Science captains gain "Sensor Scan" and "Tricoder Scan" ability during his/her career.
According to Wiki and in-game description, it adds resistance debuff to the scanned enemy.
I was wondering if this 'effect' is for that particular captain, or will all teammates benefit from the scan as well?
It applies to the target, so anyone that fires upon it benefits from it. Same with the Tactical captain's ability "Fire on my Mark" and the Boff power Attack Pattern Beta. Really useful in team play versus the boss.
Remember that Sensors scan in space is dependent on your aux power, so best to boost that before scanning someone.
Also, the tricorder scan can help sense cloaked targets. It almost reveals them for a second. So scan around you, target a cloaked group and fire an AoE across them.
The damage resistance debuff is on the target(s). Any damage they take from any source is increased by the amount of the debuff. What makes this mechanic nice is that it stacks with any damage bufs you or a teammate uses.
Also be aware of the fact, that it is an AoE ability. It will debuff not only the target but also additional objects around it (both space and ground).
Remember that Sensors scan in space is dependent on your aux power, so best to boost that before scanning someone.
Also, the tricorder scan can help sense cloaked targets. It almost reveals them for a second. So scan around you, target a cloaked group and fire an AoE across them.
Join Date: Aug 2010