I once exchanged a Tellarite named "Lol" and ended up getting a tellarite named "Phale". I traded him off as well. it was part of the recruitment exchange process for starbase DOFFs.
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part." -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
-The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
Ironically enough their traits are actually really good.
I've got a Caitian Technician called rroarr.
Vulcans are great for a laugh too. Such as Spaam, V'Lol.
And my all time fav... a Nausicaan named Boned.
Tellarite Male: Bank
Tellarite Male: Tall
Tellarite Female: Model
Catain Female: M'ale
STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
<R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
Gorn Ratass
Bolian Hell Ellol
Gorn Sh*tsh [not sure if I still have him or not though]
Ferasan Rrrrar
I mailed the best ones to myself to make sure I keep them, when I get a chance I'll pull up the list.
Best Boff name ever.
O also have Hang Bonnie
And my naussican wh9 defected named kate????
Another Cat named M'rrunt
Another one S'up
A vulcan T'pee
A Ferengi Quartermaster named Dumi. And the first four missions I sent him on landed him in Sick Bay, like a dummy.
I have a male Vulcan nurse named Puss.
I also had a DOff named Charles Brown.
Good grief.
P'usy is a member of my crew I can't find myself getting rid of either, despite being unneeded. :cool:
500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...