A feature that I think would be a very nice addition to the DOFF system would be a tab (or better yet a floating window you could always keep up) that showed a summary of your Duty Officer Roster by specialization, indicating a total number of DOFFs of each specialization, and a breakdown of the number of each quality in each specialization. A simple text readout like the following would be great;
This would allow us to tell at a glance what specializations we were short on (useful when picking Duty Officers from the store when we advance in a commendation category) and what specializations we had an a abundance of (useful when selecting which ones to include in upgrade and downgrade assignments, or which ones to dismiss for dilithium).
Another pet peeve that I have with the current DOFF system UI is that when planning an assignment from a department head, if you open the Replicator window to purchase commodities, the DOFF UI window switches from the assignment you have open to the main window so you need to navigate back to the assignment you were working on. This is annoying, and if this behavior could be changed then it would be a very nice quality of life improvement.
The roster used to be sorted by name. now if has no sort whatsoever. People mentioned the idea to Heretic several times when he was in chat. He seemed to like the idea, but was noncommital as to when it would get implemented.
My character Tsin'xing