away, let the target use some buffs, then subnuc it, then sensor scan it and along with your tac buddy hit him hard. Timing is the key of success in pvp, as long as you play, as better you get.
Good luck. Also, you should post your pvp questions in pvp forum, there are better chances to have more pvp answers there, even though many klings buddies that pvp post here also, lol.
Edit: Forgot the weapons and console layout, lol. So this is one way to do it:
3 flow cap, 3 choice energy tac consoles, and for engi, 1 borg, 1 PL, 1 either armor or eps, either another p2w console like theta.
I would go as weapons with polarons, since the lolaron drain with flow capacitor is still very nasty, even after the recent fix, and this, plus tetryon glider will be pretty mean. Really, give full omega a shot, it is worth trust me! Good thing about using flow capacitor is that it greatly simplifies many aspects of your build: you gain more from leech = more power = awesome, more drain for tet glider, more drain to power levels with lolarons. As a side note, the armor console won't help too much to be honest in a bop, I'd use better a different console. Remember, bops are lethal with their skilled captain, not with full armor consoles.
Hear! Sons of Kahless
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
You may want to post your power levels as well as these have a big effect on the effectivness of your science powers.
For your spare science console since you use GWIII have you tried a graviton generator?
For science, just to start, I have 3 mk XI rare or very rare particle generators. I also have particle generator maxed in my skill points. Then I tried to stick with the skills that used particle generator more than graviton generator. Further, I ride with my AUX skill set high, and I try to trip "emergency power to aux" before setting off one of my sci skills.
You have to really think it out to maximize your sci skills.
I think I've got a pretty darned well thought out build. At first I was super squishy and couldn't even tank a borg sphere on normal. Now I can tank 2 of them. My DPS isn't the best because I have sacrificed TAC skills for SCI skills, but I live much longer and can keep whittling away at them. Because I have less TAC skills I have removed torpedoes from my build. It is all cannons/turrets. This lets me use cannon skills exclusively, without needing to waste a slot on high yield or torp spread.
This is for PvE. I understand that PvP benefits from different skills than mine, and your consoles/skill points may be better suited elsewhere. I just think PvP is really weak/lame in this game and don't like it at all. I do PvE, so I tailor my build to that. Your milage may vary.
Pretty much this. It IS entirely possible to tank in a BoP, thanks to the universal slots. You just have to sacrifice tactical mobility and firepower in exchange for tanking. . .and I personally don't like doing that in BoPs, because they're already struggling hard enough as it is to match the fed escorts in firepower and tactical effectiveness. Would've been nice if we had gotten a fleet BoP that combined both the 4th tac console and a 2nd LTC boff (to make it commander, 2x LTC, and a LT), basically combining the Hoh'sus with the Ning'tao/Norgh.
care to share your build?
I have noticed that I am more durable than a lot of federation cruisers I see, and do more DPS than most fed escorts... or at least I pull agro from them an awful lot in elite STF. I also regularly solo the elite cubes that spawn in KASE.
Like I said in the first post, she performs great in STFs... just not so well in PVP. I really want to build an amazingly hard hitting BoP while retaining Sciencyness. which due to the constant nerfs to science seem to be mutually exclusive goals I know...
If your TBR isn't tac buffed (like you said, this is a sci captain) its purpose is zone denial, so unless you're in an STF or you're sure you want to push somebody away from a healer in PvP I'd swap it out for plain old TB. "No, really, you're staying in my WP, here's a TB too."
You can frustrate the TRIBBLE out of somebody while alerting your team that you have a target locked down with no defense bonus.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
boff setup in order (first is ens, second LT, etc):
Polarize Hull 1, Tyken Rift 1, Viral Matrix 1, Grav Well 3
EP to Aux 1, EP to shields 2, Eject Warp Plasma 1
Sci Team 1, Hazard Emitters 2
TAC team 1, Cannon Rapid Fire 1
Ship loadout:
3x Mk. XII Dual Disruptor Cannons [borg]
1x Quad Disruptor Cannons [DMGx4] (286 dps)
2x Mk. XII Distrutor Turrets [borg]
Devices: Red Matter device, Deuterium Surplus (can be swapped for whatever, but red matter rocks)
Borg Deflector
KHG Mk.XI engine
KHG Mk.XI shields
Borg universal
Isometric Charge universal
Booster modulator (blue Mk.XI +3.5 aux)
3x Particle Generators, as high as as good as you can get (I have almost +70 particle generator from these)
Disruptor damage console x2 (as high as you can get, blue/purple mk XI/XII
Magnetometric Generator universal
My character skills include a number of things but the main ones for this build are:
Particle Generator (maxed points)
Inertial Dampeners (maxed points)
Power Insullators (max)
Hull repair (max)
Starship Maneuvers (max -- the defense boost is why I chose this one)
and various skills into the power systems, such as warp core efficiency, Aux performance, Weapons performance.
Since this is a weak ship, the various inertial dampening and hull repair and ship maneuvers are meant to make me harder to hit, but if I am hit I get away faster and heal faster. The particle generators are key to my offensive power so all 3 consoles plus maxed skill points all feed in to my skills: These aid Grav well, Tyken Rift, Warp Plasma, Isometric Charge, which I have set up.
The EP 2 aux gets triggered first during my alpha strike, and I immobilize target with GW3. If it's a group, I target the center to suck them all in. I then scream at target with evasive manuevers while trailing warp plasma, scream out again, turn around and combine TAC team 1 with CRF and any other buffs I have. I use sensor scan 3 to debuff the target while firing to improve my damage. If it's a big and mean target able to withstand a lot of fire, I fire off photonic fleet, scatter field (to reduce damage) and subnucleonic beam 3 to slow down any offensive manuevers it may have up its sleeve. By the time I start taking fire I can trigger EP to shields 2 to buff me.
If I'm really getting slammed in a bad position I can hit EPtS2 and SciTeam back to back, as they do not share cooldowns with each other. However, sci-team WILL share cooldowns with TAC team and ENG team. This is why I don't have Eng Team. I heal hull with Hazard Emitters II. This way I can heal hull AND 2 shield heals in rapid succession (assuming no cooldowns on them) as needed for a major repair boost. And when you have a very weak hull you may need to do that more often than you think.
Most emphasis was placed on avoiding shared cooldowns in emergency situations. GW3 and Tyken Rift 1 share a cooldown, but it triggers 30 seconds cooldown on whatever you did not use. So by the time I do my alpha strike, get out to CRF position, and whale away on the target, I'm often ready for TR1 to be used. My EP to Aux is near done, so if I'm not drastically needing the extra help, I will wait the 15 seconds to fire TR1 to get most AUX power for it.
Then there's the consoles. Magnetometric is like a giant 1-shot repulsor. I can run in front of a target or targets, turn around, and push them backwards. MARVELOUS for crowd control in STFs. Just make sure you push probes AWAY from the portal and spheres AWAY from the generators. I can also use isometric charge to great effect against multiple targets (bigger targets are better, as it has a long cooldown) when they are trapped in warp plasma, being held together by a grav well.
My whole build is really area denial skills, I guess you can say. I can do all the daily missions, albeit not as EASILY as my fed can in a cruiser, but all the deferi missions, the satellite repair, the Sh'mar mission, etc. It took me a long time and reading a lot of folks' opinions on sci skills on the forums to figure out how I wanted to build this, then it really came together nicely with a lot of testing and tweaking. My fleetmates know, because I had a post on our fleet forum and I kept updating and changing it again and again (lol).
I can solo defend a transport this way. TAC Team it then grav well the offending ships, plasma them (I spread the plasma wide, start wide on one side, swoop through the grav well, and pull in front of as many ships as I can on my way out). This keeps them away from the transport for a bit. As soon as it is out of weapons range your job is way easier.
I will have to look into this. I am thinking I am going to need to pick up a completely duplicate set of Doffs for playing around.
I rarely use more than 2 Tac BOFF abilities so they get one of the LT slots.
CMD: SCI w/HE1, SS2, GW2, VM3
LTC: SCI w/PH1, JS2, TR2
Granted I haven't done STFs and don't PvP but for normal PvE I have yet to run into anything including a cube that I can't take down and in some cases multiple cubes and spheres during the empire defense missions.
Since I don't do STF's I'm still running X1 Jem'hadar shields, deflector and engines. The Borg console. My SCI consoles (other than the borg) are X1 shield power and regen. Most of my Engineering consoles are resists but might have a hull regen in there too. Tactical are geared towards cannons and torps. Using this setup many times I can take out an enemy escort from 10.1K and it'll explode when I reach about 2K distance going head to head with it. Cruisers and Sci ships last a bit longer but not a lot over all. It's the darn fighter swarms that give me the most headaches (is there a way to at least show the name like you can with a cruiser from 15k?). I know by the time I close in that it's a Mogai for example but I can't even see the fighters till they're on me and then I have a hard time figuring out where they're even at. My eyes aren't what they used to be. :P
I would ditch the shield gens and put in sci consoles that benefit your sci abilities. Max out your particle generator or graviton points depending on the skills you choose.
As for the ships, you can enable name and box around them. When S6 released they fubared the entire interface to the point it ignored all settings and went to default. You could go into the HUD options and look at what it was set to, and it still wouldn't do what you set it to. You have to go in (easier if you're in space when you do) and set ships/mines to display names and boxes around them always. If you have it set already, uncheck it, recheck it, and apply it.
Even doing this several times it re-defaulted one of my kdfs just today (again!) so it's really pissing me off.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll try that. It's been driving me bonkers. I hate dropping Battleships like nothing only to die to a swarm of freakin fighters only because I can't find out where they are.
As to my build I've been pretty happy with it. Granted that was on my Engineer. I'm not playing around with a SCI and will see how it goes and if I run into issues I'll try that.
If you want to use it in pve, what you have should work, also you said you're happy with performances. For pvp:
Keep the lt tac stations as they are. Spec at least 6 in hull plating (level 4 on skill tree) and 3 in armor reinforcements (level 5 on skill tree). Get your hands on a leech console (I think it comes with the scourge destroyer from zstore). Spec fully on flow capacitor on skill tree. Buy the best 3 flow capacitor consoles you can afford from exchange (purples mk xii are few mil a pop, but you could also use blue xii or purple xi if you don't have enough ec since they are about half price). Put those 3 flow consoles in your sci slots. Flows improve your drain ability and they go well with leech console. This combo will boost your power levels by about 20 for each power level. Power is very useful since it gives you high aux (so your aux to sif will heal better), shield (for higher resists) and engine power (you already have enough weapons on bop and can get to 125 by only using borg console and maxing warp core potential on skill tree - I wouldn't even spec on level 5 skill tree for weapons performance since its pretty expensive, unless you plan on flying different ships that don't have +15 weapon bonus. It also helps if you go on exchange and get your hands on 4 efficient boffs (search for lethean) and look for the efficient trait on the top of description when you hover your mouse over the boff. They add a bonus to warp core efficiency, I think +7.5 each, and you end up gaining a small bonus on power for low level subsystems, not a big deal but hey, every little bit helps! Also, have your power levels bound to some keys, so that you can quickly swap in between them (make sure you max your electro plasma on skill tree) and have max weapons and engine on one setting, max aux and engine on another, max engine and shield on 3rd, max shield and engine on 4th.
Now, you have several options, and all are valid ones depending on your situation (due to battle cloak you can always speed out and cloak, make adjustments and go back in fight):
Use a pol hull and apo, so you won't get tractored as often Save both for when you need them. Both APO and PH give you some nice resists, PH is aux dependent. If you want to keep the cmdr sci, use a VM3 for cmdr station (grav well is very weak in pvp and unless you stack few of them it's not worth using them), tbr are not a bad choice but other than pushing enemies they are not that good (since you either need to be a tac to buff tbr damage through tac abilities, either must have graviton consoles to increase the push) and while in a pug, tbr does more bad than good), also inertial dampners almost neuter the tbr, and most pvpers that know what they are doing have some points in dampners. You could use better for lt cmdr sci slot a tss3 - if you have a boff with it or have the reman boff from the feature episode mission - if not wait for a promotion and get it. Or use a HE3 (that can be trained by some sci captains or by yourself). You could also use a tiken ryft with doffs, that is also pretty good. so try this for example:
LT Eng: eps1, eps2 (you loose aux to sif but have a big heal from HE2 or 3 - dont forget to switch to max aux when you heal.
LT Tac: TT1, CRF1
You can improve this config by getting 2 purple TT doffs so you only have 1 TT or get some CRF doff to have only one copy of crf - those are pretty expensive though (both are energy weapons doffs i think). 3 BFI doffs (shield distribution doffs) are also a good idea, as better they are, as higher the proc of TSS is when using brace for impact.
You could try this also:
Cmdr tac: TT1, crf1, apo1, apo2/3
lt cmdr sci: ph1, he2, vm1
lt tac: tt1, crf1
lt engi: eps1, eps2/aux to sif1/aux to ID
you have low shield heals but it gives you almost constant tractor resist, you have a battle cloak, when things go nasty, evasive out and cloak. You may first hit the bfi to fill up your shields if you want. Just keep in mind you are a sci captain, and you won't do crazy damage anyways, so best strategy for a sci captain is to gang up with others, time well the subnuc (right after somebody is using a rsp, or right after somebody hits a tt, etc then follow up with a VM). You only need to be able to hold your own for 20 secs, till battle cloak is out of cooldown, so I'd better try option 1, use apo to be able to turn faster, crf your target then get out.
I would give full omega a try, it is in fact the best set for an escort, and due to the leech and flows, your shield drain (from 2 part omega) will be pretty good. Omega shield, as not as high in cap as HG, regenerates way faster, especially when you run high power in it, and think, with leech and eps you'll be running close to 100 power to shield. Omega engine, on high power and due to bop impulse modifier will make you very fast (thus very hard to be targeted, even if your defense wont go over 70 or 80 if you have elusive trait), add apo on top of that and only a bug will be able to catch you. When evasive out, use the preset high engines and shield, with omega engine you'll be 20 k away in a heart beat! Remember though in a bop you'll never be able to tank like in a bug or a fed escort, use the superior impulse modifier in your advantage, that gives you mobility and speed, don't try to tank in a bop, you'll fail. Also, don't forget your role, a sci is a support role, not a damage dealer. Look for a target of opportunity, don't waste your subnuc right away, let the target use some buffs, then subnuc it, then sensor scan it and along with your tac buddy hit him hard. Timing is the key of success in pvp, as long as you play, as better you get.
Good luck. Also, you should post your pvp questions in pvp forum, there are better chances to have more pvp answers there, even though many klings buddies that pvp post here also, lol.
Edit: Forgot the weapons and console layout, lol. So this is one way to do it:
3 flow cap, 3 choice energy tac consoles, and for engi, 1 borg, 1 PL, 1 either armor or eps, either another p2w console like theta.
I would go as weapons with polarons, since the lolaron drain with flow capacitor is still very nasty, even after the recent fix, and this, plus tetryon glider will be pretty mean. Really, give full omega a shot, it is worth trust me! Good thing about using flow capacitor is that it greatly simplifies many aspects of your build: you gain more from leech = more power = awesome, more drain for tet glider, more drain to power levels with lolarons. As a side note, the armor console won't help too much to be honest in a bop, I'd use better a different console. Remember, bops are lethal with their skilled captain, not with full armor consoles.
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...