Looking for Suggestions and ideas on how to improve my ship, pretty much built this toon around this ship.. Looking to beef it up a bit.. my weapons are not all MK XII yet working on that.. but looking for suggestions maybe in BO skills or console set up..
Tactical Escort Retrofit
Shield: Omega Mk XII
Deflector: Omega MK XII
Engine: Omega MK XII
Shield Power: 11k each facing
Hull: 39500,
(48,200 with abrative armour)Consoles
Eng Consoles: Assimliated Console, 3x Neutronium Alloy mk XII (blue)
Sci Consoles: 2x Field Generator Mk XI (purple)
Tac Consoles: 4x Anti-proton mag
fore - 3x Anti-Proton Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [crtH]x2 [acc] (+70% CritH, +10% acc) 1x Quant torpedo [acc]x2 [dmg]
rear - 3x Anto-Proton Turrets Mk XI [acc]x2 [dmg]
Bo skills
Tac 1: Tac team 1, rapid fire I, High yield III, Omega pattern III
Tac 2: Spread 1, rapid fire 1, Omega Pattern I
Tac 3: Tac team 1
Eng: EMPTS 1, RSP 1
Sci: TSS 1, HE 2
(reason i use HE instead of ENG team is.. i use Weapon & aux combo batteries, and when i use AUX before i use HE it does a 18k hull heal which is more then what miracle worker does.. so in a way its like having miracle worker twice IMO)
I am a ENG Captain so i do use Miracle Worker, EPS Transfer, Rotate Shield Frequency, Nadion Inversion and ENG Fleet
My Captain Traits are
+10% hull repair
+10% Accuracy
This is very important to what I am going to show you, for this to work you must have the accuracy trait
+10% Defense
Space Warfare Specialist
+5 Starship Maneuvers
+5 Starship Targeting Systems
+5 Starship Energy Weapon Specializations
+5 Projectile Weapon Specializations
Also i use all Human BO officers each adds +10% to hull regen
my Space DOFF are,
-cannon skill cooldown 50% chance to cool down - 15%
-warefare specialist - 10% to borg
-evasive cool down reduction
-brace for impact dmg resistance and healh
-crew recovery below 75% increased
Second, I'd switch out Omega 3 and replace it with CRF3 (Trained via tactical captain). You already have Omega 1, CRF3 with Omega 1 should easily surpass what you'd do with Omega 3 and CRF1. Someone correct me on this if I'm wrong.
Replace this doff
-crew recovery below 75% increased
The patch today changed torpedo shots to no longer bury your crew by 20% every time you're hit. Plus crew is only good for innate regen, and as an engineer you have far better options at your disposal than the innate regen anyways so it's useless. I'd switch it out with another cannon or a torpedo doff.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
also, as far as the Doff goes what would you reccomend
Changes in bold. The Consoles are fine, though you've listed 4 Eng Consoles; the Defiant-X only has 3; guess you meant 2 Neutroniums.
Yes i did mean two, sorry.. i do intend to get the patrol soon soon at that point ill have my 3x
The warefare specialist you get from the Tholian lock boxs each one gives you a diff bonus i got the borg and cardassian dmg boosters