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Premade team arena

gibbsptgibbspt Member Posts: 80 Arc User
edited August 2012 in PvP Gameplay
hello fellow captians i have a sugestion to make the game a little bit more fair on PvP, what about a Pre Made team only Arena? because many players dont play on pre made teams and pre made teams ruin our fun, so why dont cryptic do an arena only for pre made teams and the normal arenas be only for players with individual queues...
give your feedback
Federation :: Fleetless :: Klingon
Jorge Silva - Tac | Nayja - Sci | Jorge E. Silva - Eng
Jorge R. Silva - Tac (Romulan Fed)
Nayja K Silva - Sci | Vurg'jah - Tac
Post edited by gibbspt on


  • soulwarrior78soulwarrior78 Member Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Or just do like so many other games I've played already do; set up the system so it tries to match a premade against another premade, and only if after a while if no other premade is found that the premade is sent out against a pug.
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Or just do like so many other games I've played already do; set up the system so it tries to match a premade against another premade, and only if after a while if no other premade is found that the premade is sent out against a pug.

    This is basically what any halfway serious game does but really this is STO, be thankful they aren't hiding the PvP queue button behind a console root command.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited August 2012
    This is basically what any halfway serious game does but really this is STO, be thankful they aren't hiding the PvP queue button behind a console root command.



    have fun kill bad guys!

  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Really any time in the past that they have played even in a minor way with the code for the que system it has resulted in a week of broken ques... they can leave em be thanks. :)

    Really this game doesn't have the pop for the que to be choosy... how many times have you all been sitting in the ques counting the people 8 9 10 come on Pop come on Pop... ahhh down to 8 cause 2 people where qued for some dumb pve or something.... LOL

    Honestly this game unlike almost every one of those "other" mmos with the fancy ques... has a real community that isn't full of A holes. So if you find yourself in to many terrible pugs or if you are willing to admit you are one of the terrible pugs... JOIN OrganizedPvP. Talk to people. Make friends, join a fleet, Create a Fleet, or Start teaming with the PvP regulars. Even if you still just que and get stuck with 3 terrible players and a afker every match... at least you will get to know the people and have yourself a much more entertaining time.

    Cryptic would have to make some changes to drive the pop to PvP to make a preferential que system operable... however we can look forward to that broken promise in 2015. SO hey Opvp awaits you with trek style charm.
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited August 2012
    gibbspt wrote: »
    hello fellow captians i have a sugestion to make the game a little bit more fair on PvP, what about a Pre Made team only Arena? because many players dont play on pre made teams and pre made teams ruin our fun, so why dont cryptic do an arena only for pre made teams and the normal arenas be only for players with individual queues...
    give your feedback

    And what happens when a team sits in that que and nothing happens?
    What happens when 2-3 good players randomly get teamed together and still roll the opposing team?
    Why not join or create a team yourself? It is a TEAM game after all. Would you ask the same thing for Stf or fleet events? Or better yet would you advocate that ONLY teams should be allowed to que for those?

    Why is the percieved solution to this problem to segregate the ques?
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