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What Went Wrong? What Can Be Improved?: A Conversation on Making a great 3rd Faction

gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
Framing the Debate: Lessons from the KDF

It goes without saying that the KDF is not the strongest spoke in the STO wheel. By this comment I do not mean to degrade its players--KDF is my primary faction--but simply to say that, the playing experience is of a lesser quality than on the Fed side. Few would dispute this. From PWE's angle, the faction simply does not produce the revenue the Fed side does. In defense of PWE, the devs have exhibited simple business sense that any reasonably-"lobed"-Ferengi could agree with: Invest where there are profits. PWE should not be blamed for following their "ears," as it were.

That being said, behind the anger that many of my KDF friends exhibit is a genuine love for Star Trek, the KDF, and the game. Canonically speaking, Klingons are passionate warriors; this carries over into our role-playing in the game. Our faction is great because it is made up of great people, but the playing experience on the KDF side is admittedly sub-par. We fight for what we want, and to fight is to be Klingon.

I am writing this post, however, to start a conversation around the topic of a third faction. It is my hope that this thread can serve as a think-tank type resource for PWE as they begin to brainstorm about a third faction (season 8 it sounds like). A few key issues need to be reflected upon so as to prevent many of the problems we are currently having in the KDF. These questions will be updated as the conversations grows.


1) What are some of the key problems with the KDF faction that need to be recognized and addressed so that they can be avoided when PWE decides to create a third faction? Put differently, what can the devs do with a third faction in order to prevent the problems we now see with KDF. Another underdeveloped minority faction will only result in greater consumer anger.

2) After the honeymoon period?i.e., the 1-2 months in which everyone plays faction 3 because it is new and cool?how will PWE keep the content, characters, and ships so compelling, fresh, and interesting that people will stay for the long run? To continue the metaphor, ?novelty? keeps a couple together on the honeymoon; what can be done to ensure that the marriage will stay together in year 10, 20, 30?. What will make faction 3 a solid, long-haul aspect of the game?

3) From the perspective of canon, both the Romulans and the Klingons have a limited number of ships when compared to the vast diversity one sees in the Federation. This makes sense since all of the Star Trek series are, in fact, focused on the Federation. Will PWE have the resources to put into designing new ships, or will the Third Faction have to deal with long periods of time without new equipment/ships, as the KDF is currently experiencing (see my post on a proposed Negh?var with more universal slots [http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=353631])? Another way of putting this: Does PWE have the resources to devote to developing new ships when the canon ships run out?

4) If KDF is second on the faction priority list currently, will it be bumped to third place? What will the third faction mean for the health of the already-existing KDF faction?

5) Generally speaking, what lessons can be learned from the game more generally that will help the devs make faction 3 an excellent playing experience?

An Appeal Against Rage:

Please do not allow this thread to be a vent thread, full of angry comments toward PWE. I once heard one of the devs interviewed (I won?t mention names) and he mentioned that there is often so much ?ranting? that it is difficult to get sift through the forums for the really valuable material. For better or worse, what this suggests to me is that, when there is an overabundance of ranting, the thread is simply passed over. Make your critiques and suggestions thoughtful, even forceful, but please leave ranting to the side for the moment so that we can gain a hearing.


Let's make this thread one that is genuinely productive and generative?one that the devs can return to as they think about a third faction. If you see other questions you want added to this list, PM me in-game or just leave them in the discussion below and I will try to update the list. This post will remain ?under construction? as the conversation develops. See you in-game.
Post edited by gradstudent1 on


  • ncckillerncckiller Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You are so right kdf is weak,when I play it I do not feel like a klingon at all.And now cryptic is talking about a romulan faction please don't do it no one will be happy with what you give us.Fact is most people just want the romulan ships,so I have crazy idea turn the tribble server in to the mirror universe server think about it not much cannon to deal with and I can play a real bad guy:)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Truthfully I think much of the anget about KDF stems from misinterpretation of their promises. But also some of what they said was too open ended and leant itself to being misinterpreted.

    That being said it wouldn't be a lot of fun for them to release a new faction that can only be played at VA with no story missions. Even if they aren't particularly elaborate having a story to play through helps a lot.

    Does it need to be as long as the Fed story mode? NO! There are several Fed story missions that I have never played simply because there's just too many of them! A lot of them bore me too. Especially the True Way stuff.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What would help the KDF would be getting rid of the FEd campain requirement. in order to even play KDF you have to get to lvl 25 in fed. so some would have why bother. Getting rid of this requirement and you might see a jump in the KDF side. Also when you run out of cannon ships, look at mod sites for Bridge Commander and Legacy. There are tons of fan made ships for them to use.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What would help the KDF would be getting rid of the FEd campain requirement. in order to even play KDF you have to get to lvl 25 in fed. so some would have why bother. Getting rid of this requirement and you might see a jump in the KDF side. Also when you run out of cannon ships, look at mod sites for Bridge Commander and Legacy. There are tons of fan made ships for them to use.
    I assume you realize you can be sued for using someone else's ideas without their permission, right? It's taken about a year for Cryptic and Mark Rademaker to come to an agreement on using the Vesta and Merian Classes in the game. IE, it's taken that long for them to agree on how much Mark would be paid to allow them to be used. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    With regards to points 1 and 2, the biggest problem with the KDF was, and still is, the circular logic issue.

    Not enough content - > not enough long-term players - > not enough incentive for Cryptic to make KDF exlusive content -> not enough content.

    That more than anything has hamstrung the KDF as a faction. I believe Cryptic had the best intentions of making two equal factions. They just realised some time after saying that they wanted to that it wasn't actually do-able by launch, so they concentrated on the Federation. And thereafter the playerbase was so skewed in favour of the Feds, partly because of the lack of KDF content, that it wasn't economical for them to do more than toss the KDF an occassional bone.

    To fix this, they just need to sit down and make some major content releases for the KDF and accept that it won't make them the most money they possibly can, at least in the short term, with the same use of resources. Within the existing framework of KDF Storyline missions rewarding more XP than Fed ones, giving them enough new material to level from 1 to 20 (so it still wouldn't be as many missions as the Fed side has), along with a KDF tutorial and the ability to start as KDF without making & levelling a Fed first, would be enough for me.

    If they want to avoid turning the Romulans (since it's safe to assume they'll be the third faction) into KDF#2, then they have to drop it with far more content than the KDF had at lauch. At least as much as the KDF has now, preferably more, so you can start a Romulan at level 1. And they'd need to make a plan, even an internal one that they don't announce, for future content releases and stick to that plan regardless of numbers to give the faction a chance to establish itself.

    On point 3, I have no idea if they have the resources or not. They have come up with 2 very nice models recently for the Armitage and Regent, as well as the Fleet Ships, although those are all based on existing ships. Added to that, they have come up with a decent looking all new ship design for the Atrox, and the STO only KDF ships aren't exactly bad either. I'm actually quite fond of the Kar'Fi and Garumba, they're the coolest (if not necessarily the best) two ships in the game. So they definitely have the ability to make good new ships, imo. Whether they can come up with a whole clutch of good ships at once to make a full Romulan faction, I honestly don't know since I can't remember the release 'rate' for all of those ships off the top of my head.

    I'd imagine trying to keep a 'different but balanced' approach to 3 factions worth of ships would be nigh on impossible though. I can see plenty of instances of Faction X should have Unique Ship A, whilst but Faction Y should have an answer to it without having a ship with the exact same design philosophy that would be difficult to resolve.

    Point 4, I don't think it can be discussed at length without setting off a convo that ignores your appeal against rage. But I'll try. If they did the Romulans as I detailed above with a lot of content from the outset and a plan for future releases that was stuck to, and the KDF remained as it is, the result would probably be more people playing Romulans than KDF over the medium and long term. So the reality would be that the Romulan faction would become #2 and the KDF bumped to #3. There's no point in dancing around the issue, a lot of primary-KDF or KDF only players will take that as a '**** you', and might be put off going near the Romulan faction or staying in the game in general over it. Which is not good for anyone.
    If they fixed the KDF and then did the Romulans properly, I don't know which would be more popular, but there probably wouldn't be much in the difference, so there wouldn't be much difference in resource allocation. So that would cause less issues.

    I might come back to point 5 if I think of something good.
  • dariusmajeredariusmajere Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If I remember correctly, the KDF faction was originally a Advanced Faction to get into. It was a PVP faction. It was never boasted to have a full episode list or content. But the option to unlock at a later stage for a more advanced fight. Alot of people complain that the KDF is not "complete" there are no 1-20 missions for the reason is the player starts at 20. The faction again was Designed for PVP use. Also, Lets look at the amount of ships and Costumes the KDF have seen canon was and non canon wise through the shows. Even the Romulans since the talk of the 3rd Faction. Also the Third faction discussion came back up because someone asked about playing as Borg. They said they would more likely create a Romulan faction before they did a Borg one. They did NOT say they WERE creating the faction. They did say tho they will be creating story onto the romulan Arc in season 7, this was mentioned at the Las Vegas Convention. But before they did any work on a 3rd faction they would put effort into the KDF faction First. They stated that faction had to be fleshed out more before they put any serious thought into a third one.
    Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
    Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
    Proud Listener of Subspace-Radio.net The Voice of Star Trek Online.
  • gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thank you all so much for these fantastic comments.

    skhc: I commend you for controlling your rage!=) But not only that, I commend you for giving some really nice, reflective feedback. If this thread continues to gain momentum, I might have something really substantial to present to the devs via twitter. That is my hope, at least.

    Please, let the conversation continue. I think that both the new faction and the KDF stands to benefit from further comments.
  • hawks3052hawks3052 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Official statement from Cryptic from 2008:

    At Gen Con Jack Emmert said: "Starfleet and Klingon. Yeah. So two factions, full PvE content."

    After that they said that at the beginning KDF would be PvP oriented, not a PvP Faction as they realized they couldn't get KDF on par before the release date.

    Just see here

  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If I remember correctly, the KDF faction was originally a Advanced Faction to get into. It was a PVP faction. It was never boasted to have a full episode list or content. But the option to unlock at a later stage for a more advanced fight. Alot of people complain that the KDF is not "complete" there are no 1-20 missions for the reason is the player starts at 20. The faction again was Designed for PVP use.

    The original plan was for it to be a full PvE faction like the Federation. That plan just couldn't be realised in time for launch and updates to get it there were promised. A lot of which haven't been delivered simply because it wasn't economical for Cryptic to deliver on them.

    That's why people complain.

    I've had a further thought. With the status of the Romulan Empire established already in STO, I don't see at least two of the Featured Episodes working for them, which is a lot of content for them to miss out on. Maybe they could implement a 2 out of 3 system for some future Featured Episodes, whereby it'd only be playable by 2 factions and release a couple like that with the Romulans at lauch. So for example, the Reman Mystery and Dominion FE could only be played by Feds & KDF, since it's hard to make sense of the player doing the same things as a Romulan. Whilst another couple of Romulan Episodes could be introduced at Romulan launch that both the KDF & Romulans could play, but not the Feds.

    Down the line, some that are Fed & Romulan only could be brough in, and some FE's would be sufficiently ubiquituos for all three to use (ie. if they do one on the Iconians).

    Half-assed idea?
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The KDF was supposed to be a full Faction but Cryptic ran out of time during production. The game had to be launched by the original license date Perpetual agreed to or the license would have been forfeited. So the KDF were put on the back burner and made a PvP only Faction.

    Since that time the KDF have gotten 9 new Missions, plus Sorties, Marauding, etc, but it's become impossible for Cryptic to please the voracious hunger of the Fed player while still trying to do anything extra for the KDF. And, of course, both Factions lost a year to the FTP conversion.

    At this point, in this economy, there's no way PW is going to dump $1 million into the KDF to bring them up to snuff. There's not enough proof that the financial investment would net back the money - not when other Sub games are dropping like flies and converting to FTP as quickly as they can. The only way I can ever see Cryptic being able to put the money into the KDF is via an Expansion Pack like LotRO and DDO make. That way they're assured of a return rather then just hoping more people will join the game to play KDF.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    I assume you realize you can be sued for using someone else's ideas without their permission, right? It's taken about a year for Cryptic and Mark Rademaker to come to an agreement on using the Vesta and Merian Classes in the game. IE, it's taken that long for them to agree on how much Mark would be paid to allow them to be used. :)
    Umm Vesta withstanding, they can find those mod groups and asked the guys who made those models the right to use them and credit the original designer. that that hard. Vesta has been featured in books which complicate things
  • agyriamandrakeagyriamandrake Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What would help the KDF would be getting rid of the FEd campain requirement. in order to even play KDF you have to get to lvl 25 in fed. so some would have why bother. Getting rid of this requirement and you might see a jump in the KDF side. Also when you run out of cannon ships, look at mod sites for Bridge Commander and Legacy. There are tons of fan made ships for them to use.

    Totally agree with removing the fed lvl 25 requirement.

    Would be interesting for the devs to make an opening/start episode for the kdf side. Would help with emersion into the faction. That being said a 3rd faction would do well to have its own opening episode for emersion.

    Currently the focus is mostly on Fed content but if the devs managed thier cookies just right they could find a fair way to provide content for all their factions.

    example: 2x fed content, 1x kdf content, 1x new faction content.

    excellent post btw:cool:
  • hawks3052hawks3052 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The few story line missions the KDF has are superior to anything I've seen on the blue side.
    Regretably I can't see any muchKDF missions since all essources seem to go into C-Store to generate revenue. The money seems not to be reinvested into STO either.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Umm Vesta withstanding, they can find those mod groups and asked the guys who made those models the right to use them and credit the original designer. that that hard. Vesta has been featured in books which complicate things
    It still requires CBS to approve their use and it still requires an agreement between the builder and Cryptic. How complicated it might be entirely depends on the owners of those ship models. You might feel like they're willing to give up their rights for free but my 20 years of dealing with business licenses tends to disagree with that. When money's involved people want their fare share.

    And for the record it wasn't CBS that was holding up the Rademaker deal due it being used in books. CBS approved the use of the ships a year ago. The hold up was all between Cryptic and Mark.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • ggg247ggg247 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I don't see a third "full" faction ever happening in this game because it would take far too many resources for too little return.

    How many Fed leveling-up missions are there right now? 50-60? And yet, we the players still would like more in order to make leveling up less boring and less of a grind. I think I read somewhere that 50 new KDF missions would fill out that faction completely, yet there's been very little movement on that front.

    I think a more realistic goal would be as follows:

    1. Finish the KDF faction in order for it to run from levels 1-50.

    2. When a player hits level 50 with any character (Fed or KDF), the ability to start a Romulan alt opens up.

    3. Romulans start at level 45. There are 5-10 Romulan-centered PvE missions to run. 3 classes - Science/Eng/Tac. 5 unique Romulan ships.

    4. At 50, Romulans get access to all end-game content, same as Fed and KDF (Starbases, future exploration, future colonization, etc.).

    I think this would be both do-able and economical. Is it perfect? No, but it could be fun, and it could be done within a reasonable amount of time.

    If it works, they could later roll out Cardassians and Breen.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    skhc wrote: »
    I've had a further thought. With the status of the Romulan Empire established already in STO, I don't see at least two of the Featured Episodes working for them, which is a lot of content for them to miss out on. Maybe they could implement a 2 out of 3 system for some future Featured Episodes, whereby it'd only be playable by 2 factions and release a couple like that with the Romulans at lauch. So for example, the Reman Mystery and Dominion FE could only be played by Feds & KDF, since it's hard to make sense of the player doing the same things as a Romulan. Whilst another couple of Romulan Episodes could be introduced at Romulan launch that both the KDF & Romulans could play, but not the Feds.

    Down the line, some that are Fed & Romulan only could be brough in, and some FE's would be sufficiently ubiquituos for all three to use (ie. if they do one on the Iconians).

    Half-assed idea?

    Actually, I don't see the Devidian FE's working all that well either, thematically. The past missions where you're on a Federation starbase, specifically. They might not recognize modern Klingons, but they sure can't miss a uniformed Romulan.

    The Deferi FE's could be kind of sticky if a Romulan faction included the Breen, too.

    What I would like to see, that would make it a little more possible, would be mission tech that let Cryptic substitute maps or even entire missions based on faction. It could really work out for the KDF too, if some of the less suitable missions could be replaced with substitutes. Same general storyline, more customizable per faction.

    What I can't see is the player base being very happy about FE's that excluded their faction without getting any content of their own at the same time. I'm not sure Cryptic is open to that particular can of worms anytime soon.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • trs80trs80 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ggg247 wrote: »
    I don't see a third "full" faction ever happening in this game because it would take far too many resources for too little return.

    How many Fed leveling-up missions are there right now? 50-60? And yet, we the players still would like more in order to make leveling up less boring and less of a grind. I think I read somewhere that 50 new KDF missions would fill out that faction completely, yet there's been very little movement on that front.

    I think a more realistic goal would be as follows:

    1. Finish the KDF faction in order for it to run from levels 1-50.

    2. When a player hits level 50 with any character (Fed or KDF), the ability to start a Romulan alt opens up.

    3. Romulans start at level 45. There are 5-10 Romulan-centered PvE missions to run. 3 classes - Science/Eng/Tac. 5 unique Romulan ships.

    4. At 50, Romulans get access to all end-game content, same as Fed and KDF (Starbases, future exploration, future colonization, etc.).

    I think this would be both do-able and economical. Is it perfect? No, but it could be fun, and it could be done within a reasonable amount of time.

    If it works, they could later roll out Cardassians and Breen.

    Could it be done sure, should it be done?

    They could create a story arc in witch a the Remans/Romulan join the Federation\Klingon Empire that is unlocked after L45/50 instead of creating a NEW playable faction.

    But as a player i would like to see more PvE content at the top end, right now you have 3 Space and 3 ground STF's. The idea that 6 missions are going to hold peoples attention for the long haul is just laughable there are more missions that could be remastered, Terrordome Space/Ground.
  • wotertoolwotertool Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    trs80 wrote: »
    Could it be done sure, should it be done?

    They could create a story arc in witch a the Remans/Romulan join the Federation\Klingon Empire that is unlocked after L45/50 instead of creating a NEW playable faction.

    But as a player i would like to see more PvE content at the top end, right now you have 3 Space and 3 ground STF's. The idea that 6 missions are going to hold peoples attention for the long haul is just laughable there are more missions that could be remastered, Terrordome Space/Ground.

    Bad idea, really, really, really, bad idea!

    Many or even most fans of the romulan Empire don't want to play side on side with the Starfleet and their missions. A NEW faction (at least from lvl 40 to 50) would be much better than a new species with 3 ships on FED side.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    skhc wrote: »
    The original plan was for it to be a full PvE faction like the Federation. That plan just couldn't be realised in time for launch and updates to get it there were promised. A lot of which haven't been delivered simply because it wasn't economical for Cryptic to deliver on them.

    That's why people complain.

    I've had a further thought. With the status of the Romulan Empire established already in STO, I don't see at least two of the Featured Episodes working for them, which is a lot of content for them to miss out on. Maybe they could implement a 2 out of 3 system for some future Featured Episodes, whereby it'd only be playable by 2 factions and release a couple like that with the Romulans at lauch. So for example, the Reman Mystery and Dominion FE could only be played by Feds & KDF, since it's hard to make sense of the player doing the same things as a Romulan. Whilst another couple of Romulan Episodes could be introduced at Romulan launch that both the KDF & Romulans could play, but not the Feds.

    Down the line, some that are Fed & Romulan only could be brough in, and some FE's would be sufficiently ubiquituos for all three to use (ie. if they do one on the Iconians).

    Half-assed idea?
    SOME of the Reman eps involve fighting Romulans, but.... a Romulan investigating things probably would got shot at if the Tal'Shiar decided that they didn't want witnesses.....

    What about the Dominion FEs would pose a problem? The first mission?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tlamstriketlamstrike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Actually, I don't see the Devidian FE's working all that well either, thematically. The past missions where you're on a Federation starbase, specifically. They might not recognize modern Klingons, but they sure can't miss a uniformed Romulan.

    Could be explained away as having taken place before "Balance of Terror" when no Human knew what Romulans looked like.
    My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug. :D
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Cryptic couldn't make a decent KDF faction. What makes anyone think a Romulan faction, whatever level they begin at, would be anything but abysmal. The last FE was and still is bugged all to hell where it cannot be completed and is riddled with typos. The Starbase dailies and Fleet Events continue this shoddy work.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • trs80trs80 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    wotertool wrote: »
    Bad idea, really, really, really, bad idea!

    Many or even most fans of the romulan Empire don't want to play side on side with the Starfleet and their missions. A NEW faction (at least from lvl 40 to 50) would be much better than a new species with 3 ships on FED side.

    It may not be the ideal idea but it isnt "bad" its just one you dislike. Making them a incomplete playable faction would be an even worse idea.

    Reason 01: Lack of Story to flush out the Romulan Empire, this will upset people who want to enjoy the content if there really isn't any or vary little.

    Reason 02: Lack of Ships they have the Bird of Pray, Escort, War Bird and Scimitar, the chances of getting much in the way of new ships will be small to non-existent.

    Reason 03: If they did make it an unlock and its own faction, many players would be forced to buy more character slots. This would generate even more outrage from players and feed the "PWE is just pumping the play for money" out rage.

    Reason 04: If they made it a Playable Faction you would take a already small/fragmented player base and fragment it even more. The fact that many players would be forced to buy additional character slots would prevent many players from playing and cause many people to just refuse to play them because it would cost them ZEN.

    Reason 05: Development Resources - Where are the resources going to some to create the missions/maps/bridges/star bases/ect... Right now the Developers cant keep up with the current schedule let alone take on a huge undertaking like flushing out a new story arc for a small sub set of players.


    If they had the time/resources to do it right, after fixing the Klingon Empire more people would support this movement.
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