Hello Everyone dont come on here much but,Had to come on here an let others know of a certain Fleet Maquis Alliance Elite Force.I have been in this game since Oct.09 (beta) an have helped start some of the first in this GAME. thats just it but yet some take it real serious this is a quote from the Leader of this Fleet."if you have a complaint tough
@#$% want a fleet that cares go somwhere else because i dont"end quote as long as i have been in here and helping people out i have never had someone talk that way to thier members an expect them to help out when most players get off of school or work an want to escape not be trashed by the 1 who helps them escape anyway just a heads up to my fellow players and new ones Stay away from this Fleet unless you like drama on a Video Game..See ya'll in there..
Let me start by saying i am sorry for the headaches that i may have caused you know the reasons.
Know let me respond to the bad leadership that you have stated we have , but we opened our teamspeak server showec people how to do the infected ground elite mission to get the optional and really carried you threw it most times for the fact that you had been drinking couldn't jump and still can't all this time never once telling you that you sucked ,i stuck up for you found you the community autghored mission to help you learn to jump allowed you to do what you wanted and for this i get nothing but greif from you everytime i log onto the game Via an email, about your rank in the fleet being changed ,then you turn around get youtr own teamspeak server and tell me some bull**** story about doing it to help me. All this time trying to find a happy medium in the way the ranks and permissions needed to be and you whinning about yout rank and that you had been here for a year , NEWS Flash you were not your first time on this fleet was after season 5's release and you came here because we are good at what we do, The Maquis Alliance has been and always will be A helpfull fleet , but when it comes to a teamspeak server all that changes becasuse then it becomes personal. I never wanted to boot you from fleet but you apparently could not see that what i was doing was trying to make everyone happy with the permission set All along you basically were the only one crying..
Not every fleet can conform to every single member, i try to take care of every single person, but its impossible to meet the needs of every single person and every single complaint, otherwise go make your own fleet, and then see how hard it is....that is if you can get anyone to join.