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PvP/Endgame content is terrible

demonstormukdemonstormuk Member Posts: 14 Arc User
edited August 2012 in PvP Gameplay
I have been playing this game on and off since release, since before it went F2P and have come back since, spending in the C-Store for nice items. I have dipped my toe into PvP and...well, lets say that the experience is completely underwhelming. There is no aim other than to grind out badges for top tier ship items that, to be honest, are not all that inspiring in the first place.

And this is where the game fails and falls flat. The endgame content in STO is...terrible to non-existent. What the endgame...what the whole game needs is something persistent. Something that gives the Klinks and Feds something to fight over. We need some form of RvR Territorial Warfare on some special PvP maps, where both sides fight for control of a persistent sector one system at a time...gaining bonuses for their nation/faction if they capture the sector.

Im not going to go into detail over the specifics of how it could be implemented, I just think that this is something that is sorely needed. And the beauty of doing something like this is that, once its been programmed and set up, its self sustaining. No more content really needs to be added on a regular basis as the players will be having too much fun fighting each other for control of territory for bonuses that are faction wide.

So yeah, this is just my 2 cents on the whole PvP and endgame content for STO. I dont know why this wasnt in from the very first place. It seems something that logically should be in there from the beginning given that the Feds and Klinks are at war again.

Edit: I am curious as to what others think of end game material and if this is a good or a bad idea. Also, what do you think could be implemented in game that will give a lasting and self sustaining end game?
Post edited by demonstormuk on


  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Endgame? What endgame?

    Ah. Endgrind. Yeah, there is endgrind. And no, there will be no endgame anytime soon. There may be more endboxes, endstores or some endgrind added, but no endgame.

    Cryptic is not interested. Even though good endgame (which means PvP or/and the player-made content) will make them more money, they milk enough out of us from lockboxes and c-store. And as they will need to invest more money into good endgame content/pvp maps there is no way in the hell they will do this. Not before PWE got back the money it invested into Cryptic.

    So get used to what you have. The good thing is in few months SW:TOR will be FTP :)
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And this is where the game fails and falls flat. The endgame content in STO is...terrible to non-existent. What the endgame...what the whole game needs is something persistent. Something that gives the Klinks and Feds something to fight over. We need some form of RvR Territorial Warfare on some special PvP maps, where both sides fight for control of a persistent sector one system at a time...gaining bonuses for their nation/faction if they capture the sector.

    I think this was what Eta Eridani was originally for, it's the "Neutral Zone" where all the PVP maps are stashed away, I'm sure Cryptic had lots of pretty cool plans for it. Sadly Atari got worried and pushed for release. But yeah, PVP is the weak link in what was already a precarious chain of STO endgame content.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have been playing this game on and off since release, since before it went F2P and have come back since, spending in the C-Store for nice items. I have dipped my toe into PvP and...well, lets say that the experience is completely underwhelming. There is no aim other than to grind out badges for top tier ship items that, to be honest, are not all that inspiring in the first place.

    And this is where the game fails and falls flat. The endgame content in STO is...terrible to non-existent. What the endgame...what the whole game needs is something persistent. Something that gives the Klinks and Feds something to fight over. We need some form of RvR Territorial Warfare on some special PvP maps, where both sides fight for control of a persistent sector one system at a time...gaining bonuses for their nation/faction if they capture the sector.

    Im not going to go into detail over the specifics of how it could be implemented, I just think that this is something that is sorely needed. And the beauty of doing something like this is that, once its been programmed and set up, its self sustaining. No more content really needs to be added on a regular basis as the players will be having too much fun fighting each other for control of territory for bonuses that are faction wide.

    So yeah, this is just my 2 cents on the whole PvP and endgame content for STO. I dont know why this wasnt in from the very first place. It seems something that logically should be in there from the beginning given that the Feds and Klinks are at war again.

    Edit: I am curious as to what others think of end game material and if this is a good or a bad idea. Also, what do you think could be implemented in game that will give a lasting and self sustaining end game?

    +1 to this.

    There are games enterily pvp and they are great , why not add a map what could allow fleet vs fleet or fleets vs fleets to fight for something? a conquer the station or starbase or planet, anything really.

    This could give so much life to pvp and a meaning to pvp in general
    Division Hispana
  • xenovitaxenovita Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    +1 to this.

    Sadly, this is not the first and surely not the last about this problems.

    We have almost no PvP population partly due to the lack of PvP content or simply "love" put on it.

    Cryptic killed scientist without remorse and now from PvP perspective we have only 2 classes instead of 3.

    Powers completely unbalanced and more and more P2W content gives PvP (and ultimately STO) a grim future, why?

    Because an MMO without PvP is simple absurd.
    Division Hispana
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    xenovita wrote: »
    Cryptic killed scientist without remorse and now from PvP perspective we have only 2 classes instead of 3.

    Powers completely unbalanced and more and more P2W content gives PvP (and ultimately STO) a grim future, why?

    Because an MMO without PvP is simple absurd.

    There is still hope:


    Cryptic really needs to hire somebody away from one of the companies that does PvP well, give him a nice office so he feels loved and a couple of minions, and start giving PvP folks some love.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    see, if we hadn't heard this tune ad nausea in the last two years with zip to show for it, I might be fooled to see this as a sign of hope as well. blessed are the ignorant or something like that
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited August 2012
    syberghost wrote: »
    There is still hope:


    Cryptic really needs to hire somebody away from one of the companies that does PvP well, give him a nice office so he feels loved and a couple of minions, and start giving PvP folks some love.

    yeah except this is basically what we've been told since the beginning. And to be honest, not much has changed. sure they've patched a few things. but the amount of broken things thats have been released then fixed then accidently re-released makes one sick.

    then toss in all the p2w TRIBBLE that they give absolutly no balance thoughts too and probably never will because its p2w.... and oh yeah, guess we're not spec'd right....

    havam wrote: »
    see, if we hadn't heard this tune ad nausea in the last two years with zip to show for it, I might be fooled to see this as a sign of hope as well. blessed are the ignorant or something like that

    a missionary was teaching some eskamo's about heaven and hell and sin.
    the eskamo's leader asked the preacher if they did not know about sin, would they have gone to hell. the preacher says of course not, because you wouldnt have known better. the eskamo leader takes a moment to think then says. "why did you teach us then?"

    ^best ignorance is bliss joke/story i've ever heard.

    i shall rise from the ashes of the science, like a pheonix in the days of old!
  • palpha2clearancepalpha2clearance Member Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I agree with op's subject line and decided not read any further,because it says it all.....
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This post definitely has my full support!!!!!
  • wilkaastwilkaast Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I agree that once you hit lvl 50, its STF time for a while. Then you get some cool gear, try Elite, and the PUG nightmare hit you in the face hard. So you try PvP, but its weird and you don't seem to get any good reward from it...

    You find out that there are a lot of DOFFs chains in unexplored regions, so you do that for a bit. You join a fleet to have access to more cool stuff, but it turns out that there is not that much stuff you can get from there too.. So you level another toon and the cycle starts over.

    OK, so 4 problems here:

    1) Once you hit max level, there is not enough "level" of gear for you to get. In WoW, once you get max level, you are nowhere near being geared enough to do Heroic mode or even Raid properly. Your effective power is going to nearly double once you get a proper gear set. In STO, once you are lvl 50, you have access to MkX, XI, an XII. Its obviously not enough. People seem to understand progression by getting new ships, but I am of the opinion that ships should only be a a part of this. Gear progression allows for a longer cycle, and requires less resources from the devs as only Deflector-Shield-Engine need any visuals, the rest is just numbers.

    Heck, we could even LEVEL our ship and get, for example, more BOFF slots, more consoles, better stats, etc. Lots of that could even be C-Store stuff that we buy, but a lot could be done with daily quest, assignments and the like.

    2) PvP needs its own set of rewards that can be used to balance the PvP part more by adding a new set of variants. It also needs more titles, skins and costumes, trophy, etc. Give me a reason to go learn PvP by being killed repeatedly. I want that pain to matters. Maybe allows people to grind a lot of Dilitium from it, even going over the limit a bit. Make it so that the better you get, the more Dilitium you can refine, etc.

    3) Resources. If you want to, you can disregard farming altogether. There is little interest for a player to gather resources as they are not really needed for normal game play, apart from a few DOFF assignment and some Fleet projects.

    The gathering process is too long. You get a progression bar, and then you have to play with the sliders, it takes a while to get a single mineral samples. Plus its not obvious to know where what material is. All in all, the crafting side of the game is not engaging. In other MMO, a crafting profession gives you in-game bonuses. Maybe I could be a weapon specialist and get an ACC bonus, or be a Warp specialist and get a Warp Core bonus. Again, its all just numbers, requires no assets in game and give us yet another thing to do.

    The funny thing is that there are anomalies everywhere, but at some points you just go Meh, what's the point?

    4) Community and Instancing. You know how people always say nobody talk during STF? You know why? Because people have to hold the "D" or "A" key all the time to turn. If you try and type in something, you fly into an explosion or out of range or worst. Give us an "Orbit" function and see how communication increases.

    Instancing is a great idea while building a MMO because the architecture is simpler, but in the end, you do not get an open world feel. It also means that there are always barriers to getting somewhere, the dreaded loading screen. Like, why an't I get to Sol System and go directly to ESD or the Academy? Why can't I just GO places instead of going through 3 loading screens just to get to my bank?

    The point is that you need to have places and systems that allows and encourage communication. The more people are able to talk, the more tool you give them to create a community, the more "game" you get. Why can't I even inspect another player? How am I supposed to learn what gear to use if I cannot see any examples? How can I learn how do do a STF if the game engine makes it complicated for people to help me out?

    This last point is admittedly less about end-game, but I think its part of the problem.

    Most of the elements are already in there, they just need a little push and some polishing to make this great game even greater.

    Just my 2cents of course.
  • sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I approve of this post.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMm_VoKkuco - Needs more female relief ops ensign.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A BIG problem is that PvP could be the endgame, and that could cost PWE some players (customers) if they can't maintain the illusion of invincibility they got from PvE, against live players. I think we're being milked for every penny in our pockets, and when lint starts to come out instead of cash the game will get an update- that each toon will suddenly get a grand retirement cutscene, and everyone lives peacefully together in the universe.

    Umm, just made myself a little sick.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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