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requested bridges and maps

borg9870borg9870 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
here are some bridges and maps I'd like to see in STO, add yours to the list :)

- NX Class Bridge/Interior
- Mirror NX Class Bridge/Interior
- Galaxy Class Interior
- Mirror TOS Enterprise Bridge/Interior

-the ability to travel and beam down to mars, the moon and other planets in the solar system

Foundry maps
- Saturn V interior
- 21st century Moonbase (with interior and exterior)
- 21st century Marsbase (with interior and exterior)
Post edited by borg9870 on


  • liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    borg9870 wrote: »
    -the ability to travel and beam down to mars, the moon and other planets in the solar system

    YES... I want to be able to beam onto Uranus !!!!
  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ship interiors

    These have been at the top of my personal wishlist for a very long time since I started playing.

    The main problem with having more canon ship interiors to choose from is that, in general, ship interiors aren't being used much in terms of gameplay. If these maps aren't going to be visited by the majority of people (other than the odd diehard RPer), the Cryptic/PWE isn't going to bother investing in making them available.

    That being said, I'm not the messenger of all things doom and gloom - in fact, there already exists a thread (see my sig) discussing what additional uses ship interiors could have relevant to regular gameplay, as well as how players could in theory customise them to their tastes. And of course, making them available to the Foundry would be a big boon for authors who want to make shipboard UGC missions.

    I'd suggest you use the forums search function in the future to find (and respond) to existing threads rather than start new ones - consolidating ideas in existing threads gives us a better chance of getting expanded ship interiors to happen.

    Exploring other locations in the Sol System

    Again, the question is, what sort of gameplay feature would justify creating a new map?

    If you're just wanting to explore for the sake of completeness, then that's a pretty weak reason (at least from PWE's point of view). There needs to be something there that players would regularly come back to do in order to justify having other locations in the Sol system.

    During the in-game First Contact Day event, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards interior map orbiting Mars was temporarily available. It might be possible to reuse the map in a permanent manner by having advanced in-game ship refit facilities for players who want to upgrade existing ships instead of buying C-store or Fleet ones, but most players would prefer doing so at existing social hubs like ESD / First City / DS9.

    Other planets? They're mostly gas giants. So other than flying around in circles, there's not much one can do.

    Another point that was discussed in yet another existing thread was how to travel to other planets within a star system. In-canon, impulse drives are sufficient for bouncing between planets, but from a game engine perspective it's simply not possible to make a massive Sol system social map (imagine the loading times!). Warping between planets would allow breaking the Sol system map up into separate regions for each planet, but sounds like overkill from a lore perspective (and you still have to contend with having nothing to do once you're there).

    Foundry Maps

    Have any of those been actually featured in Trek canon? Do we know what they actually look like in the Trek universe?
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd love to see an Excelsior style bridge pack released. At the moment I play with the Prometheus bridge as it is the closest available, but it's not ideal.

    In terms of maps, I'd like to see more functionality added to the ship interiors, maybe even some missions triggered while in sector space; "Oh no, we've been boarded!", "Warp core breach imminent, shut it down and fix it!", "Strange gravitational anomaly detected off the port bow!", that sort of thing. Missions that take place aboard your own ship.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    From June's Ask Cryptic
    Q: (Jared1701) Are there still plans to bring crafting, a working shuttle bay, and new mini games to ship interiors and if so when?

    Dstahl: These items had shown up in previous Engineering Reports as designs we were discussing and wanting to put in the game, but are not currently being worked on. At this time, we are focused on Starbase interiors. Neverwinter is working on a Foundry addition to build custom interior spaces (room by room). Once this feature is done and ready, we will have the opportunity to import something similar into STO. At that time, we would consider opening up the ability for players to fully customize their own ship interiors room by room and prop by prop. That is a ways off at this point, though.

    Would be nice to be able to make the ship interior that I want rather than what is currently available.
  • arrowdasharrowdash Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would like a TMP-style bridge and interior, please!
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